function Update-CacheLookup { <# .Synopsis Update-CacheLookup .DESCRIPTION Update a cache lookup hashtable with an object .PARAMETER LookupName Name of LokkupClass where to update .PARAMETER Id The Id to of the record to cache .PARAMETER Name The name of the record to cache .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Update-CacheLookup -LookupName "Departments" -Id $department.Id -Name $department.Name Update or insert the key from variable $department.Id of the cache-lookup-hashtable [TANSS.Lookup]::Departments with the name $department.Name .NOTES Author: Andreas Bellstedt .LINK #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $false, PositionalBinding = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low' )] Param( [string] $LookupName, [int] $Id, [string] $Name ) if ([TANSS.Lookup]::$LookupName["$($Id)"] -notlike $Name) { if ([TANSS.Lookup]::$LookupName["$($Id)"]) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Update existing id '$($Id)' in [TANSS.Lookup]::$($LookupName) with value '$($Name)'" -Tag "Cache", $LookupName [TANSS.Lookup]::$LookupName["$($Id)"] = $Name } else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Insert in [TANSS.Lookup]::$($LookupName): $($Id) - '$($($Name))'" -Tag "Cache", $LookupName ([TANSS.Lookup]::$LookupName).Add("$($Id)", $Name) } } } |