
function Set-PSSlackConfig {
        Set PSSlack module configuration.
        Set PSSlack module configuration, and $PSSlack module variable.
        This data is used as the default Token and Uri for most commands.
        If a command takes either a token or a uri, tokens take precedence.
        WARNING: Use this to store the token or uri on a filesystem at your own risk.
                 We use the DPAPI to store this.
    .PARAMETER Token
        Specify a Token to use
        Encrypted with the DPAPI
        Specify a Uri to use
        Encrypted with the DPAPI
    .PARAMETER ArchiveUri
        Archive URI. Generally, https://<TEAMNAME>
        Used to generate a link to a specific archive URI, where appropriate
        If specified, save config file to this file path. Defaults to PSSlack.xml in the module root.

        [string]$Path = "$ModuleRoot\$env:USERNAME-$env:COMPUTERNAME-PSSlack.xml"

    Switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys)
        'Uri'{ $Script:PSSlack.Uri = $Uri }
        'Token'{ $Script:PSSlack.Token = $Token }
        'ArchiveUri'{ $Script:PSSlack.ArchiveUri = $ArchiveUri }

    Function Encrypt {
        if($String -notlike '')
            ConvertTo-SecureString -String $string -AsPlainText -Force

    #Write the global variable and the xml
    $Script:PSSlack |
        Select -Property ArchiveUri,
                         @{l='Uri';e={Encrypt $_.Uri}},
                         @{l='Token';e={Encrypt $_.Token}} |
        Export-Clixml -Path $Path -force
