
function Get-SlackUser {
        Get info on a Slack user

        Get info on a Slack user

    .PARAMETER Token
        Token to use for the Slack API

        Default value is the value set by Set-PSSlackConfig

    .PARAMETER Presence
        Whether to include presence information

    .PARAMETER Billing
        Whether to include billing info

    .Parameter Name
        Optional. One or more names to search for. Accepts wildcards.

    .Parameter Raw
        Return raw output. If specified, Name parameter is ignored

        Get-SlackUser -Token $Token `
                      -Name ps*

        # Get users with name starting 'ps'

        Get-SlackUser -Token $Token -Presence -Billing

        # Get all users in the team, including bots, as well as presence and billing info


    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Content')]
    param (
        [string]$Token = $Script:PSSlack.Token,
        $body = @{}
            $body.add('presence', 1)

        $params = @{
            Token = $Token
            Method = 'users.list'
        if($body.keys.count -gt 0)
            $params.add('body', $Body)
        $RawUsers = Send-SlackApi @params

        $HasWildCard = $False
        foreach($Item in $Name)
            if($Item -match '\*')
                $HasWildCard = $true

            $BillingInfo = Send-SlackApi -Token $Token -Method team.billableInfo
            $UserIDs = $
            foreach($User in $RawUsers.members)
                $UserId = $User.Id
                if($UserIDs -contains $UserId)
                    Add-Member -InputObject $User -MemberType NoteProperty -Name BillingActive -Value $BillingInfo.billable_info.$UserId.billing_active -Force

        if($Name -and -not $HasWildCard)
            # torn between independent queries, or filtering users.list
            # submit a PR if this isn't performant enough or doesn't make sense.
            $Users = $RawUsers.members |
                Where-Object {$Name -Contains $}
        elseif ($Name -and $HasWildCard)
            $AllUsers = $RawUsers.members

            # allow like operator on each channel requested in the param, avoid dupes
            $UserHash = [ordered]@{}
            foreach($SlackUser in $AllUsers)
                foreach($Username in $Name)
                    if($SlackUser.Name -like $Username -and -not $UserHash.Contains($
                        $UserHash.Add($SlackUser.Id, $SlackUser)
            $Users = $UserHash.Values
        else # nothing specified
            $Users = $RawUsers.members

            Parse-SlackUser -InputObject $Users