
    A class that represents a test function attribute.
    The PSTestAttribute class extends the System.Attribute class and includes three properties: IArgs and Assert.
    It also includes three constructors.
    An array that holds input arguments for the function to be tested.
    An assertion for the function to be tested.
    A constructor that takes no arguments.
    A constructor that takes an array of input arguments for the function to be tested.
    PSTestAttribute($IArgs, $Assert)
    A constructor that takes an array of input arguments and an assertion for the function to be tested.
    PSTestAttribute($IArgs, $Assert, $AssertVar)
    A constructor that takes an array of input arguments and an assertion for the function to be tested.

class PSTestAttribute : System.Attribute {
    # An array to hold input arguments for the function to be tested
    # Script block containing an assertion statement
    # Option to set a custom var
    [string]$AssertVar = '$r'

    # Constructor with no arguments
    PSTestAttribute() {}

    # Constructor with input arguments but no assertion
    PSTestAttribute($IArgs) {
        $this.IArgs = $IArgs

    # Constructor with both input arguments and assertion
    PSTestAttribute($IArgs, $Assert) {
        $this.IArgs = $IArgs
        $this.Assert = $Assert
    # Constructor with all input arguments
    PSTestAttribute($IArgs, $Assert, $AssertVar) {
        $this.IArgs = $IArgs
        $this.Assert = $Assert
        $this.AssertVar = $AssertVar

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    A class that represents the result of a test function.
    The PSTestResult class has four properties: ResultType, ErrorType, Result, and Test.
    It also includes two constructors and a method to convert the result to a JSON string.
    An enum that represents the type of result. It can be either Success or Error.
    The default value is Success.
    An enum that represents the type of error. It can be either Assert or Exception.
    The default value is $null.
    An object that represents the result of the test function.
    A string that represents the function that was run.
    Object that contains the input arguments for the function.
    PSTestResult([object]$result, [string]$test)
    A constructor that takes a result object, a test function name, and its arguments.
    It sets the ResultType to Success.
    PSTestResult([ResultType] $resultType, [object]$result, [string]$test, [ErrorType] $ErrorType)
    A constructor that takes a result type, a result object, a test function name, and an error type,
    and sets the corresponding properties.
    A method that converts the Result object to a JSON string.
    An enum that represents the type of result. It can be either Success or Error.

class PSTestResult {
    [string] $TestFn; # the function that was ran
    [object] $TestArgs
    [object] $Result;
    [ResultType] $ResultType = [ResultType]::Success;

    # default (Success + message + test)
    PSTestResult([object]$result, [string]$testfn, [object] $testArgs) {
        $this.Result = $result;
        $this.TestFn = $testfn;
        $this.TestArgs = $testArgs;
    # Full
    PSTestResult([ResultType] $resultType, [object]$result, [string]$testfn, [object] $testArgs) {
        $this.Result = $result;
        $this.ResultType = $resultType;
        $this.TestFn = $testfn;
        $this.TestArgs = $testArgs;
    # Convert result to JSON
    [string] ResultToString(){
        return $this.Result | ConvertTo-Json

enum ResultType {

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