function Get-SlackHistory { <# .SYNOPSIS Get history from a Slack channel .DESCRIPTION Get history from a Slack channel .PARAMETER Token Specify a token for authorization. See 'Authentication' section here for more information: Test tokens are a simple way to use this .PARAMETER Id One or more channel IDs to extract history from. .PARAMETER Before Return history from before this date .PARAMETER After Return history from after this date .PARAMETER Inclusive If specified, include history from the date specified in Before and/or After parameters .PARAMETER Count Number of messages to return. Defaults to 100. Max 1000 .PARAMETER Raw If specified, we provide raw output and do not parse any responses .FUNCTIONALITY Slack #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( $Token = $Script:PSSlack.Token, [parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] # a bit iffy... ID is common... [Alias('ID')] [string[]]$ChannelID, [ValidateRange(1,1000)] [int]$Count = 100, [switch]$Inclusive, [datetime]$Before, [datetime]$After, #[int]$PageInterval, [switch]$Raw ) begin { function Get-UnixTime { param($Date) $unixEpochStart = new-object DateTime 1970,1,1,0,0,0,([DateTimeKind]::Utc) [int]($Date.ToUniversalTime() - $unixEpochStart).TotalSeconds } Write-Verbose "$($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)" $body = @{ channel = $null } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Before')) { $BeforeTS = Get-UnixTime -Date $Before $body.add('latest', $BeforeTS) } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('After')) { $AfterTS = Get-UnixTime -Date $After $body.add('oldest', $AfterTS) } if($Inclusive) { $body.add('inclusive', 1) } $params = @{ Token = $Token Method = 'channels.history' Body = $body } } process { foreach($ID in $ChannelID) { $ = $ID $response = Send-SlackApi @params if ($response.ok) { if($Raw) { $link = "$($Script:PSSlack.ArchiveUri)/$($$($response.ts -replace '\.')" $response | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name link -Value $link $response } else { Parse-SlackMessage -InputObject $Response } } else { $response } } } } <# TODO: PARAMETER PageInterval If specified, break the specified search into chunks of this many minutes. Before, After, and Count properties are respected. Example: After 6/1/2016 12:00 Count 999 PageInterval 60 This results in us searching history... from 6/1/2016 until the current date, 60 minutes at a time, collecting 999 messages max per 60 minute interval #> |