
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                                            try {
                                                $rev = if ($_.FileMatch.File.Commit.Oid) {
                                                    $commitUrl = "$($_.FileMatch.Repository.Url)@$($_.FileMatch.File.Commit.Oid)"
                                                    # AbbreviatedOid causes panics if queried for search results
                                                    "@`e[02m$($_.FileMatch.File.Commit.Oid.Substring(0, 7))`e[0m"
                                                } else {
                                                "`e[036m$($_.FileMatch.Repository.Name)`e[0m$rev > `e[035m$($_.FileMatch.File.Path)`e[0m"
                                            } catch {
                                                $_ | Out-String | Write-Warning
                                        <!-- Does not work because of -->
                                        <!-- <ScriptBlock>
                                            try {
                                                $rev = if ($_.FileMatch.File.Commit.Oid) {
                                                    $commitUrl = "$($_.FileMatch.Repository.Url)@$($_.FileMatch.File.Commit.Oid)"
                                                    # AbbreviatedOid causes panics if queried for search results
                                                    # TODO figure out why the link does not work (but works with Out-String)
                                                    " @ `e]8;;$commitUrl`a`e[02m$($_.FileMatch.File.Commit.Oid.Substring(0, 7))`e[0m`e]8;;`a"
                                                } else {
                                                "`e]8;;$($_.FileMatch.Repository.Url)`a`e[036m$($_.FileMatch.Repository.Name)`e[0m`e]8;;`a$rev > `e]8;;$($_.FileMatch.File.Url)`a`e[035m$($_.FileMatch.File.Path)`e[0m`e]8;;`a"
                                            } catch {
                                                $_ | Out-String | Write-Warning
                                        </ScriptBlock> -->
                                    <NewLine />
                                           "`e[3mLimit hit`e[0m"
                    $_.FileMatch.Repository.Name + $_.FileMatch.File.Commit.Oid + $_.FileMatch.File.Path
                                0-based data, 1-based display
                                Cannot add hyperlink because of
                                    "`e[37;1m$($_.LineNumber + 1)`e[0m"
                                    # TODO figure out what's wrong with > .gitignore "error"
                                    try {
                                        # Highlight match ranges
                                        $preview = $_.Preview
                                        $out = ""
                                        $start = 0
                                        foreach ($offsetAndLength in $_.OffsetAndLengths) {
                                            $offset = $offsetAndLength[0]
                                            $length = $offsetAndLength[1]
                                            $out += $preview.Substring($start, $offset - $start) + "`e[43m`e[30m" + $preview.Substring($offset, $length) + "`e[0m"
                                            $start += $offset + $length
                                        # Add rest
                                        if ($preview.Length -gt $start) {
                                            $out += $preview.Substring($start)
                                    } catch {
                                        Write-Warning "Error highlighting matches: " + ($_ | Out-String)
                    $_.FileMatch.Repository.Name + $_.FileMatch.File.Commit.Oid + $_.FileMatch.File.Name
                                    $color = switch ($_.Kind) {
                                        'CONSTANT' { "`e[38;5;57m" }
                                        'METHOD' { "`e[35m" }
                                        'CONSTRUCTOR' { "`e[35m" }
                                        'FUNCTION' { "`e[35m" }
                                        'CLASS' { "`e[38;5;220;m" }
                                        'KEY' { "`e[38;5;220;m" }
                                        'STRUCT' { "`e[38;5;220;m" }
                                        'TYPEPAREMETER' { "`e[38;5;38;m" }
                                        'VARIABLE' { "`e[38;5;38;m" }
                                        'PROPERTY' { "`e[38;5;110;m" }
                                        'FIELD' { "`e[38;5;110;m" }
                                        'PACKAGE' { "`e[38;5;208;m" }
                                        'NAMESPACE' { "`e[38;5;50;m" }
                                        'STRING' { "`e[38;5;198m" }
                                        'INTERFACE' { "`e[32m" }
                                        'MODULE' { "`e[38;5;93;m" }
                                        'EVENT' { "`e[31m" }
                                        default { '' }
                                    $color + $_.Kind + "`e[0m"
                            <!-- <TableColumnItem>
                                    switch ($_.Kind) {
                                        'ARRAY' { return '⟦⟧' }
                                        'BOOLEAN' { return '💡' }
                                        'CLASS' { return '🔶' }
                                        'CONSTANT' { return "`e[034;1m𝛑`e[0m" }
                                        'CONSTRUCTOR' { return '🏗' }
                                        'ENUM' { return '🔢' }
                                        'ENUMMEMBER' { return '🔢' }
                                        'EVENT' { return '⏰' }
                                        'FIELD' { return '🏷' }
                                        'FILE' { return '📄' }
                                        'FUNCTION' { return "`e[035;1m𝑓`e[0m" }
                                        'INTERFACE' { return '🔗' }
                                        'KEY' { return '🔑' }
                                        'METHOD' { return '🔹' }
                                        'MODULE' { return '❴❵' }
                                        'NAMESPACE' { return '🌐' }
                                        'NULL' { return '0️⃣' }
                                        'NUMBER' { return '#️⃣' }
                                        'OBJECT' { return '⏹' }
                                        'OPERATOR' { return '*️⃣' }
                                        'PACKAGE' { return '📦' }
                                        'PROPERTY' { return '🔧' }
                                        'STRUCT' { return '🏛' }
                                        'TYPEPAREMETER' { return '🗳' }
                                        'UNKOWN' { return '❓' }
                                        'VARIABLE' { return '🗳' }
                                        default { return '' }
                            </TableColumnItem> -->
                                    try {
                                        $range = $_.Location.Range
                                        "$($range.Start.Line + 1):$($range.Start.Character + 1)-$($range.End.Line + 1):$($range.End.Character + 1)"
                                    } catch {
                                        $_ | Out-String | Write-Warning
                                <ScriptBlock>"`e[02m$($_.File.Commit.Oid.Substring(0, 7))`e[0m"</ScriptBlock>