
# Identity Security Cloud V2024 API
# Use these APIs to interact with the Identity Security Cloud platform to achieve repeatable, automated processes with greater scalability. We encourage you to join the SailPoint Developer Community forum at https://developer.sailpoint.com/discuss to connect with other developers using our APIs.
# Version: v2024
# Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech


Creates a form definition.


No description or notes available.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Body is the request payload to create form definition request


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function New-V2024FormDefinition {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: New-V2024FormDefinition' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions'

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling createFormDefinition."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($Body -is [array])) {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100
        } else {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ForEach-Object {
            # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE
            # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx
            $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties
            $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "FormDefinitionResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Generate JSON Schema dynamically.


No description or notes available.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Body is the request payload to create a form definition dynamic schema


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function New-V2024FormDefinitionDynamicSchema {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: New-V2024FormDefinitionDynamicSchema' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/forms-action-dynamic-schema'

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling createFormDefinitionDynamicSchema."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($Body -is [array])) {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100
        } else {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ForEach-Object {
            # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE
            # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx
            $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties
            $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "FormDefinitionDynamicSchemaResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Upload new form definition file.


Parameter `{formDefinitionID}` should match a form definition ID.

.PARAMETER FormDefinitionID
FormDefinitionID String specifying FormDefinitionID

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

File specifying the multipart


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function New-V2024FormDefinitionFileRequest {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: New-V2024FormDefinitionFileRequest' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('multipart/form-data')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/{formDefinitionID}/upload'
        if (!$FormDefinitionID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormDefinitionID` missing when calling createFormDefinitionFileRequest."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formDefinitionID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormDefinitionID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling createFormDefinitionFileRequest."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if (!$File) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `File` missing when calling createFormDefinitionFileRequest."
        $LocalVarFormParameters['file'] = $File | Foreach-Object { [System.IO.FileInfo]$executionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($_) }

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "FormDefinitionFileUploadResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Creates a form instance.


No description or notes available.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Body is the request payload to create a form instance


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function New-V2024FormInstance {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: New-V2024FormInstance' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-instances'

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling createFormInstance."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($Body -is [array])) {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100
        } else {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ForEach-Object {
            # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE
            # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx
            $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties
            $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "FormInstanceResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Deletes a form definition.


Parameter `{formDefinitionID}` should match a form definition ID.

.PARAMETER FormDefinitionID
Form definition ID

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Remove-V2024FormDefinition {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",

    Process {
        'Calling method: Remove-V2024FormDefinition' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/{formDefinitionID}'
        if (!$FormDefinitionID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormDefinitionID` missing when calling deleteFormDefinition."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formDefinitionID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormDefinitionID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling deleteFormDefinition."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'DELETE' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "SystemCollectionsHashtable" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


List form definitions by tenant.


No parameters required.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Offset Integer specifying the offset of the first result from the beginning of the collection. The standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#paginating-results). The offset value is record-based, not page-based, and the index starts at 0.

Limit Integer specifying the maximum number of records to return in a single API call. The standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#paginating-results). If it is not specified, a default limit is used.

Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **name**: *eq, gt, sw, in* **description**: *eq, gt, sw, in* **created**: *eq, gt, sw, in* **modified**: *eq, gt, sw, in*

Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#sorting-results) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **name, description, created, modified**


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Export-V2024FormDefinitionsByTenant {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Export-V2024FormDefinitionsByTenant' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/export'

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling exportFormDefinitionsByTenant."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($Offset) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset

        if ($Limit) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit

        if ($Filters) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters

        if ($Sorters) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ExportFormDefinitionsByTenant200ResponseInner[]" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Download definition file by fileId.


No description or notes available.

.PARAMETER FormDefinitionID
FormDefinitionID Form definition ID

FileID String specifying the hashed name of the uploaded file we are retrieving.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.


Select the return type (optional): application/json, image/jpeg, image/png, application/octet-stream


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Get-V2024FileFromS3 {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [ValidateSet("application/json", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "application/octet-stream")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-V2024FileFromS3' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/octet-stream')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/{formDefinitionID}/file/{fileID}'
        if (!$FormDefinitionID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormDefinitionID` missing when calling getFileFromS3."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formDefinitionID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormDefinitionID))
        if (!$FileID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FileID` missing when calling getFileFromS3."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{fileID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FileID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling getFileFromS3."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "System.IO.FileInfo" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Return a form definition.


Parameter `{formDefinitionID}` should match a form definition ID.

.PARAMETER FormDefinitionID
Form definition ID

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Get-V2024FormDefinitionByKey {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-V2024FormDefinitionByKey' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/{formDefinitionID}'
        if (!$FormDefinitionID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormDefinitionID` missing when calling getFormDefinitionByKey."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formDefinitionID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormDefinitionID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling getFormDefinitionByKey."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "FormDefinitionResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Returns a form instance.


Parameter `{formInstanceID}` should match a form instance ID.

Form instance ID

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Get-V2024FormInstanceByKey {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-V2024FormInstanceByKey' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-instances/{formInstanceID}'
        if (!$FormInstanceID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormInstanceID` missing when calling getFormInstanceByKey."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formInstanceID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormInstanceID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling getFormInstanceByKey."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "FormInstanceResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Download instance file by fileId.


No description or notes available.

FormInstanceID Form instance ID

FileID String specifying the hashed name of the uploaded file we are retrieving.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.


Select the return type (optional): application/json, image/jpeg, image/png, application/octet-stream


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Get-V2024FormInstanceFile {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [ValidateSet("application/json", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "application/octet-stream")]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Get-V2024FormInstanceFile' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/octet-stream')

        if ($ReturnType) {
            # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user
            $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType)

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-instances/{formInstanceID}/file/{fileID}'
        if (!$FormInstanceID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormInstanceID` missing when calling getFormInstanceFile."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formInstanceID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormInstanceID))
        if (!$FileID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FileID` missing when calling getFormInstanceFile."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{fileID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FileID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling getFormInstanceFile."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "System.IO.FileInfo" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Import form definitions from export.


No description or notes available.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Body is the request payload to import form definitions


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Import-V2024FormDefinitions {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Import-V2024FormDefinitions' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/import'

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling importFormDefinitions."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($Body -is [array])) {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100
        } else {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ForEach-Object {
            # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE
            # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx
            $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties
            $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ImportFormDefinitions202Response" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Patch a form definition.


Parameter `{formDefinitionID}` should match a form definition ID.

.PARAMETER FormDefinitionID
Form definition ID

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Body is the request payload to patch a form definition, check: https://jsonpatch.com


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Update-V2024FormDefinition {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Update-V2024FormDefinition' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/{formDefinitionID}'
        if (!$FormDefinitionID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormDefinitionID` missing when calling patchFormDefinition."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formDefinitionID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormDefinitionID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling patchFormDefinition."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($Body -is [array])) {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100
        } else {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ForEach-Object {
            # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE
            # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx
            $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties
            $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'PATCH' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "FormDefinitionResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Patch a form instance.


Parameter `{formInstanceID}` should match a form instance ID.

Form instance ID

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Body is the request payload to patch a form instance, check: https://jsonpatch.com


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Update-V2024FormInstance {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Update-V2024FormInstance' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-instances/{formInstanceID}'
        if (!$FormInstanceID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormInstanceID` missing when calling patchFormInstance."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formInstanceID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormInstanceID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling patchFormInstance."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($Body -is [array])) {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100
        } else {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $Body | ForEach-Object {
            # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE
            # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx
            $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties
            $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'PATCH' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "FormInstanceResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Export form definitions by tenant.


No parameters required.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Offset Integer specifying the offset of the first result from the beginning of the collection. The standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#paginating-results). The offset value is record-based, not page-based, and the index starts at 0.

Limit Integer specifying the maximum number of records to return in a single API call. The standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#paginating-results). If it is not specified, a default limit is used.

Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **name**: *eq, gt, sw, in* **description**: *eq, gt, sw, in* **created**: *eq, gt, sw, in* **modified**: *eq, gt, sw, in*

Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#sorting-results) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **name, description, created, modified**


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Search-V2024FormDefinitionsByTenant {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Search-V2024FormDefinitionsByTenant' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions'

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling searchFormDefinitionsByTenant."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($Offset) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset

        if ($Limit) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit

        if ($Filters) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters

        if ($Sorters) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ListFormDefinitionsByTenantResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Retrieves dynamic data by element.


Parameter `{formInstanceID}` should match a form instance ID. Parameter `{formElementID}` should match a form element ID at the data source configuration.

Form instance ID

Form element ID

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Limit Integer specifying the maximum number of records to return in a single API call. The standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#paginating-results). If it is not specified, a default limit is used.

Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **value**: *eq, ne, in* Supported composite operators: *not* Only a single *not* may be used, and it can only be used with the `in` operator. The `not` composite operator must be used in front of the field. For example, the following is valid: `not value in (""ID01"")`

String that is passed to the underlying API to filter other (non-ID) fields. For example, for access profile data sources, this string will be passed to the access profile api and used with a ""starts with"" filter against several fields.


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Search-V2024FormElementDataByElementID {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Search-V2024FormElementDataByElementID' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-instances/{formInstanceID}/data-source/{formElementID}'
        if (!$FormInstanceID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormInstanceID` missing when calling searchFormElementDataByElementID."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formInstanceID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormInstanceID))
        if (!$FormElementID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormElementID` missing when calling searchFormElementDataByElementID."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formElementID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormElementID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling searchFormElementDataByElementID."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($Limit) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit

        if ($Filters) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters

        if ($Query) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['query'] = $Query

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ListFormElementDataByElementIDResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


List form instances by tenant.


No parameters required.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Search-V2024FormInstancesByTenant {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",

    Process {
        'Calling method: Search-V2024FormInstancesByTenant' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-instances'

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling searchFormInstancesByTenant."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ListFormInstancesByTenantResponse[]" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


List predefined select options.


No parameters required.

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Search-V2024PreDefinedSelectOptions {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",

    Process {
        'Calling method: Search-V2024PreDefinedSelectOptions' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/predefined-select-options'

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling searchPreDefinedSelectOptions."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'GET' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "ListPredefinedSelectOptionsResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]


Preview form definition data source.


No description or notes available.

.PARAMETER FormDefinitionID
Form definition ID

.PARAMETER XSailPointExperimental
Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Limit Integer specifying the maximum number of records to return in a single API call. The standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#paginating-results). If it is not specified, a default limit is used.

Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **value**: *eq, ne, in* Supported composite operators: *not* Only a single *not* may be used, and it can only be used with the `in` operator. The `not` composite operator must be used in front of the field. For example, the following is valid: `not value in (""ID01"")`

String that is passed to the underlying API to filter other (non-ID) fields. For example, for access profile data sources, this string will be passed to the access profile api and used with a ""starts with"" filter against several fields.

.PARAMETER FormElementPreviewRequest
Body is the request payload to create a form definition dynamic schema


A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response



function Show-V2024PreviewDataSource {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        $XSailPointExperimental = "true",
        [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)]

    Process {
        'Calling method: Show-V2024PreviewDataSource' | Write-Debug
        $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug

        $LocalVarAccepts = @()
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @()
        $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarFormParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarPathParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{}
        $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null

        # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
        $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json')

        # HTTP header 'Content-Type'
        $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json')

        $LocalVarUri = '/form-definitions/{formDefinitionID}/data-source'
        if (!$FormDefinitionID) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `FormDefinitionID` missing when calling showPreviewDataSource."
        $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{formDefinitionID}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($FormDefinitionID))

        if (!$XSailPointExperimental) {
            throw "Error! The required parameter `XSailPointExperimental` missing when calling showPreviewDataSource."
        $LocalVarHeaderParameters['X-SailPoint-Experimental'] = $XSailPointExperimental

        if ($Limit) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit

        if ($Filters) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters

        if ($Query) {
            $LocalVarQueryParameters['query'] = $Query

        if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($FormElementPreviewRequest -is [array])) {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $FormElementPreviewRequest | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100
        } else {
            $LocalVarBodyParameter = $FormElementPreviewRequest | ForEach-Object {
            # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE
            # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx
            $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties
            $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        $LocalVarResult = Invoke-V2024ApiClient -Method 'POST' `
                                -Uri $LocalVarUri `
                                -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts `
                                -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes `
                                -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter `
                                -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters `
                                -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters `
                                -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters `
                                -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters `
                                -ReturnType "PreviewDataSourceResponse" `
                                -IsBodyNullable $false

        if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) {
            return $LocalVarResult
        } else {
            return $LocalVarResult["Response"]