
#Region '.\_PrefixCode.ps1' 0
# Code in here will be prepended to top of the psm1-file.
#EndRegion '.\_PrefixCode.ps1' 2
#Region '.\Classes\Get-CountryIso.ps1' 0
Class CountryIsos : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
    [string[]] GetValidValues() {
        Try {
            $scripts = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
            $CountryIsos = ForEach ($script in $scripts.Data) {
        catch {
            throw "Failed to retieve Country ISO codes from ''"
        return [string[]] $CountryIsos
#EndRegion '.\Classes\Get-CountryIso.ps1' 15
#Region '.\Public\Add-STOutboundRelayHostname.ps1' 0
function Add-STOutboundRelayHostname {
    Add Outbound Relay Hostname
    Add Outbound Relay Hostname
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Target user ID
    .PARAMETER Hostname
    New ALias
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Add-OutboundRelayHostname -Url $url -Token $token -Hostname ""

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/restapi/outbound/hostnames"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserId),"Add outbound hostname")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                hostname = $($Hostname)
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-STOutboundRelayHostname.ps1' 64
#Region '.\Public\Add-STRbl.ps1' 0
function Add-STRbl {
    Adds an RBL to the system. It will be added at the end of the list.
    Adds an RBL to the system. It will be added at the end of the list.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    New Rbl
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Add-STRbl -Url $url -Token $token -Rbl ""

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserId),"Add Alias to user")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                rbl = "$($Rbl)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-STRbl.ps1' 62
#Region '.\Public\Add-STSenderBasedSmarthost.ps1' 0
function Add-STSenderBasedSmarthost {
    Add a sender-based Smarthost.
    Add a sender-based Smarthost.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Sender
    The sender to match on. It can either be a domain (preceded by an @ symbol), or an email address.
    .PARAMETER Smarthost
    Address to send mail to. Has to be either an FQDN or IP (IPv4 or IPv6).
    The port to deliver mail to at the smarthost address.
    Default value: 25
    .PARAMETER NeedAuth
    If authentication is required for the smarthost address.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Credential
    [PSCredential] The Credentials to authenticate against the smarthost. Required if needauth is true.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Add-STSenderBasedSmarthost -Url $url -Token $token -Sender "" -Smarthost "" -Port 25

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '(^(([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])|[a-z0-9]+\.)*([a-z]+|xn\-\-[a-z0-9]+)\.?$|^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$)'))
                throw "Invalid IP or FQDN"
            return $true
        [int]$Port = 25,
        [pscredential]$Credential = $(if($NeedAuth){throw "when 'NeedAuth' is used, the parameter 'Credential' is mandatory"}),
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/smarthost/sender"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserId),"Add Sender-based Smarthost")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                sender = $Sender
                smarthost = $Smarthost
                $body['needauth'] = $NeedAuth
                $body['auth_user'] = $Credential.UserName
                $body['auth_password'] = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                $body['comment'] = $Comment
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-STSenderBasedSmarthost.ps1' 110
#Region '.\Public\Add-STUserAliasEmail.ps1' 0
function Add-STUserAliasEmail {
    Add aliases to a User. Aliases are used to merge quarantines together for multiple email addresses.
    Add aliases to a User. Aliases are used to merge quarantines together for multiple email addresses.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Target user ID
    .PARAMETER EmailAddress
    New ALias
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Add-STUserAliasEmail -Url $url -Token $token -UserId 1234 -EmailAddress ""

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$'))
                throw "Invalid Email address"
            return $true
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/users"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserId),"Add Alias to user")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($UserId)/aliases"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                email = "$($EmailAddress)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-STUserAliasEmail.ps1' 74
#Region '.\Public\Approve-STQuarantinedEmailRelease.ps1' 0
function Approve-STQuarantinedEmailRelease {
    Release a quarantined mail to the intended recipient or forward to another address (such as an administrator).
    Release a quarantined mail to the intended recipient or forward to another address (such as an administrator).
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Approve-STQuarantinedEmailRelease -Url $url -Token $token

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '^(?:(?!.*?[.]{2})[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9.+!%-]{1,64}|)|\"[a-zA-Z0-9.+!% -]{1,64}\")@[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+(.[a-z]{2,}|.[0-9]{1,})$'))
                throw "Invalid Email address"
            return $true
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/quarantine"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hahstable]$body = @{
            secret_id = $Secret
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($QuarantineId),"Release a quarantined mail ")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($QuarantineId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["forward_to"] = $ForwardTo
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Approve-STQuarantinedEmailRelease.ps1' 76
#Region '.\Public\Disable-STClientCertificate.ps1' 0
function Disable-STClientCertificate {
    Disables client certificate, unsetting any SSL certifcate set to be used.
    Disables client certificate, unsetting any SSL certifcate set to be used.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Disable-STClientCertificate -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/tls"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TlsPolicyId),"Disable Client Certificate")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Disable-STClientCertificate.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Disable-STMfa.ps1' 0
function Enable-STMfa{
    Disables two factor authentication for the Authenticated User.
    Disables two factor authentication for the Authenticated User.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Disable-STMfa -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/auth/two-factor-auth"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url,"Disable MFA for Authenticated User"))
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Disable-STMfa.ps1' 53
#Region '.\Public\Disable-STRbl.ps1' 0
function Disable-STRbl {
    Disables a RBL
    Disables a RBL
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Disable-STRbl -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Disable RBL")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Disable-STRbl.ps1' 56
#Region '.\Public\Enable-STHideInternalNetwork.ps1' 0
function Enable-STHideInternalNetwork {
    Hide Internal Networks hides the IPs from the SpamTitan Trusted Networks from appearing in the headers of Outbound Mail
    Hide Internal Networks hides the IPs from the SpamTitan Trusted Networks from appearing in the headers of Outbound Mail
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Enable-STHideInternalNetwork -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/internalip"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Hide Internal Networks hides the IPs from the SpamTitan Trusted Networks from appearing in the headers of Outbound Mail")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                enabled = $true
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $body -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Enable-STHideInternalNetwork.ps1' 58
#Region '.\Public\Enable-STMfa.ps1' 0
function Enable-STMfa{
    Enables two factor authentication for the Authenticated User.
    Enables two factor authentication for the Authenticated User.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    The 6 digit code provided by the user. This parameter is required.
    .PARAMETER Secret
    This is required to validate the one time password.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Enable-STMfa -Url $url -Token $token -Code '123456' -Secret "mysupersecret"

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/auth/two-factor-auth"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url,"Enable MFA for Authenticated User"))
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                code = "$($Code)"
                secret = "$($Secret)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Enable-STMfa.ps1' 67
#Region '.\Public\Enable-STOutboundDomainVerification.ps1' 0
function Enable-STOutboundDomainVerification {
    Set the enabled status of the outbound domain verification
    Set the enabled status of the outbound domain verification. When enabled, SpamTitan will check that any mail coming from a trusted network is either coming from or going to a domain that is listed in the Domains table.
    This prevents viruses that may have gotten into your network from sending Spam from domains you do not manage out onto the internet.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Enable-STOutboundDomainVerification -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/trusted/verify"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Enable Outbound Domain Verification")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                enabled = $true
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $body -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Enable-STOutboundDomainVerification.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Enable-STRateControl.ps1' 0
function Enable-STRateControl {
    Sets the enabled status of Rate Controls
    Sets the enabled status of Rate Controls
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Enable-STRateControl -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rate-controls"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Set the enabled status of Rate Controls")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Enable-STRateControl.ps1' 55
#Region '.\Public\Get-STAllowedIp.ps1' 0
function Get-STAllowedIp {
    List all allowed IPs
    List all allowed IPs
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STAllowedIp -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/allow"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($AllowedIpId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STAllowedIp.ps1' 74
#Region '.\Public\Get-STAllowList.ps1' 0
function Get-STAllowList {
    Returns one or a list of all allow-listed emails and/or domains.
    Returns one or a list of all allow-listed emails and/or domains.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group.
    The ID of the user or the user's email address.
    .PARAMETER AllowListId
    ID of the targed allowed list
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STAllowList -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STAllowList -Url $url -Token $token -Domain ""
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STAllowList -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STAllowList -Url $url -Token $token -UserId ""
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STAllowList -Url $url -Token $token -AllowListId 5

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/allow-list"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/allow-list?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/allow-list?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/allow-list?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($AllowListId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STAllowList.ps1' 127
#Region '.\Public\Get-STArcKey.ps1' 0
function Get-STArcKey {
    List the keys available to the system for ARC signing.
    List the keys available to the system for ARC signing.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Target Key ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STArcKey -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STArcKey -Url $url -Token $token -ArcKeyId 45


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/arc/keys"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($ArcKeyId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STArcKey.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\Get-STArcKeyInUse.ps1' 0
function Get-STArcKeyInUse {
    List the keys available to the system for ARC signing.
    List the keys available to the system for ARC signing.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STArcKeyInUse -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/arc"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            $Result += $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STArcKeyInUse.ps1' 55
#Region '.\Public\Get-STAuthenticationMethod.ps1' 0
function Get-STAuthenticationMethod {
    Returns a list of all domains' authentication methods.
    Returns a list of all domains' authentication methods.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STAuthenticationMethod -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/auth?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 100)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STAuthenticationMethod.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Public\Get-STAuthorizationToken.ps1' 0
function Get-STAuthorizationToken {
    Returns a list of all authorization tokens for the user.
    Returns a list of all authorization tokens for the user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STAuthorizationToken -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/auth/tokens"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 100)
    End {
        return $Result

#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STAuthorizationToken.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Get-STBlockedIp.ps1' 0
function Get-STBlockedIp {
    List all allowed IPs
    List all allowed IPs
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockedIp -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/block"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($BlockedIpId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STBlockedIp.ps1' 74
#Region '.\Public\Get-STBlockList.ps1' 0
function Get-STBlockList {
    Returns a list of all blocked emails and/or domains
    Returns a list of all blocked emails and/or domains
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group.
    The ID of the user or the user's email address.
    .PARAMETER BlockListId
    ID of the targed blocked List
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -Domain ""
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -UserId ""
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -AllowListId 5

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/block-list"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/block-list?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/block-list?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/block-list?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($BlockListId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STBlockList.ps1' 127
#Region '.\Public\Get-STClientCertificate.ps1' 0
function Get-STClientCertificate {
    Show what certificate is used for the Client Certificate.
    Show what certificate is used for the Client Certificate. If a receiving server requests a Client Certificate, this is the certificate that SpamTitan will send.
    Client Certificates are only sent if a receiving server requests it. SecureMail servers will tend to request client certificates to validate the sending server.
    NOTE: Do not enable this unless required.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STClientCertificate -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/tls/client-cert"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STClientCertificate.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Get-STConfiguration.ps1' 0
function Get-STConfiguration {
    Provides the current values of SpamTitan configuration.
    Returns whether Sandboxing is enabled.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STConfiguration -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/config"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            $Result += $temp.config
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STConfiguration.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDkim.ps1' 0
function Get-STDkim {
    List all the DKIMs.
    List all the DKIMs.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDkim -Url $url -Token $token -Domain ''
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDkim -Url $url -Token $token -Domain 5

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/dkim?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDkim.ps1' 69
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDkimAdspStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STDkimAdspStatus {
    Shows whether ADSP is enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether ADSP is enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDkimAdspStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim/adsp"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDkimAdspStatus.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDkimBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Get-STDkimBypassedIp {
    List IPs that are exempt from DKIM checking.
    List IPs that are exempt from DKIM checking.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER DkimBypassedIp
    Target bypassed IP ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDkimBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDkimBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -DkimBypassedIp 45


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim/bypass"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($DkimBypassedIp)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDkimBypassedIp.ps1' 82
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDkimKey.ps1' 0
function Get-STDkimKey {
    Show the authentication settings for a domain.
    Show the authentication settings for a domain.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    Target DKIM Id.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDkimKey -Url $url -Token $token -Domain '' -DkimId 1
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDkimKey -Url $url -Token $token -Domain 5 -DkimId 1

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/dkim/$($DkimId)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDkimKey.ps1' 67
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDkimStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STDkimStatus {
    Shows whether DKIM checking is enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether DKIM checking is enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDkimStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDkimStatus.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDmarcArcHeader.ps1' 0
function Get-STDmarcArcHeader {
    Shows whether or not DMARC will implicitly trust all ARC headers.
    Shows whether or not DMARC will implicitly trust all ARC headers.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDmarcArcHeader -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/trustarc"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDmarcArcHeader.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDmarcBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Get-STDmarcBypassedIp {
    List IPs that are exempt from Dmarc checking.
    List IPs that are exempt from Dmarc checking.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER DmarcBypassedIp
    Target bypassed IP ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDmarcBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDmarcBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -DmarcBypassedIp 45


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/bypass"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($DmarcBypassedIp)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDmarcBypassedIp.ps1' 82
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDmarcMailingListWhitelist.ps1' 0
function Get-STDmarcMailingListWhitelist {
    Shows whether Dmarc checking is enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether Dmarc checking is enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDmarcMailingListWhitelist -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/mailinglists"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDmarcMailingListWhitelist.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDmarcPolicyAction.ps1' 0
function Get-STDmarcPolicyAction {
    Show what action to perform when the DMARC policy says to do $Policy.
    Show what action to perform when the DMARC policy says to do $Policy.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Policy
    The action to be setting the action for.
    Allowed values: reject, quarantine
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDmarcPolicyAction -Url $url -Token $token -Policy reject

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/actions"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Policy)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDmarcPolicyAction.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDmarcReportingSetting.ps1' 0
function Get-STDmarcReportingSetting {
    Show the DMARC reporting settings.
    Show the DMARC reporting settings.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDmarcReportingSetting -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/reporting"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDmarcReportingSetting.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDmarcStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STDmarcStatus {
    Shows whether Dmarc checking is enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether Dmarc checking is enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDmarcStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDmarcStatus.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDomain.ps1' 0
function Get-STDomain {
    Returns a list of all domains available.
    Returns a list of all domains available.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Target GroupId
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDomain -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDomain -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDomain -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5 -Domain ""

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/domains?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        if($($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Domain")) -and $($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GroupId")))
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/domains/$($Domain)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDomain.ps1' 107
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDomainAuthSetting.ps1' 0
function Get-STDomainAuthSetting {
    Show the authentication settings for a domain.
    Show the authentication settings for a domain.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDomainAuthSetting -Url $url -Token $token -Domain ''
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDomainAuthSetting -Url $url -Token $token -Domain 5

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/auth"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDomainAuthSetting.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Public\Get-STDomainGroup.ps1' 0
function Get-STDomainGroup {
    Lists the Domain Groups
    Lists the Domain Groups
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDomainGroup -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STDomainGroup -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domain-groups"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=100&page=$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($GroupId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 100)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STDomainGroup.ps1' 76
#Region '.\Public\Get-STGeoblockingExemption.ps1' 0
function Get-STGeoblockingExemption {
    Returns a list of geoblocking sender exemptions
    Returns a list of geoblocking sender exemptions
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingExemption -Url $url -Token $token

        [ValidateSet("domain", "email", "ip")]
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geo-exemptions"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($GeoblockingId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
            $api = "$($Url)/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geo-exemptions"
            $api = "$($Url)/domains/$($Domain)/geo-exemptions"
            $api = "$($Url)/users/$($UserId)/geo-exemptions"
            $api = "$($api)&comment=$($Comment)"
            $api = "$($api)&domain=$($Domain)"
            $api = "$($api)&email=$($Email)"
            $api = "$($api)&ip=$($IpAddress)"
            $api = "$($api)&type=$($Type)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            $Result += $
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STGeoblockingExemption.ps1' 115
#Region '.\Public\Get-STGeoblockingRule.ps1' 0
function Get-STGeoblockingRule {
    Returns a list of geoblocking allow and block rules
    Returns a list of geoblocking allow and block rules
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Target GroupId
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    ID of the target user
    .PARAMETER CountryIso
    Target Country ISO code
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -Domain ""
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -UserId 5
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -CountryIso US

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geo-rules"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/geo-rules?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geo-rules?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/geo-rules?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($CountryIso)"
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STGeoblockingRule.ps1' 117
#Region '.\Public\Get-STGeoblockingStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STGeoblockingStatus {
    Shows whether Geoblocking is enabled or not.
    Shows whether Geoblocking is enabled or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingStatus -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingStatus -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 4
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingStatus -Url $url -Token $token -UserId 5
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STGeoblockingStatus -Url $url -Token $token -Domain ''


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geoblocking"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geoblocking/"
            $api = "$($Url)/domains/$($Domain)/geoblocking/"
            $api = "$($Url)/users/$($UserId)/geoblocking/"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STGeoblockingStatus.ps1' 85
#Region '.\Public\Get-STHideInternalNetworkStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STHideInternalNetworkStatus {
    Shows whether Rate Controls are enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether Rate Controls are enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STHideInternalNetworkStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/internalip"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STHideInternalNetworkStatus.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STLetsEncryptStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STLetsEncryptStatus {
    Provides the current status of a LetsEncrypt certificate.
    Provides the current status of a LetsEncrypt certificate.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STLetsEncryptStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ssl/lets-encrypt"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STLetsEncryptStatus.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Get-STLicenseKey.ps1' 0
function Get-STLicenseKey {
    Provides information about who the license is registered to.
    Provides information about who the license is registered to.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GetLicense
    Used to download the license file from the SpamTitan system
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STLicenseKey -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/license/key"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/license-key"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STLicenseKey.ps1' 64
#Region '.\Public\Get-STLicenseStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STLicenseStatus {
    Provides details of the current status of the currently applied license.
    Provides details of the current status of the currently applied license.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STLicenseStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/license"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STLicenseStatus.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Get-STLicenseUsageStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STLicenseUsageStatus {
    Show a summary of licensing information, either for the system, domain, or domain group.
    Show a summary of licensing information, either for the system, domain, or domain group.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Period
    The period in which to specify the summary for. If undefined, it will show an all-time report.
    Allowed values: today, yesterday, thisweek, lastweek, thismonth, lastmonth
    .PARAMETER StartDate
    If the period is unset, the start will be the first date for the summary
    .PARAMETER EndDate
    If the period is unset, the end will be the last date for the summary
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to provide license usage stats for. This is the domain, not the ID.
    .PARAMETER Group
    The domain group to provide license usage stats for. This is the domain group's name
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STLicenseUsageStatus -Url $url -Token $token -StartDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(-30) -EndDate $(Get-Date)

        [ValidateSet("today", "yesterday", "thisweek", "lastweek", "thismonth", "lastmonth")]
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/reports/license-usage?start=$($StartDate.ToString('yyyy-mm-dd'))&end=$($EndDate.ToString('yyyy-mm-dd'))"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($api)&period=$($Period)"
            $api = "$($api)&domain=$($Domain)"
            $api = "$($api)&domain_group=$($Group)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STLicenseUsageStatus.ps1' 91
#Region '.\Public\Get-STMailQueue.ps1' 0
function Get-STMailQueue {
    Show a summary of mail in the SpamTitan's queues.
    Show a summary of mail in the SpamTitan's queues.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Queue
    The queue to list.
    Default value: all
    Allowed values: all, active, incoming, deferred
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STMailQueue -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STMailQueue -Url $url -Token $token -Queue Deferred

        [ValidateSet("all", "active", "incoming", "deferred")]
        [string]$Queue = 'all'

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-queue"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Queue)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return [pscustomobject] @{
                Endpoint = $Url
                Active = $
                Deferred = $temp.deferred
                Incoming = $temp.incoming
                Total = $
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STMailQueue.ps1' 73
#Region '.\Public\Get-STMessageTrace.ps1' 0
function Get-STMessageTrace {
    Search for messages for a recipient in a specific time period
    Search for messages for a recipient in a specific time period
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Cluster
    Whether or not to show messages from the full cluster or just the local node.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Subject
    Filter by the subject. Use of an asterisk (*) will mark a wildcard.
    .PARAMETER Sender
    Filter by the sender. Use of an asterisk (*) will mark a wildcard
    .PARAMETER Recipient
    Filter by the recipient. Use of an asterisk (*) will mark a wildcard.
    .PARAMETER Score
    Filter by Score.
    .PARAMETER StartDate
    Start date for searching quarantine.
    .PARAMETER EndDate
    Start date for searching quarantine.
    Default value: now
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STMessageTrace -Url $url -Token $token -Cluster -Recipient 'username*' -StartDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(-3) -EndDate $(Get-Date)







    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/history/trace"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?recipient=$($Recipient)&start_date=$($StartDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))&end_date=$($EndDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Subject")) {
            $api = "$($api)&subject=$($Subject)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Sender")) {
            $api = "$($api)&sender=$($Sender)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Score")) {
            $api = "$($api)&score=$($Score)"
        $api = "$($api)&results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STMessageTrace.ps1' 114
#Region '.\Public\Get-STOutboundDomainVerification.ps1' 0
function Get-STOutboundDomainVerification {
    Check the enabled status of the outbound domain verification. When enabled, SpamTitan will check that any mail coming from a trusted network is either coming from or going to a domain that is listed in the Domains table.
    This prevents viruses that may have gotten into your network from sending Spam from domains you do not manage out onto the internet
    Check the enabled status of the outbound domain verification. When enabled, SpamTitan will check that any mail coming from a trusted network is either coming from or going to a domain that is listed in the Domains table.
    This prevents viruses that may have gotten into your network from sending Spam from domains you do not manage out onto the internet
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STOutboundDomainVerification -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/reject"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STOutboundDomainVerification.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Get-STOutboundPolicy.ps1' 0
function Get-STOutboundPolicy {
    Shows whether Rate Controls are enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether Rate Controls are enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STOutboundPolicy -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/policy"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STOutboundPolicy.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STOutboundRelay.ps1' 0
function Get-STOutboundRelay {
    List hostnames of outbound relays. This lists the hostname of the relay (or relays) that you send your outbound mail through.
    List hostnames of outbound relays. This lists the hostname of the relay (or relays) that you send your outbound mail through. This is used to 'rescue' legitimate bounce messages that were generated in response to mail you really did send.
    If a bounce message is found, and it contains one of these hostnames in a Received header in the bounced message, it will not be marked as a blowback virus-bounce.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STOutboundRelay-Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/hostnames"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result | ForEach-Object {[pscustomobject]@{OutboundRelay = $_}}
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STOutboundRelay.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Get-STPatternFilter.ps1' 0
function Get-STPatternFilter {
    Returns a list of all pattern filters.
    Returns a list of all pattern filters.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group.
    .PARAMETER PatternId
    ID of the targed Pattern Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -Domain ""
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -UserId ""
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -Filter block-list

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/patterns"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/patterns?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/patterns?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($Filter)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"

            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($PatternId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STPatternFilter.ps1' 125
#Region '.\Public\Get-STQuarantine.ps1' 0
function Get-STQuarantine {
    Short description
    Long description
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    The type of quarantine to display.
    Default value: all
    Allowed values: virus, spam, archive, banned, content-filter, all
    .PARAMETER ShowDeleted
    Whether or not to show the deleted types of quarantined items instead of the non-deleted items.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER ShowCluster
    Whether or not to show messages from the full cluster or just the local node.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Subject
    Filter by the subject. Use of an asterisk (*) will mark a wildcard.
    .PARAMETER Sender
    Filter by the sender. Use of an asterisk (*) will mark a wildcard
    .PARAMETER Recipient
    Filter by the recipient. Use of an asterisk (*) will mark a wildcard.
    .PARAMETER GroupName
    Filter by domain group name.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Filter by domain group identifier.
    .PARAMETER Domain
    Filter by domain. Use "@." for Global.
    .PARAMETER DomainId
    Filter by domain identifier.
    .PARAMETER Score
    Filter by Score.
    .PARAMETER StartDate
    Start date for searching quarantine.
    .PARAMETER EndDate
    Start date for searching quarantine.
    Default value: now
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STQuarantine -Url $url -Token $token -ShowCluster -Recipient 'username*' -StartDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(-3) -EndDate $(Get-Date)

        [ValidateSet("virus", "spam", "archive", "banned", "content-filter", "all")]
        [string]$Type = 'all',













    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/quarantine"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?type=$($Type)&show_deleted=$($ShowDeleted)&cluster=$($ShowCluster)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Subject")) {
            $api = "$($api)&subject=$($Subject)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Sender")) {
            $api = "$($api)&sender=$($Sender)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Recipient")) {
            $api = "$($api)&recipient=$($Recipient)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GroupName")) {
            $api = "$($api)&domain_group=$($GroupName)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("GroupId")) {
            $api = "$($api)&domain_group_id=$($GroupId)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Domain")) {
            $api = "$($api)&domain=$($Domain)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DomainId")) {
            $api = "$($api)&domain_id=$($DomainId)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Score")) {
            $api = "$($api)&score=$($Score)"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("StartDate")) {
            $api = "$($api)&start_date=$($StartDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))"
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("EndDate")) {
            $api = "$($api)&end_date=$($EndDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))"
        $api = "$($api)&results=500&page=" + "$($page)"

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STQuarantine.ps1' 187
#Region '.\Public\Get-STQuarantinedEmail.ps1' 0
function Get-STQuarantinedEmail {
    Show the details of a Quarantined Mail
    Show the details of a Quarantined Mail
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STQuarantinedEmail -Url $url -Token $token -QurantineId '0c7fuE5s87wJ'
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STQuarantinedEmail -Url $url -Token $token -QurantineId '0c7fuE5s87wJ' -ShowEmail

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/quarantine/report"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($QurantineId)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "message/rfc822"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STQuarantinedEmail.ps1' 68
#Region '.\Public\Get-STRateControlPolicy.ps1' 0
function Get-STRateControlPolicy {
    Lists the Rate Control policies.
    Lists the Rate Control policies.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER PolicyId
    Target Policy ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STRateControlPolicy -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STRateControlPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -PolicyId 45


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rate-controls/policies"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($PolicyId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STRateControlPolicy.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\Get-STRateControlStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STRateControlStatus {
    Shows whether Rate Controls are enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether Rate Controls are enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STRateControlStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rate-controls"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STRateControlStatus.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STRbl.ps1' 0
function Get-STRbl {
    List all allowed IPs
    List all allowed IPs
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STRbl-Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result | ForEach-Object {[pscustomobject]@{RBL = $_}}
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STRbl.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Get-STRblBybassedIp.ps1' 0
function Get-STRblBybassedIp {
    Shows an IP that bypasses RBL checking on the appliance.
    Shows an IP that bypasses RBL checking on the appliance.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER RblBypassedIpId
    Target bypassed IP ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STRblBybassedIp -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STRblBybassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -RblBypassedIpId 45


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl/bypass"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($RblBypassedIpId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STRblBybassedIp.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSandboxStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STSandboxStatus {
    Returns whether Sandboxing is enabled.
    Returns whether Sandboxing is enabled.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSandboxStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/atp/sandboxing"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSandboxStatus.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSaslSetting.ps1' 0
function Get-STSaslSetting {
    Show the SASL settings
    Show the SASL settings
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSaslSetting -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rate-controls"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSaslSetting.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STScanSummary.ps1' 0
function Get-STScanSummary {
    Show a summary of mail delivered to the SpamTitan system.
    Show a summary of mail delivered to the SpamTitan system.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Period
    The period in which to specify the summary for. If undefined, it will show an all-time report.
    Allowed values: today, yesterday, thisweek, lastweek, thismonth, lastmonth
    .PARAMETER StartDate
    If the period is unset, the start will be the first date for the summary
    .PARAMETER EndDate
    If the period is unset, the end will be the last date for the summary
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to provide license usage stats for. This is the domain, not the ID.
    .PARAMETER Group
    The domain group to provide license usage stats for. This is the domain group's name
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STScanSummary -Url $url -Token $token -StartDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(-30) -EndDate $(Get-Date)

        [ValidateSet("today", "yesterday", "thisweek", "lastweek", "thismonth", "lastmonth")]
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/reports/scan-summary?start=$($StartDate.ToString('yyyy-mm-dd'))&end=$($EndDate.ToString('yyyy-mm-dd'))"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($api)&period=$($Period)"
            $api = "$($api)&domain=$($Domain)"
            $api = "$($api)&domain_group=$($Group)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STScanSummary.ps1' 91
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSenderBasedSmarthost.ps1' 0
function Get-STSenderBasedSmarthost {
    List sender-based Smarthosts.
    List sender-based Smarthosts.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER SmarthostId
    Target Smarthost ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSenderBasedSmarthost -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSenderBasedSmarthost -Url $url -Token $token -SmarthostId 45


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/smarthost/sender"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($SmarthostId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSenderBasedSmarthost.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\Get-STServerWideSmarthost.ps1' 0
function Get-STServerWideSmarthost {
    Show the server-wide smarthost settings.
    Show the server-wide smarthost settings.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STServerWideSmarthost -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/smarthost"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STServerWideSmarthost.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSpamUpdate.ps1' 0
function Get-STSpamUpdate {
    Show a summary of spam updates. This provides information on the frequency of updates and when the last update was
    Show a summary of spam updates. This provides information on the frequency of updates and when the last update was
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSpamUpdate -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/reports/spam-update"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSpamUpdate.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSpfBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Get-STSpfBypassedIp {
    Shows an IP that bypasses RBL checking on the appliance.
    Shows an IP that bypasses RBL checking on the appliance.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER SpfBypassedIp
    Target bypassed IP ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSpfBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSpfBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -SpfBypassedIp 45


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/bypass"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($SpfBypassedIp)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSpfBypassedIp.ps1' 82
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSpfDmarcRejectionStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STSpfDmarcRejectionStatus {
    Shows whether SPF rejection is enabled for none DMARC policies
    Shows whether SPF rejection is enabled for none DMARC policies
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSpfDmarcRejectionStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/reject/dmarc-none"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSpfDmarcRejectionStatus.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSpfRejectionStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STSpfRejectionStatus {
    Shows whether SPF rejection is enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether SPF rejection is enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSpfRejectionStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/reject"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSpfRejectionStatus.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSupportPortStatus.ps1' 0
function Get-STSupportPortStatus {
    Get the current support port status.
    Get the current support port status.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSupportPortStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/support-port"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSupportPortStatus.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STSystemTlsPolicy.ps1' 0
function Get-STSystemTlsPolicy {
    Show the System's TLS Policy.
    Show the System's TLS Policy.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STSystemTlsPolicy -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/tls/policy"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STSystemTlsPolicy.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Get-STTlsPolicy.ps1' 0
function Get-STTlsPolicy {
    List the TLS Exception Policies. These are per-recipient TLS Policies.
    List the TLS Exception Policies. These are per-recipient TLS Policies.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER TlsPolicyId
    ID of the targed policy
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STTlsPolicy -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STTlsPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -TlsPolicyId 5

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/tls"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($TlsPolicyId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STTlsPolicy.ps1' 84
#Region '.\Public\Get-STTrustedNetwork.ps1' 0
function Get-STTrustedNetwork {
    SpamTitan will mark mails from a selection of trusted IP Networks as outbound. These are known as "Trusted Networks".
    SpamTitan can also verify that mail coming from these IPs are from domains set up in the SpamTitan appliance, thus preventing a good portion of outbound spam
    SpamTitan will mark mails from a selection of trusted IP Networks as outbound. These are known as "Trusted Networks".
    SpamTitan can also verify that mail coming from these IPs are from domains set up in the SpamTitan appliance, thus preventing a good portion of outbound spam
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group.
    The ID of the user or the user's email address.
    .PARAMETER TrustedNetworkId
    ID of the targed trusted network
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STTrustedNetwork -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STTrustedNetwork -Url $url -Token $token -TrustedNetworkId 5

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/trusted"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($TrustedNetworkId)"
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                return $temp
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STTrustedNetwork.ps1' 100
#Region '.\Public\Get-STUser.ps1' 0
function Get-STUser {
    Lists the users on the system.
    Lists the users on the system.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Target GroupId
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    ID of the target user
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STUser -Url $url -Token $token
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STUser -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STUser -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5 -Domain ""

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/users"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/users?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
            $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/users?results=500&page=" + "$($page)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $api = "$($api.split('?')[0])/$($UserId)"
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STUser.ps1' 97
#Region '.\Public\Get-STVirusUpdate.ps1' 0
function Get-STVirusUpdate {
    Show a summary of spam updates. This provides information on the frequency of updates and when the last update was
    Show a summary of spam updates. This provides information on the frequency of updates and when the last update was
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Get-STVirusUpdate -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/reports/virus-update"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-STVirusUpdate.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Lock-STDomainGroup.ps1' 0
function Lock-STDomainGroup {
    Locks out a domain group, preventing their admins from making changes to the domain group.
    Locks out a domain group, preventing their admins from making changes to the domain group.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The target domain group Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Lock-STDomainGroup -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 6

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domain-groups"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Lock Domain Group")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($GroupId)/lock-out"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Lock-STDomainGroup.ps1' 58
#Region '.\Public\New-STAllowedIp.ps1' 0
function New-STAllowedIp {
    Creates new allowed IP
    Creates new allowed IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be added
    Subnet mask. Allowed values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STAllowedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allows google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/allow"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new allowed IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                ip = "$($IpAddress)"
                mask = "$($Mask)"
                comment = "$Comment"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STAllowedIp.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\New-STAllowList.ps1' 0
function New-STAllowList {
    Creates an allow-list entry
    Creates an allow-list entry
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    The ID of the user or the user's email address.
    .PARAMETER Sender
    Sets the sender address for the specified allow-list. Required if domain isn't provided.
    .PARAMETER AllowedDomain
    Sets the domain for the specified allow-list. Required if sender isn't provided.
    .PARAMETER IncludeSubdomains
    Sets whether to include the subdomains of a domain.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STAllowList -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -Comment "Added via Powershell" -IncludeSubdmains


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/allow-list"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Allow List")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/allow-list"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($DomainId)/allow-list"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/allow-list"
                $body["domain"] = "$($Domain)"
                $body["sender"] = "$($Sender)"
                $body["include_subdomains"] = "$($IncludeSubdomains)"
            $body["comment"] = $Comment

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $($_|convertfrom-json -Depth 99)
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STAllowList.ps1' 116
#Region '.\Public\New-STArcSigningKey.ps1' 0
function New-STArcSigningKey {
    Creates or generates a new signing key for ARC signing.
    Creates or generates a new signing key for ARC signing.
    Base url with Selector or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Selector
    Sets the selector for the ARC key.
    .PARAMETER PrivateKey
    Allows providing the private key of an already generated Signing key. If a new one is to be generated, pass in generate.
    Default 'generate'
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STArcSigningKey -Url $url -Token $token -Selector "arc-20190829"

        [string]$PrivateKey = "generate"

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/arc/keys"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"generates a new signing key for ARC signing")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Selector)/dkim"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                selector = "$($Selector)"
                privatekey = "$($PrivateKey)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STArcSigningKey.ps1' 69
#Region '.\Public\New-STAuthorizationToken.ps1' 0
function New-STAuthorizationToken{
    Generates a new authorization token for the user.
    Generates a new authorization token for the user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Credential
    PSCredential for the target user
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>$creds = [pscredential]::new('user@domain',$(Convertto-Securestring -string "mypass" -AsPlainText -Force))
    PS>New-STAuthorizationToken -Url $url -Token $token -Credential $creds

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/auth/tokens"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new authorization token")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                email = "$($Credential.UserName)"
                password = "$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STAuthorizationToken.ps1' 63
#Region '.\Public\New-STBlockedIp.ps1' 0
function New-STBlockedIp {
    Creates new Blocked IP
    Creates new Blocked IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STBlockedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allows google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/block"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Blocked IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                ip = "$($IpAddress)"
                mask = "$($Mask)"
                comment = "$Comment"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STBlockedIp.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\New-STBlockList.ps1' 0
function New-STBlockList {
    Creates an block-list entry
    Creates an block-list entry
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    The ID of the user or the user's email address.
    .PARAMETER Sender
    Sets the sender address for the specified block-list. Required if domain isn't provided.
    .PARAMETER blockedDomain
    Sets the domain for the specified block-list. Required if sender isn't provided.
    .PARAMETER IncludeSubdomains
    Sets whether to include the subdomains of a domain.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -Sender "" -Comment "Added via Powershell" -IncludeSubdmains


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/block-list"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new block List")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/block-list"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/block-list"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/block-list"
                $body["sender"] = "$($Sender)"
                $body["include_subdomains"] = "$($IncludeSubdomains)"
            $body["comment"] = $Comment

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STBlockList.ps1' 111
#Region '.\Public\New-STDkimBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function New-STDkimBypassedIp {
    Adds a new IP for Dkim Exemption
    Adds a new IP for Dkim Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STDkimBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Dkim Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                ip = "$($IpAddress)"
                mask = "$($Mask)"
                comment = "$Comment"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STDkimBypassedIp.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\New-STDkimKey.ps1' 0
function New-STDkimKey {
    Generate a DKIM key.
    Generate a DKIM key.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STDkimKey -Url $url -Token $token -Domain ""


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new DKIM key")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/dkim"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                selector = "$($Domain)"
                privatekey = "generate"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STDkimKey.ps1' 63
#Region '.\Public\New-STDmarcBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function New-STDmarcBypassedIp {
    Adds a new IP for Dmarc Exemption
    Adds a new IP for Dmarc Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STDmarcBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Dmarc Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                ip = "$($IpAddress)"
                mask = "$($Mask)"
                comment = "$Comment"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STDmarcBypassedIp.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\New-STDomain.ps1' 0
function New-STDomain {
    Creates a domain
    Creates a domain
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    .PARAMETER DestinationServer
    The server to look up recipient verification against.
    The port to test against. On Exchange 2013 or newer, this will generally need to be 2525, and for every other server type will usually be the same as your SMTP port. Default 2525
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STDomain -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -DestinationServer "" -Port 2525

        [string]$Port = 2525

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Domain")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/domains"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                domain = "$($Domain)"
                destination = "$($DestinationServer)"
                rv_type = "dynamic"
                "dynamic" = @{
                    dynamic_server = "$($DestinationServer)"
                    dynamic_port = "$($port)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STDomain.ps1' 87
#Region '.\Public\New-STDomainGroup.ps1' 0
function New-STDomainGroup {
    Creates a new Domain Group
    Creates a new Domain Group
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    The name of the domain group
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STDomainGroup -Url $url -Token $token -Name "MyGroup"

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domain-groups"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Domain Group")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                name = "$($Name)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STDomainGroup.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Public\New-STGeoblockingExemption.ps1' 0
function New-STGeoblockingExemption {
    Creates a geoblocking sender exemption for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Creates a geoblocking sender exemption for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    .PARAMETER DomainId
    The ID of the domain.
    The ID of the user.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    Size range: ..250
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The sender domain address to exclude from geo-blocking checks. Required if neither email nor ip is provided.
    .PARAMETER Email
    The sender email address to exclude from geo-blocking checks. Required if neither domain nor ip is provided.
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    The sender ip address to exclude from geo-blocking checks. Required if neither domain nor email is provided.
    .PARAMETER IncludeSubDomain
    Sets whether to include the IncludeSubDomains of the specified domain.
    Default value: false
    The sender subnet mask to exclude from geo blocking checks. This is in CIDR notation.
    Default value: 32
    Size range: 8..32
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STGeoblockingExemption -Url $url -Token $token -Domain '' -IncludeSubDomain

        [string]$Domain = $(if(-not ($Email) -and -not ($IpAddress)){throw "The parameter 'Domain' is mandatory when 'Email' or 'IpAddress' are not provided"}),
        [string]$Email = $(if(-not ($Domain) -and -not ($IpAddress)){throw "The parameter 'Email' is mandatory when 'Domain' or 'IpAddress' are not provided"}),
        [string]$IpAddress = $(if(-not ($Domain) -and -not ($Email)){throw "The parameter 'IpAddress' is mandatory when 'Domain' or 'Email' are not provided"}),
        [string]$Mask = 32
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geo-exemptions"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Geoblocking Exemption")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $api = "$($Url)/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geo-exemptions"
                $api = "$($Url)/domains/$($Domain)/geo-exemptions"
                $api = "$($Url)/users/$($UserId)/geo-exemptions"
                $body["comment"] = $Comment
                $body["domain"] = $Domain
                $body["email"] = $Email
                $body["ip"] = $($IpAddress)
                $body["IncludeSubDomains"] = $IncludeSubDomain
                $body["mask"] = $Mask
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STGeoblockingExemption.ps1' 145
#Region '.\Public\New-STGeoblockingRule.ps1' 0
function New-STGeoblockingRule {
    Creates a geoblocking rule for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Creates a geoblocking rule for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    The ID of the user
    .PARAMETER CountryIso
    The 2 digit ISO country code.
    .PARAMETER Geoblock
    Sets whether to block emails from a specified country.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -CountryIso US -Geoblock -Comment "Block US Global"


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geo-rules"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Geoblocking Rule")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geo-rules"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/geo-rules"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/geo-rules"
                $body["iso"] = "$($CountryIso)"
                $body["geoblock"] = $($Geoblock)
                $body["geoblock"] = $false
                $body["comment"] = $Comment

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STGeoblockingRule.ps1' 118
#Region '.\Public\New-STLetsEncryptCert.ps1' 0
function New-STLetsEncryptCert {
    Begins a queue job that requests a new LetsEncrypt certificate and sets up all the processes that need to use it, to use it. The Common Name of the certificate is defined by the hostname of the system.
    Begins a queue job that requests a new LetsEncrypt certificate and sets up all the processes that need to use it, to use it. The Common Name of the certificate is defined by the hostname of the system.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STLetsEncryptCert -Url $url -Token $token

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/allow"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"New Let's Encrypt Certificate")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["distinguished_name"] = $DistinguishedName
                $body["country"] = $Country
                $body["state"] = $State
                $body["locality"] = $Locality
                $body["organization_name"] = $OrganizationName
                $body["organization_unit_name"] = $OrganizationUnitName
                $body["email_address"] = $EmailAddress
                $body["subject_alternative_names"] = $SubjectAlternativeNames
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STLetsEncryptCert.ps1' 114
#Region '.\Public\New-STPattern.ps1' 0
function New-STPattern {
    Creates a new pattern filter
    Creates a new pattern filter
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group.
    .PARAMETER Pattern
    The pattern for the pattern filter.
    The way to utilize the pattern. Available filter types:
    regex: Pattern is a Regular Expression
    contains: Pattern exists somewhere in body/header.
    startswith: Body/header starts with pattern.
    endswith: Body/header ends with pattern.
    exact: Body/header exactly matches pattern.
    anyword: Pattern is a string of words separated by spaces, and any word in that list can exist in body/header.
    meta: Advanced matching for creating meta rules. RULE_<ID> is how you match against another Pattern Filter (said Pattern Filter must be in test mode), or you can specify the name of the rule you wish to match directly. Use && for AND and || for OR, you may wrap rules in parenthesis to match a grouping.
    Default value: regex
    Allowed values: regex, contains, startswith, endswith, exact, anyword, meta
    .PARAMETER ApplyBody
    Apply the pattern filter to the body. You must set either this or apply_headers to true, or both.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER RawBody
    If apply_body is true, then this makes the pattern filter trigger against the raw body of the email, allowing it to trigger on HTML tags and the like.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER ApplyHeaders
    Apply the pattern filter to the body. You must set either this or apply_body to true, or both.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Headers
    If apply_headers is true, the this determines what headers to trigger on in the email.
    Default value: ALL
    .PARAMETER Score
    This is the score to add to an email if the pattern filter triggers. Setting this to 0 puts the pattern filter into test mode. Setting this above 0 classifies it as a blocked pattern. Setting this below 0 classifies it as an allowed pattern.
    Default value: 0
    Size range: -100 to 100
    .PARAMETER DisableRule
    Set the pattern filter to disabled or not.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Comment
    The comment for the pattern filter.
    Default value: Added by API
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STPattern -Url $url -Token $token -Type Regex -Pattern '[Mm]alicious\s[Aa]ctivity'

        [string]$Type = "regex",
        [string[]]$Headers = "ALL",
        [int]$Score = 0,
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/patterns"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{
            pattern = "$($Pattern)"
            type = "$($Type)"
            headers = @($Headers)
            score = $Score
            comment = $Comment
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new pattern filter")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/patterns"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/patterns"
                $body["apply_body"] = $ApplyBody
                $body["rawbody"] = $RawBody
                $body["apply_headers"] = $ApplyHeaders
                $body["disable_rule"] = $DisableRule
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STPattern.ps1' 172
#Region '.\Public\New-STRateControlPolicy.ps1' 0
function New-STRateControlPolicy {
    Creates a new Rate Control Policy
    Creates a new Rate Control Policy
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    The name of the Rate Control Policy.
    Size range: ..250
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Whether or not the Rate Control Policy is enabled
    .PARAMETER Source
    What kind of source to be looking at.
    any: Tracks emails from any sources.
    internal: Tracks emails from Trusted Networks.
    external: Tracks emails that aren't from Trusted Networks.
    domain: Must provide source_domain to specify what domain to track.
    email: Must provide source_email to specify what email to track.
    cidr: Must provide source_cidr to specify what CIDR to track.
    Allowed values: any, internal, external, domain, email, cidr
    .PARAMETER SourceEmail
    The email to track in the source. Required if source is set to email
    .PARAMETER SourceDomain
    he domain to track in the source. Required if source is set to domain
    .PARAMETER SourceCidr
    The CIDR to track in the source. Required if source is set to cidr.
    .PARAMETER Destination
    What kind of destination to follow.
    any: Tracks emails to any destination.
    domain: Must provide the destination_domainto specify what email to track.
    email: Must provide the destination_emailto specify what email to track.
    Allowed values: any, domain, email
    .PARAMETER DestinationEmail
    The email destination to track. Required if destination is set to email
    .PARAMETER DestinationDomain
    The domain destination to track. Required if destination is set to domain
    .PARAMETER Track
    What type of thing to count for tracking rate controls.
    Allowed values: ip, sender, email, sender, domain, recipient, email, recipient, domain
    .PARAMETER Bitmask
    The CIDR bitmask to track. Required if track is set to ip.
    Size range: 8..32
    .PARAMETER StopProcessing
    Whether to stop processing more policies after this policy has been hit
    .PARAMETER Priority
    The priority of the policy. Lower numbers represent higher priority. Priority 1 will be the first checked.
    Size range: 1..32767
    .PARAMETER RateLimit
    What to rate limit based off of. Either the Message Count of the Cumulative size of the messages (in kB).
    Allowed values: MessageCount, MessageCumulativeSize
    .PARAMETER LimitCount
    The number of mails to hit the limit before executing the action.
    Size range: 1..
    .PARAMETER Period
    The period of time to listen to the tracking to detect exceeded limits. This is over a rolling period of time. This is over the period of time in period_unit.
    Size range: 1..
    .PARAMETER PeriodUnit
    The unit the period should be tracked in.
    Allowed values: second, minute, hour
    .PARAMETER Action
    Whether to defer (4XX response) mails that exceed the rate limit, or reject (5XX response) them outright.
    Allowed values: DEFER, REJECT
    .PARAMETER SmtpResponse
    The text/response to go alongside the action.
    Size range: ..250
    .PARAMETER NotifyAdmin
    Whether to notify an administrator when the rate limit has been exceeded
    .PARAMETER NotifyAddress
    The address to send notifications to. Required if notify_admin is true
    .PARAMETER Comment
    A comment to associate with the policy.
    Default value: Added by API
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS> $splat = @{
        Url = $url
        Token = $token
        Name= "Example"
        Enabled = $true
        Source= "any"
        Destination= "any"
        Track= "sender"
        StopProcessing = $true
        Priority = 3
        RateLimit = "MessageCount"
        LimitCount = 50
        Period = 30
        PeriodUnit = "minute"
        Action = "REJECT"
        SmtpResponse = "An Example policy"
        NotifyAdmin = $true
        NotifyAddress = ""
    PS>New-STRateControlPolicy @splat

        [ValidateSet("any", "internal", "external", "domain", "email", "cidr")]
        [ValidateSet("any", "domain", "email")]
        [ValidateSet("ip", "sender", "email", "sender", "domain", "recipient", "email", "recipient", "domain")]
        [ValidateSet("MessageCount", "MessageCumulativeSize")]
        [ValidateScript({if(-not ($_ -gt 0)){throw "Limit must be > 0"}return $true})]
        [ValidateScript({if(-not ($_ -gt 0)){throw "Period must be > 0"}return $true})]
        [ValidateSet("second", "minute", "hour")]
        [ValidateSet("DEFER", "REJECT")]
        [string]$Comment = "Added by API"

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rate-controls/policies"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Rate Control Policy")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                name = $Name
                enabled = $Enabled
                source = $Source
                destination = $Destination
                track = $Track
                stop_processing = $StopProcessing
                priority = $Priority
                rate_limit = $RateLimit
                limit_count = $LimitCount
                period = $Period
                period_unit = $PeriodUnit
                action = $Action
                smtp_response = $SmtpResponse
                notify_admin = $NotifyAdmin
                comment = $Comment
                $body["source_email"] = $SourceEmail
                $body["source_domain"] = $SourceDomain
                $body["source_cidr"] = $SourceCidr
                $body["destination_email"] = $DestinationEmail
                $body["destination_domain"] = $DestinationDomain
                $body["bitmask"] = $Bitmask
                $body["notify_address"] = $NotifyAddress
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STRateControlPolicy.ps1' 280
#Region '.\Public\New-STRblBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function New-STRblBypassedIp {
    Creates new Blocked IP
    Creates new Blocked IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STRblBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new RBL Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                ip = "$($IpAddress)"
                mask = "$($Mask)"
                comment = "$Comment"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STRblBypassedIp.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\New-STSpfBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function New-STSpfBypassedIp {
    Adds a new IP for SPF Exemption
    Adds a new IP for SPF Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STSpfBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new SPF Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                ip = "$($IpAddress)"
                mask = "$($Mask)"
                comment = "$Comment"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STSpfBypassedIp.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\New-STTlsPolicy.ps1' 0
function New-STTlsPolicy {
    Add a specific TLS Exception Policies. This is a per-recipient TLS Policy.
    Add a specific TLS Exception Policies. This is a per-recipient TLS Policy.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER SubDomain
    Whether to include subdomains as well.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Policy
    What TLS policy to set.
    Allowed values: none, may, encrypt, verify
    .PARAMETER Protocols
    The protocols to use if the policy is set to encrypt or verify.
    Allowed values: SSLv2, SSLv3, !SSLv2:!SSLv3, SSLv2:SSLv3, SSLv3:TLSv1, SSLv2:SSLv3:TLSv1
    .PARAMETER Comment
    The comment for the policy.
    Default value: Added by API
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STTlsPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -Policy "encrypt" -Protocols "SSLv3:TLSv1" -Comment "Added by API"

        [ValidateSet("SSLv2", "SSLv3", "!SSLv2:!SSLv3", "SSLv2:SSLv3", "SSLv3:TLSv1", "SSLv2:SSLv3:TLSv1")]
        [string]$Protocols = $(if($Policy -imatch 'encrypt|verify'){throw "when 'Policy' is set to 'encrypt' or 'verify', the Protocols parameter is mandatory"}),
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Add TLS Policy")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/dkim"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                domain = "$($Domain)"
                policy = $Policy
                $body["subdomain"] = $SubDomain
                $body["protocols"] = $Protocols
                $body["comment"] = $Comment
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STTlsPolicy.ps1' 107
#Region '.\Public\New-STTrustedNetwork.ps1' 0
function New-STTrustedNetwork {
    Add a Trusted Network.
    Add a Trusted Network.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STTrustedNetwork -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new Trusted Network")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                ip = "$($IpAddress)"
                mask = "$($Mask)"
                comment = "$Comment"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STTrustedNetwork.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\New-STUser.ps1' 0
function New-STUser {
    Creates a new user
    Creates a new user
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    .PARAMETER EmailAddress
    New user email address
    Role id the new user will receive
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STUser -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -EmailAddress ""

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '^(?:(?!.*?[.]{2})[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9.+!%-]{1,64}|)|\"[a-zA-Z0-9.+!% -]{1,64}\")@[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+(.[a-z]{2,}|.[0-9]{1,})$'))
                throw "Invalid Email address"
            return $true
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/users"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new User")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/users"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/users"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                email = $EmailAddress
                $body["id"] = $RoleId
                $body["password"] = $($Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)
                $body["confim_password"] = $($Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-STUser.ps1' 102
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STAllowedIp.ps1' 0
function Remove-STAllowedIp {
    Removes an Allowed IP
    Removes an Allowed IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER AllowedIpId
    Target Allowed IP
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STAllowedIp -Url $url -Token $token -AllowedIpId 4


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/allow"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove Allowed IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($AllowedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STAllowedIp.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STAllowList.ps1' 0
function Remove-STAllowList {
    Remove an allow-list entry
    Remove an allow-list entry
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER AllowListId
    Target Allow List ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STAllowList -Url $url -Token $token -AllowListId 45

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/allow-list"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove Allow List")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($AllowListId)"

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STAllowList.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STArcKey.ps1' 0
function Remove-STArcKey {
    Deletes one or more ARC signing key(s).
    Deletes one or more ARC signing key(s).
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Target ARC Key
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STArcKey -Url $url -Token $token -ArcKeyId 3


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/arc/keys"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ArcKeyId),"Remove ARC Key")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($ArcKeyId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STArcKey.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STBlockedIp.ps1' 0
function Remove-STBlockedIp {
    Removes an Blocked IP
    Removes an Blocked IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER BlockedIpId
    Target Blocked IP
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STBlockedIp -Url $url -Token $token -BlockedIpId 4


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/block"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove Blocked IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($BlockedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STBlockedIp.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STBlockList.ps1' 0
function Remove-STBlockList {
    Remove an Block-list entry
    Remove an Block-list entry
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER BlockListId
    Target Block List ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -BlockListId 45

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/block-list"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove Block List")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($BlockListId)"

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STBlockList.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STDkim.ps1' 0
function Remove-STDkim {
    Delete DKIM.
    Delete DKIM.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    The ID of the DKIM
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STDkim -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -DkimId 3


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Delete Domain DKIM")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/dkim/$($DkimId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STDkim.ps1' 65
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STDkimBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Remove-STDkimBypassedIp {
    Deletes one or more IP(s) from Dkim Exemption
    Deletes one or more IP(s) from Dkim Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER DkimBypassedIpId
    Target IP Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STDkimBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -DkimBypassedIpId 43


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($DkimBypassedIpId),"Remove Dkim Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($DkimBypassedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STDkimBypassedIp.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STDmarcBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Remove-STDmarcBypassedIp {
    Deletes one or more IP(s) from Dmarc Exemption
    Deletes one or more IP(s) from Dmarc Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER DmarcBypassedIpId
    Target IP Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STDmarcBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -DmarcBypassedIpId 23


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($DmarcBypassedIpId),"Remove Dmarc Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($DmarcBypassedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STDmarcBypassedIp.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STDomain.ps1' 0
function Remove-STDomain {
    Updates a domain.
    Updates a domain.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STDomain -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -DkimId 525


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Delete Domain")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/domains"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STDomain.ps1' 68
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STDomainGroup.ps1' 0
function Remove-STDomainGroup {
    Updates specified Domain Group.
    Updates specified Domain Group.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Target Group Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STDomainGroup -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domain-groups"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Domain Group")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($GroupId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STDomainGroup.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STGeoblockingExemption.ps1' 0
function Remove-STGeoblockingExemption {
    Removes geoblocking Exemption for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Removes geoblocking Exemption for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    The ID of the user
    .PARAMETER ExemptionId
    Target Exemption ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -ExemptionId 4


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geo-exemptions"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ExemptionId),"Remove Geoblocking Exemption")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($ExemptionId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geo-exemptions/$($ExemptionId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/geo-exemptions/$($ExemptionId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/geo-exemptions/$($ExemptionId)"

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STGeoblockingExemption.ps1' 88
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STGeoblockingRule.ps1' 0
function Remove-STGeoblockingRule {
    Remove geoblocking rule for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Remove geoblocking rule for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    The ID of the user
    .PARAMETER CountryIso
    The 2 digit ISO country code.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -CountryIso US
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -CountryIso US -GroupId 5


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geo-rules"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CountryIso),"Remove Geoblocking Rule")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($CountryIso)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geo-rules/$($CountryIso)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/geo-rules/$($CountryIso)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/geo-rules/$($CountryIso)"

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STGeoblockingRule.ps1' 93
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STOutboundRelayHostname.ps1' 0
function Remove-STOutboundRelayHostname {
    Removes a Hostname
    Removes a Hostname
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Hostname
    Current Hostname
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STOutboundRelayHostname -Url $url -Token $token -Hostname ''


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/hostnames"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove Outbound Relay Hostname")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Hostname)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STOutboundRelayHostname.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STPattern.ps1' 0
function Remove-STPattern {
    Removes a pattern filter
    Removes a pattern filter
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group.
    .PARAMETER Pattern
    The pattern for the pattern filter.
    The way to utilize the pattern. Available filter types:
    regex: Pattern is a Regular Expression
    contains: Pattern exists somewhere in body/header.
    startswith: Body/header starts with pattern.
    endswith: Body/header ends with pattern.
    exact: Body/header exactly matches pattern.
    anyword: Pattern is a string of words separated by spaces, and any word in that list can exist in body/header.
    meta: Advanced matching for creating meta rules. RULE_<ID> is how you match against another Pattern Filter (said Pattern Filter must be in test mode), or you can specify the name of the rule you wish to match directly. Use && for AND and || for OR, you may wrap rules in parenthesis to match a grouping.
    Default value: regex
    Allowed values: regex, contains, startswith, endswith, exact, anyword, meta
    .PARAMETER ApplyBody
    Apply the pattern filter to the body. You must set either this or apply_headers to true, or both.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER RawBody
    If apply_body is true, then this makes the pattern filter trigger against the raw body of the email, allowing it to trigger on HTML tags and the like.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER ApplyHeaders
    Apply the pattern filter to the body. You must set either this or apply_body to true, or both.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Headers
    If apply_headers is true, the this determines what headers to trigger on in the email.
    Default value: ALL
    .PARAMETER Score
    This is the score to add to an email if the pattern filter triggers. Setting this to 0 puts the pattern filter into test mode. Setting this above 0 classifies it as a blocked pattern. Setting this below 0 classifies it as an allowed pattern.
    Default value: 0
    Size range: -100 to 100
    .PARAMETER DisableRule
    Set the pattern filter to disabled or not.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Comment
    The comment for the pattern filter.
    Default value: Added by API
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STPattern -Url $url -Token $token -PatternId 4

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/patterns"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new pattern filter")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($PatternId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/patterns/$($PatternId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/patterns/$($PatternId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STPattern.ps1' 131
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STQuarantinedEmail.ps1' 0
function Remove-STQuarantinedEmail {
    Remove an Block-list entry
    Remove an Block-list entry
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER QuarantineId
    Target Block List ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STQuarantinedEmail -Url $url -Token $token -QuarantineId "0c7fuE5s87wJ"

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/quarantine"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove quarantined email")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($QuarantineId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STQuarantinedEmail.ps1' 58
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STRateControlPolicy.ps1' 0
function Remove-STRateControlPolicy {
    Deletes specified Rate Control Policy..
    Deletes specified Rate Control Policy..
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER PolicyId
    Target Group Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STRateControlPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -PolicyId 6

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rate-controls/policies"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PolicyId,"Remove Rate Control Policy"))
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($PolicyId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {    
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STRateControlPolicy.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STRbl.ps1' 0
function Remove-STRbl {
    Removes a RBL
    Removes a RBL
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Current RBL
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STRbl -Url $url -Token $token -Rbl ''


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove RBL")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Rbl)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STRbl.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STRblBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Remove-STRblBypassedIp {
    Remove RBL Bypassed IP
    Remove RBL Bypassed IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER RblBypassedIpId
    Target Bypassed IP Id.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STRblBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -RblBypassedIpId 4

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove RBL Bypassed IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($RblBypassedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STRblBypassedIp.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STSenderBasedSmarthost.ps1' 0
function Remove-STSenderBasedSmarthost {
    Removes Sender Based Smarthost
    Removes Sender Based Smarthost
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER SmarthostId
    Current SmarthostId
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STSenderBasedSmarthost -Url $url -Token $token -SmarthostId 5


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/smarthost/sender"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove SmarthostId")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($SmarthostId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STSenderBasedSmarthost.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STServerWideSmarthost.ps1' 0
function Remove-STServerWideSmarthost {
    Removes Server Wide Smarthost
    Removes Server Wide Smarthost
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER SmarthostId
    Current SmarthostId
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STServerWideSmarthost -Url $url -Token $token -SmarthostId 5


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/smarthost/sender"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Remove SmarthostId")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($SmarthostId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STServerWideSmarthost.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STSpfBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Remove-STSpfBypassedIp {
    Deletes one or more IP(s) from SPF Exemption
    Deletes one or more IP(s) from SPF Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER SpfBypassedIpId
    Target IP Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STSpfBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -SpfBypassedIpId 23


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($SpfBypassedIpId),"Remove SPF Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($SpfBypassedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STSpfBypassedIp.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STTlsPolicy.ps1' 0
function Remove-STTlsPolicy {
    Removes a TlsPolicyId
    Removes a TlsPolicyId
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER TlsPolicyId
    Current TlsPolicyId
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STTlsPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -TlsPolicyId 56


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/tls"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($TlsPolicyId),"Remove TLS Policy")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($TlsPolicyId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STTlsPolicy.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STTrustedNetwork.ps1' 0
function Remove-STTrustedNetworkId {
    Delete a Trusted Network
    Delete a Trusted Network
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER TrustedNetworkId
    Target Bypassed IP Id.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STTrustedNetworkId -Url $url -Token $token -TrustedNetworkIdId 4

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/trusted"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Delete a Trusted Network")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($TrustedNetworkId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STTrustedNetwork.ps1' 59
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STUser.ps1' 0
function Remove-STUser {
    Removes a user
    Removes a user
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    .PARAMETER Userid
    The ID that is to be deleted
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STUser -Url $url -Token $token -UserId 4

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/users"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Userid),"Remove a User")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Userid)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/users/$($Userid)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/users/$($Userid)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STUser.ps1' 76
#Region '.\Public\Remove-STUserAliasEmail.ps1' 0
function Remove-STUserAliasEmail {
    Remove alias
    Remove alias
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Target user ID
    .PARAMETER EmailAddress
    Email to be deleted. If not specified all aliases are removed.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Remove-STUserAliasEmail -Url $url -Token $token -UserId 1234 -EmailAddress ""

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$'))
                throw "Invalid Email address"
            return $true
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/users"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserId),"Remove alias")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($UserId)/aliases"
                $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($UserId)/aliases/$($EmailAddress)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-STUserAliasEmail.ps1' 75
#Region '.\Public\Request-STQuarantineReport.ps1' 0
function Request-STQuarantineReport {
    Request a Quarantine Report for the Authorized user.
    Request a Quarantine Report for the Authorized user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Request-STQuarantineReport -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/quarantine/report"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Request-STQuarantineReport.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Reset-STDmarcReportingSetting.ps1' 0
function Reset-STDmarcReportingSetting {
    Sets the DMARC reporting settings to default settings based on License
    Sets the DMARC reporting settings to default settings based on License
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER DmarcBypassedIpId
    Target IP Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Reset-STDmarcReportingSetting -Url $url -Token $token -DmarcBypassedIpId 23


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/reporting"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($DmarcBypassedIpId),"Sets the DMARC reporting settings to default")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Reset-STDmarcReportingSetting.ps1' 58
#Region '.\Public\Reset-STUserPassword.ps1' 0
function Reset-STUserPassword{
    Sets a new password for the Authenticated User.
    Sets a new password for the Authenticated User.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Password
    Minimum length of the password: 10 characters
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>$creds = $(Convertto-Securestring -string "jfa9e0rj32irj0wjf0wedjf0((fj09J" -AsPlainText -Force)
    PS>Reset-STUserPassword -Url $url -Token $token -Password $creds

            if($($_ | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText).Length -lt 10)
                throw "Password must be at least 10 characters. Current Length: $($($_ | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText).Length)"
            return $true
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/auth/password"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url,"Set a new password for the Authenticated User"))
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                password = "$($Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)"
                new_password = "$($Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Reset-STUserPassword.ps1' 70
#Region '.\Public\Restore-STDomainGroup.ps1' 0
function Restore-STDomainGroup {
    Reinstates a domain, undoing a suspension and lockout.
    Reinstates a domain, undoing a suspension and lockout.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Target Group Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Restore-STDomainGroup -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 6

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domain-groups"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url,"Reinstates a domain, undoing a suspension and lockout."))
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($GroupId)/reinstate"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {    
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Restore-STDomainGroup.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Restore-STRevokedAuthorizationToken.ps1' 0
function Restore-STRevokedAuthorizationToken {
    Unrevokes an authorization token
    Unrevokes an authorization token
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER TokenId
    The Identifier of the token to be (un)revoked. If no identifier is provided, all tokens will be (un)revoked.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>$RevokedToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>Restore-STRevokedAuthorizationToken -Url $url -Token $token -TokenId $RevokedToken

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/auth/tokens"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url,"Unrevokes an authorization token"))
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($TokenId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {    
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Restore-STRevokedAuthorizationToken.ps1' 65
#Region '.\Public\Revoke-STAuthorizationToken.ps1' 0
function Revoke-STAuthorizationToken {
    Revokes an authorization token.
    Revokes an authorization token.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER TokenId
    The Identifier of the token to be revoked. If no identifier is provided, all tokens will be revoked.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>$RevokedToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>Revoke-STAuthorizationToken -Url $url -Token $token -TokenId $RevokedToken

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/auth/tokens"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url,"Revokes an authorization token"))
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($TokenId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {    
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Revoke-STAuthorizationToken.ps1' 65
#Region '.\Public\Set-STArcKey.ps1' 0
function Set-STArcKey {
    Set the DMARC reporting settings
    Set the DMARC reporting settings
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Target ARC key id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STArcKey -Url $url -Token $token -ArcKeyId 234

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/arc"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Set ARC Key to use for ARC signing")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                id = $($ArcKeyId)
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STArcKey.ps1' 63
#Region '.\Public\Set-STClientCertificate.ps1' 0
function Set-STClientCertificate {
    Set what certificate is used for the Client Certificate. If a receiving server requests a Client Certificate, this is the certificate that SpamTitan will send.
    Client Certificates are only sent if a receiving server requests it. SecureMail servers will tend to request client certificates to validate the sending server.
    NOTE: Do not enable this unless required.
    Set what certificate is used for the Client Certificate. If a receiving server requests a Client Certificate, this is the certificate that SpamTitan will send.
    Client Certificates are only sent if a receiving server requests it. SecureMail servers will tend to request client certificates to validate the sending server.
    NOTE: Do not enable this unless required.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER ClientCertificate
    The client certificate for the system
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STClientCertificate -Url $url -Token $token -ClientCertificate " (self-signed)"

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/tls/client-cert"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Set Client Certificate")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                ccert= $($ClientCertificate)
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STClientCertificate.ps1' 67
#Region '.\Public\Set-STConfigurationValue.ps1' 0
function Set-STConfigurationValue {
    Edits a config entry and sets it to a value
    Edits a config entry and sets it to a value
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Configuration
    Hashtable of the configurations. See all keys by running 'Get-STConfiguration'
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>$config = @{
        domain_verify_method = "mx"
        report_name = "Avatara Spam Filter"
        report_from = ""
        report_subject = "Spam Filter Report"
    PS>Set-STConfigurationValue -Url $url -Token $token -Configuration $config

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/config"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Set Configuration")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Form $($Configuration|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STConfigurationValue.ps1' 67
#Region '.\Public\Set-STDkimAdspStatus.ps1' 0
function Set-STDkimAdspStatus {
    Sets the enabled status of ADSP Checking
    Sets the enabled status of ADSP Checking
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STDkimAdspStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim/adsp"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets the enabled status of ADSP Checking")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STDkimAdspStatus.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Set-STDkimStatus.ps1' 0
function Set-STDkimStatus {
    Sets the enabled status of DKIM Checking
    Sets the enabled status of DKIM Checking
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Set the enabled status. If not provided, the setting will toggle.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STDkimStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hahstable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets the enabled status of DKIM Checking")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["enabled"] = $true
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STDkimStatus.ps1' 64
#Region '.\Public\Set-STDmarcArcHeaderTrust.ps1' 0
function Set-STDmarcArcHeaderTrust {
    Sets whether or not DMARC will implicitly trust all ARC headers.
    Sets whether or not DMARC will implicitly trust all ARC headers.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Set the enabled status. If not provided, the setting will toggle.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STDmarcArcHeaderTrust -Url $url -Token $token -Enabled

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/trustarc"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hahstable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets whether or not DMARC will implicitly trust all ARC headers.")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["enabled"] = $true
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STDmarcArcHeaderTrust.ps1' 64
#Region '.\Public\Set-STDmarcMailingWhitelist.ps1' 0
function Set-STDmarcMailingWhitelist {
    Sets whether mailing lists are whitelisted from DMARC
    Sets whether mailing lists are whitelisted from DMARC
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Set the enabled status. If not provided, the setting will toggle.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STDmarcMailingWhitelist -Url $url -Token $token -Enabled

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/mailinglists"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hahstable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets whether mailing lists are whitelisted from DMARC")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["enabled"] = $true
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STDmarcMailingWhitelist.ps1' 64
#Region '.\Public\Set-STDmarcPolicyAction.ps1' 0
function Set-STDmarcPolicyAction {
    Sets the enabled PolicyAction of Dmarc Checking
    Sets the enabled PolicyAction of Dmarc Checking
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Policy
    The action to be setting the action for.
    Allowed values: reject, quarantine
    .PARAMETER Action
    The action to be performed when DMARC reject policy is triggered.
    reject: Reject the mail with a 500 response.
    quarantine: Send the mail to quarantine for checking.
    none: Do nothing, and let the mail pass on to spam testing.
    Allowed values: reject, quarantine, none
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STDmarcPolicyAction -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/actions"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets the enabled PolicyAction of Dmarc Checking")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Policy)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                action = $Action
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STDmarcPolicyAction.ps1' 78
#Region '.\Public\Set-STDmarcReportingSetting.ps1' 0
function Set-STDmarcReportingSetting {
    Set the DMARC reporting settings
    Set the DMARC reporting settings
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER EmailAddress
    The email that DMARC reports will be sent from
    .PARAMETER OrganizationName
    The oganization's name that is sending the DMARC report.
    .PARAMETER ExtraContactInfo
    The additional contact info to provide in the DMARC report. This can be a website or an additional address
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STDmarcReportingSetting -Url $url -Token $token -EmailAddress "" -OrganizationName "My Org" -ExtraContactInfo ""

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/reporting"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Set the DMARC reporting settings")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                email = $EmailAddress
                org_name = $OrganizationName
                extra_contact_info = $ExtraContactInfo
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STDmarcReportingSetting.ps1' 74
#Region '.\Public\Set-STDmarcStatus.ps1' 0
function Set-STDmarcStatus {
    Sets the enabled status of Dmarc Checking
    Sets the enabled status of Dmarc Checking
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Set the enabled status. If not provided, the setting will toggle.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STDmarcStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hahstable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets the enabled status of Dmarc Checking")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["enabled"] = $true
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STDmarcStatus.ps1' 64
#Region '.\Public\Set-STGeoblockingStatus.ps1' 0
function Set-STGeoblockingStatus {
    Sets the enabled status of Geoblocking for the system.
    Note: This only enables/disables geoblocking for the entire system.
    If you want to enable/disable it for domain groups, domains or users, then go the respective endpoint for updating their policy.
    Sets the enabled status of Geoblocking for the system.
    Note: This only enables/disables geoblocking for the entire system.
    If you want to enable/disable it for domain groups, domains or users, then go the respective endpoint for updating their policy.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STGeoblockingStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geoblocking"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets the enabled status of Geoblocking for the system")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header  -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STGeoblockingStatus.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Public\Set-STLicense.ps1' 0
function Set-STLicense {
    Set the DMARC reporting settings
    Set the DMARC reporting settings
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER LicencePath
    Path to new License
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STLicence -Url $url -Token $token -LicencePath '@/home/user/STP-2-0500-123456.key'

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/license"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Set ARC Key to use for ARC signing")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                license = $LicencePath
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Form $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STLicense.ps1' 63
#Region '.\Public\Set-STSandboxStatus.ps1' 0
function Set-STSandboxStatus {
    Toggles Sandboxing
    Toggles Sandboxing
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STSandboxStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/atp/sandboxing"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Toggles Sandboxing")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body =@{
                enabled = $Enabled
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STSandboxStatus.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Set-STSaslSetting.ps1' 0
function Set-STSaslSetting {
    Set the SASL settings
    Set the SASL settings
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STSaslSetting -Url $url -Token $token -SaslSettingPath '@/home/user/STP-2-0500-123456.key'

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '(^(([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])|[a-z0-9]+\.)*([a-z]+|xn\-\-[a-z0-9]+)\.?$|^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$)'))
                throw "Invalid IP or FQDN"
            return $true
        [int]$Port = $(if($Method -imatch 'ldap|ldaps'){throw "When 'Method' set to LDAP(s), the Port is mandatory"}),
        [pscredential]$Credential = $(if($Method -imatch 'ldap|ldaps'){throw "When 'Method' set to LDAP(s), the user credential is mandatory"}),
        [string]$LdapFilter = $(if($Method -imatch 'ldap|ldaps'){throw "When 'Method' set to LDAP(s), the Filter is mandatory"}),
        [string]$LdapSearchBase = $(if($Method -imatch 'ldap|ldaps'){throw "When 'Method' set to LDAP(s), the SearchBase is mandatory"})
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/sasl"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Set the SASL settings")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                method = $Method
                server = $Server
                anonymous_search = $AnonymousSearch
                rquire_tls = $RequiresTls
                $body["port"] = $Port
                $body["search_user"] = $Credential.UserName
                $body["search_password"] = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                $body["filter"] = $LdapFilter
                $body["search_base"] = $LdapSearchBase
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Form $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STSaslSetting.ps1' 103
#Region '.\Public\Set-STServerWideSmarthost.ps1' 0
function Set-STServerWideSmarthost {
    Set the server-wide smarthost settings
    Set the server-wide smarthost settings
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Sender
    The sender to match on. It can either be a domain (preceded by an @ symbol), or an email address.
    .PARAMETER Smarthost
    Address to send mail to. Has to be either an FQDN or IP (IPv4 or IPv6).
    The port to deliver mail to at the smarthost address.
    Default value: 25
    .PARAMETER NeedAuth
    If authentication is required for the smarthost address.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Credential
    [PSCredential] The Credentials to authenticate against the smarthost. Required if needauth is true.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STServerWideSmarthost -Url $url -Token $token -Smarthost ""

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '(^(([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])|[a-z0-9]+\.)*([a-z]+|xn\-\-[a-z0-9]+)\.?$|^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$)'))
                throw "Invalid IP or FQDN"
            return $true
        [int]$Port = 25,
        [pscredential]$Credential = $(if($NeedAuth){throw "when 'NeedAuth' is used, the parameter 'Credential' is mandatory"}),
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/smarthost"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserId),"Add Sender-based Smarthost")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                use_tls = $UseTls
                smarthost = $Smarthost
                $body['needauth'] = $NeedAuth
                $body['auth_user'] = $Credential.UserName
                $body['auth_password'] = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                $body['comment'] = $Comment
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STServerWideSmarthost.ps1' 114
#Region '.\Public\Set-STSpfCheckingStatus.ps1' 0
function Set-STSpfCheckingStatus {
    Sets the enabled status of SPF Checking
    Sets the enabled status of SPF Checking
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STSpfRejectionStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets the enabled status of SPF Checking")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STSpfCheckingStatus.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Set-STSpfRejectionForNonePolicy.ps1' 0
function Set-STSpfRejectionForNonePolicy {
    Sets the enabled status of SPF rejection for none DMARC policies
    Sets the enabled status of SPF rejection for none DMARC policies
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STSpfRejectionForNonePolicy -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/reject/dmarc-none"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets the enabled status of SPF for none DMARC policies")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STSpfRejectionForNonePolicy.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Set-STSpfRejectionStatus.ps1' 0
function Set-STSpfRejectionStatus {
    Sets the enabled status of SPF rejection
    Sets the enabled status of SPF rejection
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STSpfRejectionStatus -Url $url -Token $token

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/reject"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Sets the enabled status of SPF rejection")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STSpfRejectionStatus.ps1' 54
#Region '.\Public\Set-STSystemTlsPolicy.ps1' 0
function Set-STSystemTlsPolicy {
    Set what certificate is used for the Client Certificate. If a receiving server requests a Client Certificate, this is the certificate that SpamTitan will send.
    Client Certificates are only sent if a receiving server requests it. SecureMail servers will tend to request client certificates to validate the sending server.
    NOTE: Do not enable this unless required.
    Set what certificate is used for the Client Certificate. If a receiving server requests a Client Certificate, this is the certificate that SpamTitan will send.
    Client Certificates are only sent if a receiving server requests it. SecureMail servers will tend to request client certificates to validate the sending server.
    NOTE: Do not enable this unless required.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER SystemTlsPolicy
    The client certificate for the system
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Set-STSystemTlsPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -SystemTlsPolicy "opportunistic"

        [ValidateSet("disabled", "opportunistic", "specified-domains", "opportunistic:specified-domains")]
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/tls/policy"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Set System TLS Policy")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                policy= $($SystemTlsPolicy)
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-STSystemTlsPolicy.ps1' 68
#Region '.\Public\Show-STSpfStatus.ps1' 0
function Show-STSpfStatus {
    Shows whether SPF checking is enabled on the system or not.
    Shows whether SPF checking is enabled on the system or not.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Show-STSpfStatus -Url $url -Token $token


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            return $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Show-STSpfStatus.ps1' 52
#Region '.\Public\Suspend-STDomainGroup.ps1' 0
function Suspend-STDomainGroup {
    Suspends a domain group, shutting off spam, virus, and banned filtering for all domains in the domain group.
    Suspends a domain group, shutting off spam, virus, and banned filtering for all domains in the domain group.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Target Group Id
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Suspend-STDomainGroup -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 6

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domain-groups"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url,"Suspends a domain group"))
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($GroupId)/suspend"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            try {    
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Suspend-STDomainGroup.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Test-STArcKey.ps1' 0
function Test-STArcKey {
    Verify whether an ARC key is valid for use or not
    Verify whether an ARC key is valid for use or not
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Target Key ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Test-STArcKey -Url $url -Token $token -ArcKeyId 45


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/arc/keys"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($ArcKeyId)/verify"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            $Result += $temp
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-STArcKey.ps1' 60
#Region '.\Public\Test-STDkim.ps1' 0
function Test-STDkim {
    Verify a DKIM.
    Verify a DKIM.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    Target DKIM Id.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Test-STDkim -Url $url -Token $token -Domain '' -DkimId 1
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Test-STDkim -Url $url -Token $token -Domain 5 -DkimId 1

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/dkim/$($DkimId)/verify"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
        try {
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
            throw $_.Exception.Message
            return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-STDkim.ps1' 67
#Region '.\Public\Test-STIpAgainstRbl.ps1' 0
function Test-STIpAgainstRbl {
    List all allowed IPs
    List all allowed IPs
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    The IP that is to be checked against the RBL list.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Test-STIpAgainstRbl-Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress ""

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl"
        $page = 1
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($IpAddress)/test"
        $Header  = @{
            "Accept" = "application/json"
            "Content-Type" = "application/json"
            "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"

            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $api -Headers $Header -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                $page ++
                $api = "$($api.split('page=')[0])page=" + "$($page)"
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
        while($temp.count -eq 500)
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-STIpAgainstRbl.ps1' 72
#Region '.\Public\Update-STAllowedIp.ps1' 0
function Update-STAllowedIp {
    Updates an allowed IP
    Updates an allowed IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER AllowedIpId
    Target Allowed IP
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Sets the IP to be allowed. This can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address
    Sets the subnet mask (or prefix length) to allow. This is in CIDR notation.
    The mask will only be used if a new IP is set.
    Default value: 32
    Size range: 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STAllowedIp -Url $url -Token $token -AllowedIpId 4 -Mask 24


            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/allow"
        [array]$Result = @()
        $body = @{
            comment = "$Comment"
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update allowed IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($AllowedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body['ip'] = $IpAddress
                $body['mask'] = $Mask
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STAllowedIp.ps1' 102
#Region '.\Public\Update-STAllowList.ps1' 0
function Update-STAllowList {
    Update an allow-list entry
    Update an allow-list entry
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    The ID of the user or the user's email address.
    .PARAMETER Sender
    Sets the sender address for the specified allow-list. Required if domain isn't provided.
    .PARAMETER AllowedDomain
    Sets the domain for the specified allow-list. Required if sender isn't provided.
    .PARAMETER IncludeSubdomains
    Sets whether to include the subdomains of a domain.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    .PARAMETER AllowListId
    Target Allow List ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STAllowList -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -Sender "" -Comment "Added via Powershell" -IncludeSubdmains

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/allow-list"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Allow List")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($AllowListId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/allow-list/$($AllowListId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/allow-list/$($AllowListId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/allow-list/$($AllowListId)"
                $body["sender"] = "$($Sender)"
                $body["include_subdomains"] = $($IncludeSubdomains)
                $body["comment"] = $Comment

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STAllowList.ps1' 119
#Region '.\Public\Update-STArcKeyComment.ps1' 0
function Update-STArcKeyComment {
    Set the DMARC reporting settings
    Set the DMARC reporting settings
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Target ARC key id
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    Default value: Added by API
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STArcKeyComment -Url $url -Token $token -ArcKeyId 234 -Comment "New Key"

        [string]$Comment = "Added by API"
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/mail-auth/arc"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ArcKeyId),"Update comment")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/keys/$($ArcKeyId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                comment = $($Comment)
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STArcKeyComment.ps1' 69
#Region '.\Public\Update-STBlockedIp.ps1' 0
function Update-STBlockedIp {
    Updates an Blocked IP
    Updates an Blocked IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER BlockedIpId
    Target Blocked IP
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Sets the IP to be Blocked. This can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address
    Sets the subnet mask (or prefix length) to allow. This is in CIDR notation.
    The mask will only be used if a new IP is set.
    Default value: 32
    Size range: 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STBlockedIp -Url $url -Token $token -BlockedIpId 4 -Mask 24


            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/ip/block"
        [array]$Result = @()
        $body = @{
            comment = "$Comment"
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Blocked IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($BlockedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body['ip'] = $IpAddress
                $body['mask'] = $Mask
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STBlockedIp.ps1' 102
#Region '.\Public\Update-STBlockList.ps1' 0
function Update-STBlockList {
    Update an block-list entry
    Update an block-list entry
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    The ID of the user or the user's email address.
    .PARAMETER Sender
    Sets the sender address for the specified block-list. Required if domain isn't provided.
    .PARAMETER blockedDomain
    Sets the domain for the specified block-list. Required if sender isn't provided.
    .PARAMETER IncludeSubdomains
    Sets whether to include the subdomains of a domain.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    .PARAMETER blockListId
    Target block List ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STBlockList -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -Sender "" -Comment "Added via Powershell" -IncludeSubdmains

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/block-list"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update block List")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($blockListId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/block-list/$($blockListId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/block-list/$($blockListId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/block-list/$($blockListId)"
                $body["sender"] = "$($Sender)"
                $body["include_subdomains"] = $($IncludeSubdomains)
                $body["comment"] = $Comment

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STBlockList.ps1' 119
#Region '.\Public\Update-STDkimBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Update-STDkimBypassedIp {
    Updates an IP for Dkim Exemption
    Adds a new IP for Dkim Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER DkimBypassedIpId
    Target IP Id
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-DkimBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dkim/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Dkim Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($DkimBypassedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["ip"] = "$($IpAddress)"
                $body["mask"] = $($Mask)
                $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STDkimBypassedIp.ps1' 96
#Region '.\Public\Update-STDmarcBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Update-STDmarcBypassedIp {
    Updates an IP for Dmarc Exemption
    Adds a new IP for Dmarc Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER DmarcBypassedIpId
    Target IP Id
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-DmarcBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/dmarc/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Dmarc Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($DmarcBypassedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["ip"] = "$($IpAddress)"
                $body["mask"] = $($Mask)
                $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STDmarcBypassedIp.ps1' 96
#Region '.\Public\Update-STDomain.ps1' 0
function Update-STDomain {
    Updates a domain.
    Updates a domain.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    .PARAMETER DestinationServer
    The server to look up recipient verification against.
    The port to test against. On Exchange 2013 or newer, this will generally need to be 2525, and for every other server type will usually be the same as your SMTP port. Default 2525
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STDomain -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -DestinationServer "" -Port 2525

        [string]$Port = 2525

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Domain")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/domains"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                domain = "$($Domain)"
                destination = "$($DestinationServer)"
                rv_type = "dynamic"
                "dynamic" = @{
                    dynamic_server = "$($DestinationServer)"
                    dynamic_port = "$($port)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STDomain.ps1' 87
#Region '.\Public\Update-STDomainAuthSetting.ps1' 0
function Update-STDomainAuthSetting {
    Updates specified Domain Group.
    Updates specified Domain Group.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself
    .PARAMETER AuthType
    The type of authentication to use for the domain.
    internal: Use the internal mechanisms and passwords for authentication users.
    ldap: Authentication users against an LDAP server.
    sql: Use a separate SQL server to store authentication credentials of users.
    pop: Use a POP server for authentication of users.
    imap: Use an IMAP server for authentication of users.
    Allowed values: internal, ldap, sql, pop, imap
    .PARAMETER AuthTypeParams
    Hashtable according to
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STDomainAuthSetting -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -AuthType Internal

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Auth Settings")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/auth"

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                auth_type = $AuthType
                $body[$AuthType] = $AuthTypeParams
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STDomainAuthSetting.ps1' 86
#Region '.\Public\Update-STDomainGroup.ps1' 0
function Update-STDomainGroup {
    Updates specified Domain Group.
    Updates specified Domain Group.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    Target Group Id
    The name of the domain group
    .PARAMETER Timezone
    The timezone of the domain group. You can find a list of names below. Utilize the TZ database name column for the timezone name to provide.
    .PARAMETER Description
    The description of the domain group.
    .PARAMETER License
    The license assigned to the domain group. Does not affect anything.
    .PARAMETER GeoBlocking
    Whether to enable geoblocking.
    Default value: true
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STDomainGroup -Url $url -Token $token -GroupId 5 -Name "MyGroupName"

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domain-groups"
        [array]$Result = @()
        $Exclude = @('Url','Token','GroupId')
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Domain Group")
            [hashtable]$body = @{}
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($GroupId)"

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $PSBoundParameters | ForEach-Object {
                if($_.Key -inotin $Exclude)
                    $body[$_.Key.ToLower()] = $_.Value
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STDomainGroup.ps1' 95
#Region '.\Public\Update-STDomainPolicy.ps1' 0
function Update-STDomainPolicy {
    Update a specified domain's policy
    Update a specified domain's policy
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER GeoBlocking
    Whether to enable geoblocking.
    Default value: true
    .PARAMETER ArchiveCleanMail
    Whether to store a copy of clean mail in the quarantine for a temporary archive.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER SpamEnabled
    Whether spam filtering is enabled.
    .PARAMETER SpamAction
    What to do with a mail marked as spam. Whether to tag and pass it, quarantine it, or reject the mail (delete and send an NDR).
    Allowed values: quarantine, passtag, reject
    .PARAMETER SpamScore
    The score to determine if a mail is spam. Score for the mail has to be greater than this value to be considered Spam.
    Default value: 5
    .PARAMETER SpamSendNdr
    Whether to send an NDR if a mail is quarantined. Only used if the spam_action is quarantine.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER SpamDiscardScore
    The score to discard the mail at. If the score of the mail is over the spam_discard_score, then the mail will be deleted instead of being quarantined.
    Default value: 999
    .PARAMETER SpamAddHeaders
    To include the X-Spam headers to non-spam mails.
    Default value: true
    .PARAMETER VirusEnabled
    Whether virus filtering is enabled.
    .PARAMETER Sandbox
    Whether or not to send viruses that need sandboxing to the sandbox
    .PARAMETER VirusAction
    What to do with a mail marked as a virus. Whether to tag and pass it, quarantine it, or reject the mail (delete the mail).
    Allowed values: quarantine, passtag, reject
    .PARAMETER AttachmentEnabled
    Whether banned attachment filtering is enabled.
    .PARAMETER AttachmentAction
    What to do with a mail marked as a banned attachment. Whether to tag and pass it, quarantine it, or reject the mail (delete the mail).
    Allowed values: quarantine, passtag, reject
    .PARAMETER QreportEnabled
    Whether the user should receive a quarantine report for quarantined items.
    .PARAMETER QreportLanguage
    The language for the quarantine report to be in
    Default value: en_us
    .PARAMETER QreportFrequency
    How often to send the mail.
        D: Daily
        N: Never
        W: Weekly
        WD: Every Week Day
        M: Monthly
    Default value: D
    Allowed values: N, D, W, WD, M
    .PARAMETER QreportContains
    What quarantine reports contain.
        A: All items in quarantine.
        N: New items since last report.
        AX: All items except Viruses in Quarantine.
        NX: New items except Viruses since last report.
    Default value: N
    Allowed values: A, N, AX, NX
    .PARAMETER QreportExcludeScore
    The score threshold to exclude mails scoring over it from the quarantine report.
    Default value: 999
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STDomainPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -GeoBlocking

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Domain Policy")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/Policy"

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["geoblocking"] = $GeoBlocking
                $body["archive_clean_mail"] = $ArchiveCleanMail
                $body["spam_enabled"] = $SpamEnabled
                $body["spam_action"] = $SpamAction
                $body["spam_score"] = $SpamScore
                $body["spam_send_ndr"] = $SpamSendNdr
                $body["spam_discard_score"] = $SpamDiscardScore
                $body["spam_add_headers"] = $SpamAddHeaders
                $body["virus_enabled"] = $VirusEnabled
                $body["virus_action"] = $VirusAction
                $body["sandbox"] = $Sandbox
                $body["attachment_enabled"] = $AttachmentEnabled
                $body["attachment_action"] = $AttachmentAction
                $body["qreport_enabled"] = $QreportEnabled
                $body["qreport_language"] = $QreportLanguage
                $body["qreport_frequency"] = $QreportFrequency
                $body["qreport_contains"] = $QreportContains
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STDomainPolicy.ps1' 260
#Region '.\Public\Update-STGeoblockingExemption.ps1' 0
function Update-STGeoblockingExemption {
    Creates a geoblocking sender exemption for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Creates a geoblocking sender exemption for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    .PARAMETER DomainId
    The ID of the domain.
    The ID of the user.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Sets the comment.
    Size range: ..250
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The sender domain address to exclude from geo-blocking checks. Required if neither email nor ip is provided.
    .PARAMETER Email
    The sender email address to exclude from geo-blocking checks. Required if neither domain nor ip is provided.
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    The sender ip address to exclude from geo-blocking checks. Required if neither domain nor email is provided.
    .PARAMETER IncludeSubDomain
    Sets whether to include the IncludeSubDomains of the specified domain.
    Default value: false
    The sender subnet mask to exclude from geo blocking checks. This is in CIDR notation.
    Default value: 32
    Size range: 8..32
    .PARAMETER ExemptionId
    Target Exemption ID
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STGeoblockingExemption -Url $url -Token $token -Domain '' -IncludeSubDomain

        [string]$Domain = $(if(-not ($Email) -and -not ($IpAddress)){throw "The parameter 'Domain' is mandatory when 'Email' or 'IpAddress' are not provided"}),
        [string]$Email = $(if(-not ($Domain) -and -not ($IpAddress)){throw "The parameter 'Email' is mandatory when 'Domain' or 'IpAddress' are not provided"}),
        [string]$IpAddress = $(if(-not ($Domain) -and -not ($Email)){throw "The parameter 'IpAddress' is mandatory when 'Domain' or 'Email' are not provided"}),
        [string]$Mask = 32
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geo-exemptions/$($ExemptionId)"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Geoblocking Exemption")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $api = "$($Url)/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geo-exemptions/$($ExemptionId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/domains/$($Domain)/geo-exemptions/$($ExemptionId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/users/$($UserId)/geo-exemptions/$($ExemptionId)"
                $body["comment"] = $Comment
                $body["domain"] = $Domain
                $body["email"] = $Email
                $body["ip"] = $($IpAddress)
                $body["IncludeSubDomains"] = $IncludeSubDomain
                $body["mask"] = $Mask
            try {
                $temp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
                $Result += $
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $temp
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STGeoblockingExemption.ps1' 149
#Region '.\Public\Update-STGeoblockingRule.ps1' 0
function Update-STGeoblockingRule {
    Updates a geoblocking rule for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Updates a geoblocking rule for global, domain group, domain or user.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    The ID of the user
    .PARAMETER CountryIso
    The 2 digit ISO country code.
    .PARAMETER Geoblock
    Sets whether to block emails from a specified country.
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STGeoblockingRule -Url $url -Token $token -CountryIso US -Geoblock -GroupId 5


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/geo-rules"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CountryIso),"Update Geoblocking Rule")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($CountryIso)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/geo-rules/$($CountryIso)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/geo-rules/$($CountryIso)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/users/$($UserId)/geo-rules/$($CountryIso)"
                $body["geoblock"] = $($Geoblock)
                $body["geoblock"] = $false

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STGeoblockingRule.ps1' 104
#Region '.\Public\Update-STOutboundPolicy.ps1' 0
function Update-STOutboundPolicy {
    Updates an allowed IP
    Updates an allowed IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STOutboundPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -OutboundPolicyId 4 -Mask 24

        [ValidateSet("A", "N", "AX", "NX")]

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/policy"
        [array]$Result = @()
        $body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update allowed IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body['policy_name'] = $PolicyName
                $body['archive_clean_mail'] = $ArchiveCleanEmail
                $body['spam_enabled'] = $SpamEnabled
                $body['spam_action'] = $SpamAction
                $body['spam_score'] = $SpamScore
                $body['spam_send_ndr'] = $SpamSendNdr
                $body['spam_discard_score'] = $SpamDiscardScore
                $body['spam_add_headers'] = $SpamAddHeaders
                $body['virus_enabled'] = $VirusEnabled
                $body['virus_action'] = $VirusAction
                $body['sandbox'] = $Sandbox
                $body['attachment_enabled'] = $AttachmentEnabled
                $body['attachment_action'] = $AttachmentAction
                $body['qreport_enabled'] = $QreportEnabled
                $body['qreport_language'] = $QreportLanguage
                $body['qreport_frequency'] = $QreportFrequency
                $body['qreport_contains'] = $QreportContains
                $body['qreport_exclude_score'] = $QreportExcludeScore
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STOutboundPolicy.ps1' 171
#Region '.\Public\Update-STPattern.ps1' 0
function Update-STPattern {
    Updates a pattern filter
    Updates a pattern filter
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group.
    .PARAMETER PatternId
    Target pattern ID
    .PARAMETER Pattern
    The pattern for the pattern filter.
    The way to utilize the pattern. Available filter types:
    regex: Pattern is a Regular Expression
    contains: Pattern exists somewhere in body/header.
    startswith: Body/header starts with pattern.
    endswith: Body/header ends with pattern.
    exact: Body/header exactly matches pattern.
    anyword: Pattern is a string of words separated by spaces, and any word in that list can exist in body/header.
    meta: Advanced matching for creating meta rules. RULE_<ID> is how you match against another Pattern Filter (said Pattern Filter must be in test mode), or you can specify the name of the rule you wish to match directly. Use && for AND and || for OR, you may wrap rules in parenthesis to match a grouping.
    Default value: regex
    Allowed values: regex, contains, startswith, endswith, exact, anyword, meta
    .PARAMETER ApplyBody
    Apply the pattern filter to the body. You must set either this or apply_headers to true, or both.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER RawBody
    If apply_body is true, then this makes the pattern filter trigger against the raw body of the email, allowing it to trigger on HTML tags and the like.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER ApplyHeaders
    Apply the pattern filter to the body. You must set either this or apply_body to true, or both.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Headers
    If apply_headers is true, the this determines what headers to trigger on in the email.
    Default value: ALL
    .PARAMETER Score
    This is the score to add to an email if the pattern filter triggers. Setting this to 0 puts the pattern filter into test mode. Setting this above 0 classifies it as a blocked pattern. Setting this below 0 classifies it as an allowed pattern.
    Default value: 0
    Size range: -100 to 100
    .PARAMETER DisableRule
    Set the pattern filter to disabled or not.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Comment
    The comment for the pattern filter.
    Default value: Added by API
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STPattern -Url $url -Token $token -PaternId 4 -Type Regex -Pattern '[Mm]alicious\s[Aa]ctivity'

        [string]$Type = "regex",
        [string[]]$Headers = "ALL",
        [int]$Score = 0,
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/patterns"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{
            pattern = "$($Pattern)"
            type = "$($Type)"
            headers = @($Headers)
            score = $Score
            comment = $Comment
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PatternId),"Update pattern filter")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($PatternId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/patterns/$($PatternId)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/patterns/$($PatternId)"
                $body["apply_body"] = $ApplyBody
                $body["rawbody"] = $RawBody
                $body["apply_headers"] = $ApplyHeaders
                $body["disable_rule"] = $DisableRule
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STPattern.ps1' 177
#Region '.\Public\Update-STRateControlPolicy.ps1' 0
function Update-STRateControlPolicy {
    Updates specified Rate Control Policy
    Updates specified Rate Control Policy
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    The name of the Rate Control Policy.
    Size range: ..250
    .PARAMETER Enabled
    Whether or not the Rate Control Policy is enabled
    .PARAMETER Source
    What kind of source to be looking at.
    any: Tracks emails from any sources.
    internal: Tracks emails from Trusted Networks.
    external: Tracks emails that aren't from Trusted Networks.
    domain: Must provide source_domain to specify what domain to track.
    email: Must provide source_email to specify what email to track.
    cidr: Must provide source_cidr to specify what CIDR to track.
    Allowed values: any, internal, external, domain, email, cidr
    .PARAMETER SourceEmail
    The email to track in the source. Required if source is set to email
    .PARAMETER SourceDomain
    he domain to track in the source. Required if source is set to domain
    .PARAMETER SourceCidr
    The CIDR to track in the source. Required if source is set to cidr.
    .PARAMETER Destination
    What kind of destination to follow.
    any: Tracks emails to any destination.
    domain: Must provide the destination_domainto specify what email to track.
    email: Must provide the destination_emailto specify what email to track.
    Allowed values: any, domain, email
    .PARAMETER DestinationEmail
    The email destination to track. Required if destination is set to email
    .PARAMETER DestinationDomain
    The domain destination to track. Required if destination is set to domain
    .PARAMETER Track
    What type of thing to count for tracking rate controls.
    Allowed values: ip, sender, email, sender, domain, recipient, email, recipient, domain
    .PARAMETER Bitmask
    The CIDR bitmask to track. Required if track is set to ip.
    Size range: 8..32
    .PARAMETER StopProcessing
    Whether to stop processing more policies after this policy has been hit
    .PARAMETER Priority
    The priority of the policy. Lower numbers represent higher priority. Priority 1 will be the first checked.
    Size range: 1..32767
    .PARAMETER RateLimit
    What to rate limit based off of. Either the Message Count of the Cumulative size of the messages (in kB).
    Allowed values: MessageCount, MessageCumulativeSize
    .PARAMETER LimitCount
    The number of mails to hit the limit before executing the action.
    Size range: 1..
    .PARAMETER Period
    The period of time to listen to the tracking to detect exceeded limits. This is over a rolling period of time. This is over the period of time in period_unit.
    Size range: 1..
    .PARAMETER PeriodUnit
    The unit the period should be tracked in.
    Allowed values: second, minute, hour
    .PARAMETER Action
    Whether to defer (4XX response) mails that exceed the rate limit, or reject (5XX response) them outright.
    Allowed values: DEFER, REJECT
    .PARAMETER SmtpResponse
    The text/response to go alongside the action.
    Size range: ..250
    .PARAMETER NotifyAdmin
    Whether to notify an administrator when the rate limit has been exceeded
    .PARAMETER NotifyAddress
    The address to send notifications to. Required if notify_admin is true
    .PARAMETER Comment
    A comment to associate with the policy.
    Default value: Added by API
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS> $splat = @{
        Url = $url
        Token = $token
        Name= "Example"
        Enabled = $true
        Source= "any"
        Destination= "any"
        Track= "sender"
        StopProcessing = $true
        Priority = 3
        RateLimit = "MessageCount"
        LimitCount = 50
        Period = 30
        PeriodUnit = "minute"
        Action = "REJECT"
        SmtpResponse = "An Example policy"
        NotifyAdmin = $true
        NotifyAddress = ""
    PS>Update-STRateControlPolicy @splat

        [ValidateSet("any", "internal", "external", "domain", "email", "cidr")]
        [ValidateSet("any", "domain", "email")]
        [ValidateSet("ip", "sender", "email", "sender", "domain", "recipient", "email", "recipient", "domain")]
        [ValidateSet("MessageCount", "MessageCumulativeSize")]
        [ValidateScript({if(-not ($_ -gt 0)){throw "Limit must be > 0"}return $true})]
        [ValidateScript({if(-not ($_ -gt 0)){throw "Period must be > 0"}return $true})]
        [ValidateSet("second", "minute", "hour")]
        [ValidateSet("DEFER", "REJECT")]

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rate-controls/policies"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Rate Control Policy")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["name"] = $Name
                $body["enabled"] = $Enabled
                $body["source"] = $Source
                $body["source_email"] = $SourceEmail
                $body["source_domain"] = $SourceDomain
                $body["source_cidr"] = $SourceCidr
                $body["destination"] = $Destination
                $body["destination_email"] = $DestinationEmail
                $body["destination_domain"] = $DestinationDomain
                $body["track"] = $Track

                $body["bitmask"] = $Bitmask
                $body["stop_processing"] = $StopProcessing
                $body["priority"] = $Priority
                $body["rate_limit"] = $RateLimit
                $body["limit_count"] = $LimitCount
                $body["period"] = $Period
                $body["period_unit"] = $PeriodUnit
                $body["action"] = $Action
                $body["smtp_response"] = $SmtpResponse
                $body["notify_admin"] = $NotifyAdmin
                $body["notify_address"] = $NotifyAddress
                $body["comment"] = $Comment
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STRateControlPolicy.ps1' 325
#Region '.\Public\Update-STRbl.ps1' 0
function Update-STRbl {
    Updates a RBL
    Updates a RBL
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    Current RBL
    New RBL
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STRbl -Url $url -Token $token -Rbl '' -NewRbl ''


    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update Rbl")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Rbl)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                new_rbl = $*($NewRbl)
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STRbl.ps1' 68
#Region '.\Public\Update-STRblBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Update-STRblBypassedIp {
    Update RBL Bypassed IP
    Update RBL Bypassed IP
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER RblBypassedIpId
    Target Bypassed IP Id.
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be Updated
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STRblBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns" -RblBypassedIpId 3

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/rbl/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update RBL Bypassed IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($RblBypassedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["ip"] = "$($IpAddress)"
                $body["mask"] = $($Mask)
                $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STRblBypassedIp.ps1' 96
#Region '.\Public\Update-STSenderBasedSmarthost.ps1' 0
function Update-STSenderBasedSmarthost {
    Update sender-based Smarthost.
    Update sender-based Smarthost.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Sender
    The sender to match on. It can either be a domain (preceded by an @ symbol), or an email address.
    .PARAMETER Smarthost
    Address to send mail to. Has to be either an FQDN or IP (IPv4 or IPv6).
    The port to deliver mail to at the smarthost address.
    Default value: 25
    .PARAMETER NeedAuth
    If authentication is required for the smarthost address.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Credential
    [PSCredential] The Credentials to authenticate against the smarthost. Required if needauth is true.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Add-STSenderBasedSmarthost -Url $url -Token $token -Sender "" -Smarthost "" -Port 25

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '(^(([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])|[a-z0-9]+\.)*([a-z]+|xn\-\-[a-z0-9]+)\.?$|^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$)'))
                throw "Invalid IP or FQDN"
            return $true
        [int]$Port = 25,
        [pscredential]$Credential = $(if($NeedAuth){throw "when 'NeedAuth' is used, the parameter 'Credential' is mandatory"}),
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/smarthost/sender"
        [array]$Result = @()
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($UserId),"Update Sender-based Smarthost")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($SmarthostId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
            $body = @{
                $body['sender'] = $Sender
                $body['smarthost'] = $Smarthost
                $body['needauth'] = $NeedAuth
                $body['auth_user'] = $Credential.UserName
                $body['auth_password'] = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                $body['comment'] = $Comment
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STSenderBasedSmarthost.ps1' 118
#Region '.\Public\Update-STSpfBypassedIp.ps1' 0
function Update-STSpfBypassedIp {
    Updates an IP for SPF Exemption
    Updates an IP for SPF Exemption
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER SpfBypassedIpId
    Target IP Id
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be blocked
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-SpfBypassedIp -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns"

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/mail-auth/spf/bypass"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update SPF Bypass IP")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($SpfBypassedIpId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["ip"] = "$($IpAddress)"
                $body["mask"] = $($Mask)
                $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STSpfBypassedIp.ps1' 96
#Region '.\Public\Update-STTlsPolicy.ps1' 0
function Update-STTlsPolicy {
    Update a specific TLS Exception Policies. This is a per-recipient TLS Policy.
    Update a specific TLS Exception Policies. This is a per-recipient TLS Policy.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The ID of the domain or the domain itself.
    .PARAMETER SubDomain
    Whether to include subdomains as well.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER Policy
    What TLS policy to set.
    Allowed values: none, may, encrypt, verify
    .PARAMETER Protocols
    The protocols to use if the policy is set to encrypt or verify.
    Allowed values: SSLv2, SSLv3, !SSLv2:!SSLv3, SSLv2:SSLv3, SSLv3:TLSv1, SSLv2:SSLv3:TLSv1
    .PARAMETER Comment
    The comment for the policy.
    Default value: Added by API
    Size range: ..250
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STTlsPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -Policy "encrypt" -Protocols "SSLv3:TLSv1" -Comment "Added by API"

        [ValidateSet("SSLv2", "SSLv3", "!SSLv2:!SSLv3", "SSLv2:SSLv3", "SSLv3:TLSv1", "SSLv2:SSLv3:TLSv1")]
        [string]$Protocols = $(if($Policy -imatch 'encrypt|verify'){throw "when 'Policy' is set to 'encrypt' or 'verify', the Protocols parameter is mandatory"}),
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/domains"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Add TLS Policy")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($Domain)/dkim"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["domain"] = $Domain
                $body["policy"] = $Policy
                $body["subdomain"] = $SubDomain
                $body["protocols"] = $Protocols
                $body["comment"] = $Comment
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STTlsPolicy.ps1' 113
#Region '.\Public\Update-STTrustedNetwork.ps1' 0
function Update-STTrustedNetwork {
    Update a Trusted Network
    Update a Trusted Network
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER TrustedNetworkId
    Target Trusted Network Id.
    .PARAMETER IpAddress
    Ip address to be Updated
    Subnet mask. Blocked values 8..128
    .PARAMETER Comment
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STTrustedNetwork -Url $url -Token $token -IpAddress -Mask 32 -Comment "Allow google dns" -TrustedNetworkId 3

            if($_ -inotmatch '^(((1?[1-9]?|10|2[0-4])\d|25[0-5])($|\.(?!$))){4}$')
                throw "Invalid IP address"
            return $true
        [int]$Mask = 32,

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/outbound/trusted"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update a Trusted Network")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($TrustedNetworkId)"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["ip"] = "$($IpAddress)"
                $body["mask"] = $($Mask)
                $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)"
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STTrustedNetwork.ps1' 96
#Region '.\Public\Update-STUser.ps1' 0
function Update-STUser {
    Creates a new user
    Creates a new user
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    .PARAMETER Domain
    The domain to be created.
    .PARAMETER GroupId
    The ID of the domain group
    .PARAMETER EmailAddress
    New user email address
    Role id the new user will receive
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>New-STUser -Url $url -Token $token -Domain "" -EmailAddress ""

            if(-not ($_ -imatch '^(?:(?!.*?[.]{2})[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9.+!%-]{1,64}|)|\"[a-zA-Z0-9.+!% -]{1,64}\")@[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+(.[a-z]{2,}|.[0-9]{1,})$'))
                throw "Invalid Email address"
            return $true
    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/users"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Create new User")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domain-groups/$($GroupId)/users"
                $api = "$($Url)/restapi/domains/$($Domain)/users"
            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["email"] = $EmailAddress
                $body["id"] = $RoleId
                $body["password"] = $($Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)
                $body["confim_password"] = $($Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STUser.ps1' 104
#Region '.\Public\Update-STUserPolicy.ps1' 0
function Update-STUserPolicy {
    Update a specified User's policy.
    Update a specified User's policy.
    Base url with domain or IP
    .PARAMETER Token
    Bearer Token for the curent endpoint
    The ID of the user or the user's email itself.
    .PARAMETER GeoBlocking
    Whether to enable geoblocking.
    Default value: true
    .PARAMETER ArchiveCleanMail
    Whether to store a copy of clean mail in the quarantine for a temporary archive.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER SpamEnabled
    Whether spam filtering is enabled.
    .PARAMETER SpamAction
    What to do with a mail marked as spam. Whether to tag and pass it, quarantine it, or reject the mail (delete and send an NDR).
    Allowed values: quarantine, passtag, reject
    .PARAMETER SpamScore
    The score to determine if a mail is spam. Score for the mail has to be greater than this value to be considered Spam.
    Default value: 5
    .PARAMETER SpamSendNdr
    Whether to send an NDR if a mail is quarantined. Only used if the spam_action is quarantine.
    Default value: false
    .PARAMETER SpamDiscardScore
    The score to discard the mail at. If the score of the mail is over the spam_discard_score, then the mail will be deleted instead of being quarantined.
    Default value: 999
    .PARAMETER SpamAddHeaders
    To include the X-Spam headers to non-spam mails.
    Default value: true
    .PARAMETER VirusEnabled
    Whether virus filtering is enabled.
    .PARAMETER Sandbox
    Whether or not to send viruses that need sandboxing to the sandbox
    .PARAMETER VirusAction
    What to do with a mail marked as a virus. Whether to tag and pass it, quarantine it, or reject the mail (delete the mail).
    Allowed values: quarantine, passtag, reject
    .PARAMETER AttachmentEnabled
    Whether banned attachment filtering is enabled.
    .PARAMETER AttachmentAction
    What to do with a mail marked as a banned attachment. Whether to tag and pass it, quarantine it, or reject the mail (delete the mail).
    Allowed values: quarantine, passtag, reject
    .PARAMETER QreportEnabled
    Whether the user should receive a quarantine report for quarantined items.
    .PARAMETER QreportLanguage
    The language for the quarantine report to be in
    Default value: en_us
    .PARAMETER QreportFrequency
    How often to send the mail.
        D: Daily
        N: Never
        W: Weekly
        WD: Every Week Day
        M: Monthly
    Default value: D
    Allowed values: N, D, W, WD, M
    .PARAMETER QreportContains
    What quarantine reports contain.
        A: All items in quarantine.
        N: New items since last report.
        AX: All items except Viruses in Quarantine.
        NX: New items except Viruses since last report.
    Default value: N
    Allowed values: A, N, AX, NX
    .PARAMETER QreportExcludeScore
    The score threshold to exclude mails scoring over it from the quarantine report.
    Default value: 999
    PS>$token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    PS>$url = ""
    PS>Update-STUserPolicy -Url $url -Token $token -UserId "" -GeoBlocking

    Begin {
        $endpoint = "/restapi/users"
        [array]$Result = @()
        [hashtable]$body = @{}
    Process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Url),"Update User Policy")
            $api = "$($Url)$($endpoint)/$($UserId)/Policy"

            $Header  = @{
                "Accept" = "application/json"
                "Content-Type" = "application/json"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $($Token)"
                $body["geoblocking"] = $GeoBlocking
                $body["archive_clean_mail"] = $ArchiveCleanMail
                $body["spam_enabled"] = $SpamEnabled
                $body["spam_action"] = $SpamAction
                $body["spam_score"] = $SpamScore
                $body["spam_send_ndr"] = $SpamSendNdr
                $body["spam_discard_score"] = $SpamDiscardScore
                $body["spam_add_headers"] = $SpamAddHeaders
                $body["virus_enabled"] = $VirusEnabled
                $body["virus_action"] = $VirusAction
                $body["sandbox"] = $Sandbox
                $body["attachment_enabled"] = $AttachmentEnabled
                $body["attachment_action"] = $AttachmentAction
                $body["qreport_enabled"] = $QreportEnabled
                $body["qreport_language"] = $QreportLanguage
                $body["qreport_frequency"] = $QreportFrequency
                $body["qreport_contains"] = $QreportContains
                $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $api -Headers $Header -Body $($body|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                throw $_.Exception.Message
                return $Result
    End {
        return $Result
#EndRegion '.\Public\Update-STUserPolicy.ps1' 260