Function Search-SEQuestion { <# .SYNOPSIS Search a StackExchange site for questions .DESCRIPTION Search a StackExchange site for questions .PARAMETER Title Text which must appear in returned questions' titles .PARAMETER Site StackExchange site. Default is stackoverflow .PARAMETER Tag Search by tag Limited to 5 tags .PARAMETER ExcludeTag Exclude questions with these tags Limited to 5 tags .PARAMETER BodyText Text which must appear in returned questions' bodies .PARAMETER Closed True to return only closed questions, false to return only open ones. .PARAMETER Answers The minimum number of answers returned questions must have .PARAMETER Accepted True to return only questions with accepted answers, false to return only those without. .PARAMETER Views The minimum number of views returned questions must have .PARAMETER Text A free form text parameter, will match all question properties based on an undocumented algorithm .PARAMETER User The id of the user who must own the questions returned .PARAMETER URL A url which must be contained in a post, may include a wildcard .PARAMETER FromDate Return only questions posted after this date .PARAMETER ToDate Return only questions posted before this date .PARAMETER Order Ascending or Descending .PARAMETER Sort Sorting method: activity: last_activity_date creation: creation_date votes: score relevance: matches the relevance tab on the site itself .PARAMETER Uri The base Uri for the StackExchange API. Default: .PARAMETER Version The StackExchange API version to use. .PARAMETER PageSize Items to retrieve per query. Defaults to 30 .PARAMETER MaxResults Maximum number of items to return. Defaults to 100 Specify $null or 0 to set this to the maximum value .PARAMETER Body Hash table with query options for specific object These don't appear to be case sensitive Example for recent powershell activity: -Body @{ site = 'stackoverflow' tagged = 'powershell' order = 'desc' sort = 'activity' } .FUNCTIONALITY StackExchange .EXAMPLE Search-SEQuestion -Title Citrix -Tag PowerShell # Search for questions with Citrix in the title # Posted on stackoverflow (default) # Tagged PowerShell .EXAMPLE Search-SEQuestion -User 105072 ` -Site ServerFault ` -ExcludeTag 'windows-server-2008-r2' ` -Title PowerShell # Search for questions from ServerFault User with ID 105072 # On the ServerFault site # Excluding anything tagged with server 2008 r2 # Including items with PowerShell in the title .EXAMPLE Search-SEQuestion -URL ** # Search for questions including the partial URL # Posted on stackoverflow (default) # If you post code on the internet, this is a great way to see if folks are having trouble with it .EXAMPLE Search-SEQuestion -Tag PowerShell -Accepted $False -Sort Creation -MaxResults 20 | Out-GridView -PassThru | Foreach { & 'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe' $ } # Search for questions tagged PowerShell # Posted on stackoverflow (default) # That do not have an accepted answer # sorted by creation date # Limited to the first 20 results # Send output to a gridview # Open the selected questions in IE .EXAMPLE Search-SEQuestion -Title 'system.dbnull' -tag powershell | Get-SEAnswer # Search for a question tagged PowerShell, with System.DBNull in the title # Get the answers for any questions that come back .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK .LINK Get-SEAnswer .LINK Get-SEQuestion .LINK Get-SEObject #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$Title, [string]$Site = 'stackoverflow', [ValidateCount(0,5)] [string[]]$Tag, [ValidateCount(0,5)] [string[]]$ExcludeTag, [string]$BodyText, [bool]$Closed, [int]$Answers, [bool]$Accepted, [int]$Views, [string]$Text, [string]$User, [string]$URL, [datetime]$FromDate, [datetime]$ToDate, [ValidateSet('asc', 'desc')] [string]$Order, [ValidateSet('Activity', 'Creation', 'Votes', 'Relevance')] [string]$Sort, [string]$Uri = '', [string]$Version = "2.2", [ValidateRange(1,100)][int]$PageSize = 30, [int]$MaxResults = 100, [Hashtable]$Body = @{} ) # This code basically wraps a call to Get-SEObject function # Build up the URI [string]$Object = "search/advanced" # Build up the CGI # We override existing items in body if($Title) { $Body.title = $Title } if($Tag) { $Body.tagged = $Tag -Join ';' } if($ExcludeTag) { $Body.nottagged = $ExcludeTag -Join ';' } if($Text) { $Body.q = $Text } if($User) { $Body.user = $User } if($BodyText) {$Body.body = $BodyText} if($URL) { $Body.url = $URL } if($FromDate) { $Body.FromDate = ConvertTo-UnixDate -Date $FromDate} if($ToDate) { $Body.ToDate = ConvertTo-UnixDate -Date $ToDate } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('accepted')) { $Body.accepted = $Accepted } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('answers')) { $Body.answers = $Answers } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('closed')) { $Body.closed = $Closed } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('views ')) { $Body.views = $views } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('closed')) { $Body.closed = $Closed } if($Sort) { $Body.Sort = $Sort } if($Order){ $Body.Order = $Order } $ = $Site # Build up Get-StackObject parameters $GSOParams = @{ Object = $Object Uri = $Uri Version = $Version Pagesize = $PageSize MaxResults = $MaxResults } if($Body.Keys.Count -gt 0) {$GSOParams.Body = $Body } Write-Debug ( "Running $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).`n" + "PSBoundParameters:`n$($PSBoundParameters | Format-List | Out-String)" + "Get-SEObject parameters:`n$($GSOParams | Format-List | Out-String)" ) Try { #Get the data from StackExchange Get-SEObject @GSOParams | ForEach-Object { #Add formatting and convert dates to expected format Add-ObjectDetail -InputObject $_ -TypeName 'PSStackExchange.Question' -PropertyToAdd @{ CreationDate = ConvertFrom-UnixDate -Date $_.creation_date LastActivityDate = ConvertFrom-UnixDate -Date $_.last_activity_date LastEditDate = ConvertFrom-UnixDate -Date $_.last_edit_date SESite = $Site } } } Catch { Throw $_ } } |