Function Get-SEPToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a token that is used for the Symantec Console authentication process This requires the username, password (and domain if used). .DESCRIPTION Long description .EXAMPLE Get-SEPToken #> function Skip-Cert { <# .DESCRIPTION This function allows skipping the SSL/TLS Secure channel check in the event that there is not a valid certificate available .EXAMPLE Skip-Cert #> if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type) { $certCallback = @" using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback { public static void Ignore() { if(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate ( Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors ) { return true; }; } } } "@ Add-Type $certCallback } [ServerCertificateValidationCallback]::Ignore() } function Get-RestError($Error) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { if ($Error.Exception.Response) { $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Error.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()) $Reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 $Reader.DiscardBufferedData() $ResponseBody = $Reader.ReadToEnd() if ($ResponseBody.StartsWith('{')) { $ResponseBody = $ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json } return $ResponseBody } } else { return $Error.ErrorDetails.Message } } if($null -eq $BaseURL){ "Please enter your symantec server's name and port." "(e.g. <sepservername>:8446)" $ServerAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "Value" $Global:BaseURL = "https://" + $ServerAddress + '/sepm/api/v1' } $Creds = Get-Credential $body =@{ "username" = $Creds.UserName "password" = ([System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $Creds.Password).Password) "domain" = "" } if($null -ne $body){ $URI = $BaseURL + '/identity/authenticate' try{ Invoke-WebRequest $BaseURL } catch{ 'SSL Certificate test failed, skipping certificate validation. Please check your certificate settings and verify this is a legitimate source.' $Response = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please press enter to ignore this and continue without SSL/TLS secure channel' if($Response -eq ""){ Skip-Cert } } try{ $SEPToken = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -ContentType "application/json" -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json)).token } catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } $global:headers =@{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $SEPToken" "Content" = 'application/json' } } Function Get-SEPComputers{ <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a short or specific list of computers and their information from the Symantec Database .PARAMETER ComputerName Specifies the computer to return information on from the Symantec Database .EXAMPLE Get-SEPComputers -ComputerName TESTPC OR Get-SEPComputers .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$ComputerName ) if($null -ne $headers){ if($null -ne $ComputerName){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/computers?computerName=$ComputerName" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).content }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } else{ $URI = $BaseURL + '/computers' try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).content }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ if($null -ne $ComputerName){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/computers?computerName=$ComputerName" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).content }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } else{ $URI = $BaseURL + '/computers' try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).content }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } } function Start-SEPScan { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateSet('fullscan','activescan')][String[]]$ScanType ) $ComputerID = (Get-SEPComputers -ComputerName $ComputerName).uniqueId $URI = $BaseURL + ("/command-queue/") + [string]$ScanType + "?computer_ids=" + $ComputerID try{ $Result = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Headers $headers) if($null -ne $Result){ "Scan Type: $ScanType, was successfully sent for: $ComputerName" $Result } }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } function Set-SEPQuarantine { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$ComputerName, [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateSet('true','false')][String[]]$Disabled ) $ComputerID = (Get-SEPComputers -ComputerName $ComputerName).uniqueId $URI = $BaseURL + ("/command-queue/quarantine") + "?computer_ids=" + $ComputerID + "&undo=" + $Disabled try{ $Result = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Headers $headers) if($null -ne $Result){ "Quarantine Disabled: $Disabled, was successfully set for: $ComputerName" $Result } }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } Function Get-SEPAdmins{ <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a list of admins in the Symantec Database .EXAMPLE Get-SEPAdmins .PARAMETER AdminName Displays only a specific user from the Admin List Get-SEPAdmins -AdminName admin .EXAMPLE Get-SEPAdmins .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter()][String]$AdminName ) if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/admin-users" try{ $admins = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers) if($AdminName -eq ""){ $admins } if("" -ne $AdminName){ $admins | Where-Object { $_.loginName -eq $AdminName } } }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/admin-users" try{ $admins = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers) if($AdminName -eq ""){ $admins } if("" -ne $AdminName){ $admins | Where-Object { $_.loginName -eq $AdminName } } }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } Function Update-SEPClientInfo{ [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$ComputerName ) $ComputerID = (Get-SEPComputers -ComputerName $ComputerName).uniqueId $URI = $BaseURL + ("/command-queue/updatecontent?computer_ids=") + $ComputerID try{ $Result = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $URI -Headers $headers) if($null -ne $Result){ "Client information update request to: $ComputerName sent." $Result } }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } Function Get-SEPClientDefVersions{ if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/stats/client/content" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).clientDefStatusList }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/stats/client/content" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).clientDefStatusList }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } Function Get-SEPClientStatus{ if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/stats/client/onlinestatus" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).clientCountStatsList }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/stats/client/onlinestatus" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).clientCountStatsList }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } Function Get-SEPClientVersions{ if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/stats/client/version" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).clientVersionList }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/stats/client/version" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).clientVersionList }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } Function Get-SEPClientThreatStats{ if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/stats/threat" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).Stats }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/stats/threat" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).Stats }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } Function Get-SEPMVersion{ if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/version" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers) }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/version" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers) }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } Function Get-SEPMFirewallPolicies{ if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/policies/summary/fw" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).content }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/policies/summary/fw" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).content }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } Function Get-SEPMEventInfo{ if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/events/critical" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).criticalEventsInfoList }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } if($null -eq $headers){ Get-SEPToken if($null -ne $headers){ $URI = $BaseURL + "/events/critical" try{ (Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $URI -Headers $headers).criticalEventsInfoList }catch{ "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." $RESTError = Get-RestError($_) "Errors: $RESTError" } } } } |