function Ping-Host { <# .SYNOPSIS Ping host .DESCRIPTION Test the connection to a specified host .NOTES File name: Ping-Host.ps1 Author: Florian Carrier Creation date: 2022-02-15 Last modified: 2022-02-15 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding ()] Param ( [Parameter ( Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Hostname or IP address" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()] [Alias ("Address")] [System.String] $Hostname, [Parameter ( Position = 2, Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Timeout (in seconds)" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ()] [System.Int32] $TimeOut = 1, [Parameter ( HelpMessage = "Return detailed status" )] [Switch] $Status ) Begin { # Get global preference vrariables Get-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState # Status codes $StatusCodes = [Ordered]@{ [System.UInt32]0 = "Success" [System.UInt32]11001 = "Buffer Too Small" [System.UInt32]11002 = "Destination Net Unreachable" [System.UInt32]11003 = "Destination Host Unreachable" [System.UInt32]11004 = "Destination Protocol Unreachable" [System.UInt32]11005 = "Destination Port Unreachable" [System.UInt32]11006 = "No Resources" [System.UInt32]11007 = "Bad Option" [System.UInt32]11008 = "Hardware Error" [System.UInt32]11009 = "Packet Too Big" [System.UInt32]11010 = "Request Timed Out" [System.UInt32]11011 = "Bad Request" [System.UInt32]11012 = "Bad Route" [System.UInt32]11013 = "TimeToLive Expired Transit" [System.UInt32]11014 = "TimeToLive Expired Reassembly" [System.UInt32]11015 = "Parameter Problem" [System.UInt32]11016 = "Source Quench" [System.UInt32]11017 = "Option Too Big" [System.UInt32]11018 = "Bad Destination" [System.UInt32]11032 = "Negotiating IPSEC" [System.UInt32]11050 = "General Failure" } # Convert time-out to milliseconds $TimeOut = $TimeOut * 1000 } Process { # Ping host $Ping = Get-CimInstance -ClassName "Win32_PingStatus" -Filter "Address='$Hostname' AND Timeout=$TimeOut" if ($Status) { # Return status label if ($null -eq $Ping.StatusCode) { $Output = "Failure" } else { $Output = $StatusCodes.$($Ping.StatusCode) } } else { # Return boolean $Output = ($Ping.StatusCode -eq 0) } return $Output } } |