
Function Get-SEObject {
        Get an object from StackExchange
        Get an object from StackExchange
    .PARAMETER Object
        Type of object to query for. Accepts multiple parts.
        Example: 'sites' or 'questions/unanswered'
        The base Uri for the StackExchange API.
    .PARAMETER Version
        The StackExchange API version to use.
    .PARAMETER PageSize
        Items to retrieve per query. Defaults to 30
    .PARAMETER MaxResults
        Maximum number of items to return. Defaults to 100
        Specify $null or 0 to set this to the maximum value
        Hash table with query options for specific object
        These don't appear to be case sensitive
        Example for recent powershell activity:
            -Body @{
                site = 'stackoverflow'
                tagged = 'powershell'
                order = 'desc'
                sort = 'activity'
        Get-SEObject Sites
        # List sites on StackExchange
        Get-SEObject -Object questions/unanswered -MaxResults 50 -Body @{
        # Get the most recent 50 unanswered questions from stackoverflow, tagged powershell

        [string]$Object = "questions",
        [string]$Uri = '',
        [string]$Version = "2.2",
        [validaterange(1,100)][int]$PageSize = 30,
        [int]$MaxResults = [int]::MaxValue,        

    #This code basically wraps a call to the private Get-SEData function

    #Null or 0 specified? return max results!
        if($MaxResults -eq 0)
            $MaxResults = [int]::MaxValue

    #Build up URI
        $BaseUri = Join-Parts -Separator "/" -Parts $Uri, $Version, $($object.ToLower())

    #Build up Invoke-RestMethod and Get-SEData parameters for splatting
        $IRMParams = @{
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
            Uri = $BaseUri
            Method = 'Get'

            if(-not $Body.Keys -contains 'pagesize')
                $Body.pagesize = $PageSize
            $IRMParams.Add( 'Body', $Body )
            $IRMParams.Add('Body',@{pagesize = $PageSize})

        $GSDParams = @{ 
            IRMParams = $IRMParams
            MaxResults = $MaxResults    

    Write-Debug ( "Running $($MyInvocation.MyCommand).`n" +
                    "PSBoundParameters:$( $PSBoundParameters | Format-List | Out-String)" +
                    "Invoke-RestMethod parameters:`n$($IRMParams | Format-List | Out-String)" +
                    "Get-SEData parameters:`n$($GSDParams | Format-List | Out-String)" )

        #Get the data from Stash
        Get-SEData @GSDParams
        Throw $_