# # Identity Security Cloud Beta API # Use these APIs to interact with the Identity Security Cloud platform to achieve repeatable, automated processes with greater scalability. These APIs are in beta and are subject to change. We encourage you to join the SailPoint Developer Community forum at https://developer.sailpoint.com/discuss to connect with other developers using our APIs. # Version: 3.1.0-beta # Generated by OpenAPI Generator: https://openapi-generator.tech # <# .SYNOPSIS Create request to provision a potential role into an actual role. .DESCRIPTION This method starts a job to provision a potential role .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER MinEntitlementPopularity Minimum popularity required for an entitlement to be included in the provisioned role. .PARAMETER IncludeCommonAccess Boolean determining whether common access entitlements will be included in the provisioned role. .PARAMETER RoleMiningPotentialRoleProvisionRequest Required information to create a new role .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary #> function New-BetaPotentialRoleProvisionRequest { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${MinEntitlementPopularity}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${IncludeCommonAccess}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${RoleMiningPotentialRoleProvisionRequest}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: New-BetaPotentialRoleProvisionRequest' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/provision' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling createPotentialRoleProvisionRequest." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling createPotentialRoleProvisionRequest." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if ($MinEntitlementPopularity) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['min-entitlement-popularity'] = $MinEntitlementPopularity } if ($IncludeCommonAccess) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['include-common-access'] = $IncludeCommonAccess } if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($RoleMiningPotentialRoleProvisionRequest -is [array])) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RoleMiningPotentialRoleProvisionRequest | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100 } else { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RoleMiningPotentialRoleProvisionRequest | ForEach-Object { # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Create a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This submits a create role mining session request to the role mining application. .PARAMETER RoleMiningSessionDto Role mining session parameters .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningSessionResponse #> function New-BetaRoleMiningSessions { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${RoleMiningSessionDto}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: New-BetaRoleMiningSessions' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions' if (!$RoleMiningSessionDto) { throw "Error! The required parameter `RoleMiningSessionDto` missing when calling createRoleMiningSessions." } if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($RoleMiningSessionDto -is [array])) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RoleMiningSessionDto | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100 } else { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RoleMiningSessionDto | ForEach-Object { # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningSessionResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Export (download) details for a potential role in a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This endpoint downloads a completed export of information for a potential role in a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER ExportId The id of a previously run export job for this potential role .PARAMETER ReturnType Select the return type (optional): application/zip, application/json .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS System.IO.FileInfo #> function Invoke-BetaDownloadRoleMiningPotentialRoleZip { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ExportId}, [String] [ValidateSet("application/zip", "application/json")] $ReturnType, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Invoke-BetaDownloadRoleMiningPotentialRoleZip' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/zip', 'application/json') if ($ReturnType) { # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType) } $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/export-async/{exportId}/download' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling downloadRoleMiningPotentialRoleZip." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling downloadRoleMiningPotentialRoleZip." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if (!$ExportId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ExportId` missing when calling downloadRoleMiningPotentialRoleZip." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{exportId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ExportId)) $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "System.IO.FileInfo" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Export (download) details for a potential role in a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This endpoint downloads all the information for a potential role in a role mining session. Includes identities and entitlements in the potential role. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER ReturnType Select the return type (optional): application/zip, application/json .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS System.IO.FileInfo #> function Export-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [String] [ValidateSet("application/zip", "application/json")] $ReturnType, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Export-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/zip', 'application/json') if ($ReturnType) { # use the return type (MIME) provided by the user $LocalVarAccepts = @($ReturnType) } $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/export' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling exportRoleMiningPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling exportRoleMiningPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "System.IO.FileInfo" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Asynchronously export details for a potential role in a role mining session and upload to S3 .DESCRIPTION This endpoint uploads all the information for a potential role in a role mining session to S3 as a downloadable zip archive. Includes identities and entitlements in the potential role. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportRequest No description available. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportResponse #> function Export-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRoleAsync { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportRequest}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Export-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRoleAsync' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/export-async' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling exportRoleMiningPotentialRoleAsync." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling exportRoleMiningPotentialRoleAsync." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportRequest -is [array])) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportRequest | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100 } else { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportRequest | ForEach-Object { # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve status of a potential role export job .DESCRIPTION This endpoint retrieves information about the current status of a potential role export. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER ExportId The id of a previously run export job for this potential role .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportResponse #> function Export-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRoleStatus { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${ExportId}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Export-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRoleStatus' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/export-async/{exportId}' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling exportRoleMiningPotentialRoleStatus." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling exportRoleMiningPotentialRoleStatus." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if (!$ExportId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `ExportId` missing when calling exportRoleMiningPotentialRoleStatus." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{exportId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($ExportId)) $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all potential role summaries .DESCRIPTION Returns all potential role summaries that match the query parameters .PARAMETER Sorters Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#sorting-results) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **createdDate, identityCount, entitlementCount, freshness, quality** .PARAMETER Filters Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **createdById**: *eq, sw, co* **createdByName**: *eq, sw, co* **description**: *sw, co* **endDate**: *le, lt* **freshness**: *eq, ge, gt, le, lt* **name**: *eq, sw, co, ge, gt, le, lt* **quality**: *eq, ge, gt, le, lt* **startDate**: *ge, gt* **saved**: *eq* **type**: *eq, ge, gt, le, lt* **scopingMethod**: *eq* **sessionState**: *eq* **identityAttribute**: *co* .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary[] #> function Get-BetaAllPotentialRoleSummaries { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Sorters}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Filters}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaAllPotentialRoleSummaries' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-potential-roles' if ($Sorters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters } if ($Filters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves entitlement popularity distribution for a potential role in a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This method returns entitlement popularity distribution for a potential role in a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER IncludeCommonAccess Boolean determining whether common access entitlements will be included or not .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable #> function Get-BetaEntitlementDistributionPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${IncludeCommonAccess}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaEntitlementDistributionPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/entitlement-popularity-distribution' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getEntitlementDistributionPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getEntitlementDistributionPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if ($IncludeCommonAccess) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['includeCommonAccess'] = $IncludeCommonAccess } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "System.Collections.Hashtable" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves entitlements for a potential role in a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This method returns entitlements for a potential role in a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER IncludeCommonAccess Boolean determining whether common access entitlements will be included or not .PARAMETER Sorters Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#sorting-results) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **popularity, entitlementName, applicationName** The default sort is **popularity** in descending order. .PARAMETER Filters Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **applicationName**: *sw* **entitlementRef.name**: *sw* .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningEntitlement[] #> function Get-BetaEntitlementsPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${IncludeCommonAccess}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Sorters}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Filters}, [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 6, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 7, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaEntitlementsPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/entitlement-popularities' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getEntitlementsPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getEntitlementsPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if ($IncludeCommonAccess) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['includeCommonAccess'] = $IncludeCommonAccess } if ($Sorters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters } if ($Filters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningEntitlement[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves excluded entitlements for a potential role in a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This method returns excluded entitlements for a potential role in a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER Sorters Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#sorting-results) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **popularity** .PARAMETER Filters Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **applicationName**: *sw* **entitlementRef.name**: *sw* .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningEntitlement[] #> function Get-BetaExcludedEntitlementsPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Sorters}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Filters}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 6, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaExcludedEntitlementsPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/excluded-entitlements' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getExcludedEntitlementsPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getExcludedEntitlementsPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if ($Sorters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters } if ($Filters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningEntitlement[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves identities for a potential role in a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This method returns identities for a potential role in a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER Sorters Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#sorting-results) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **name** .PARAMETER Filters Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **name**: *sw* .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningIdentity[] #> function Get-BetaIdentitiesPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Sorters}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Filters}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 6, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaIdentitiesPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/identities' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getIdentitiesPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getIdentitiesPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if ($Sorters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters } if ($Filters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningIdentity[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve potential role in session .DESCRIPTION This method returns a specific potential role for a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRole #> function Get-BetaPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-role-summaries/{potentialRoleId}' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRole" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the applications of a potential role for a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This method returns the applications of a potential role for a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER Filters Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **applicationName**: *sw* .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRoleApplication[] #> function Get-BetaPotentialRoleApplications { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Filters}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaPotentialRoleApplications' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-role-summaries/{potentialRoleId}/applications' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getPotentialRoleApplications." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getPotentialRoleApplications." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if ($Filters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRoleApplication[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the entitlements of a potential role for a role mining session .DESCRIPTION This method returns the entitlements of a potential role for a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER Filters Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **entitlementRef.name**: *sw* .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRoleEntitlements[] #> function Get-BetaPotentialRoleEntitlements { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Filters}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaPotentialRoleEntitlements' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-role-summaries/{potentialRoleId}/entitlements' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getPotentialRoleEntitlements." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getPotentialRoleEntitlements." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if ($Filters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRoleEntitlements[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves potential role source usage .DESCRIPTION This method returns source usageCount (as number of days in the last 90 days) for each identity in a potential role. .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id .PARAMETER SourceId A source id .PARAMETER Sorters Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters/) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **displayName, email, usageCount** .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRoleSourceUsage[] #> function Get-BetaPotentialRoleSourceIdentityUsage { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SourceId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Sorters}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaPotentialRoleSourceIdentityUsage' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/sources/{sourceId}/identityUsage' if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getPotentialRoleSourceIdentityUsage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if (!$SourceId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SourceId` missing when calling getPotentialRoleSourceIdentityUsage." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sourceId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SourceId)) if ($Sorters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRoleSourceUsage[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve session's potential role summaries .DESCRIPTION This method returns the potential role summaries for a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER Sorters Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#sorting-results) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **createdDate** .PARAMETER Filters Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **createdById**: *eq, sw, co* **createdByName**: *eq, sw, co* **description**: *sw, co* **endDate**: *le, lt* **freshness**: *eq, ge, gt, le, lt* **name**: *eq, sw, co* **quality**: *eq, ge, gt, le, lt* **startDate**: *ge, gt* **saved**: *eq* **type**: *eq* .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary[] #> function Get-BetaPotentialRoleSummaries { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Sorters}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Filters}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 5, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaPotentialRoleSummaries' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-role-summaries' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getPotentialRoleSummaries." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if ($Sorters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters } if ($Filters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a specific potential role .DESCRIPTION This method returns a specific potential role. .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRole #> function Get-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}' if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling getRoleMiningPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRole" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get a role mining session .DESCRIPTION The method retrieves a role mining session. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id to be retrieved. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningSessionResponse #> function Get-BetaRoleMiningSession { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaRoleMiningSession' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getRoleMiningSession." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningSessionResponse" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get role mining session status state .DESCRIPTION This method returns a role mining session status for a customer. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningSessionStatus #> function Get-BetaRoleMiningSessionStatus { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaRoleMiningSessionStatus' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/status' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling getRoleMiningSessionStatus." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningSessionStatus" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all role mining sessions .DESCRIPTION Returns all role mining sessions that match the query parameters .PARAMETER Filters Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#filtering-results) Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **saved**: *eq* **name**: *eq, sw* .PARAMETER Sorters Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters#sorting-results) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **createdBy, createdDate** .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningSessionResponse[] #> function Get-BetaRoleMiningSessions { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Filters}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Sorters}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 4, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaRoleMiningSessions' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions' if ($Filters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['filters'] = $Filters } if ($Sorters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningSessionResponse[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves all saved potential roles .DESCRIPTION This method returns all saved potential roles (draft roles). .PARAMETER Sorters Sort results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters/) Sorting is supported for the following fields: **modified** .PARAMETER Offset Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Limit Max number of results to return. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER Count If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters](https://developer.sailpoint.com/idn/api/standard-collection-parameters) for more information. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningSessionDraftRoleDto[] #> function Get-BetaSavedPotentialRoles { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${Sorters}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Offset}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Int32]] ${Limit}, [Parameter(Position = 3, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [System.Nullable[Boolean]] ${Count}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Get-BetaSavedPotentialRoles' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-potential-roles/saved' if ($Sorters) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['sorters'] = $Sorters } if ($Offset) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['offset'] = $Offset } if ($Limit) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['limit'] = $Limit } if ($Count) { $LocalVarQueryParameters['count'] = $Count } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'GET' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningSessionDraftRoleDto[]" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Update a potential role in session .DESCRIPTION This method updates an existing potential role using the role mining session id and the potential role summary id. The following fields can be modified: * `description` * `name` * `saved` >**NOTE: All other fields cannot be modified.** .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId The potential role summary id .PARAMETER PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner No description available. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS SystemCollectionsHashtable #> function Update-BetaPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject[]] ${PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Update-BetaPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json-patch+json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-role-summaries/{potentialRoleId}' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling patchPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling patchPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if (!$PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner` missing when calling patchPotentialRole." } if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner -is [array])) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100 } else { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner | ForEach-Object { # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'PATCH' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "SystemCollectionsHashtable" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Update a potential role .DESCRIPTION This method updates an existing potential role. The following fields can be modified: * `description` * `name` * `saved` >**NOTE: All other fields cannot be modified.** .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId The potential role summary id .PARAMETER PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner No description available. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS SystemCollectionsHashtable #> function Update-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject[]] ${PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Update-BetaRoleMiningPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json-patch+json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}' if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling patchRoleMiningPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if (!$PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner` missing when calling patchRoleMiningPotentialRole." } if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner -is [array])) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100 } else { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $PatchPotentialRoleRequestInner | ForEach-Object { # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'PATCH' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "SystemCollectionsHashtable" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Patch a role mining session .DESCRIPTION The method updates an existing role mining session using PATCH. Supports op in {""replace""} and changes to pruneThreshold and/or minNumIdentitiesInPotentialRole. The potential roles in this role mining session is then re-calculated. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id to be patched .PARAMETER JsonPatchOperation Replace pruneThreshold and/or minNumIdentitiesInPotentialRole in role mining session. Update saved status or saved name for a role mining session. .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS SystemCollectionsHashtable #> function Update-BetaRoleMiningSession { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject[]] ${JsonPatchOperation}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Update-BetaRoleMiningSession' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json-patch+json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling patchRoleMiningSession." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$JsonPatchOperation) { throw "Error! The required parameter `JsonPatchOperation` missing when calling patchRoleMiningSession." } if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($JsonPatchOperation -is [array])) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $JsonPatchOperation | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100 } else { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $JsonPatchOperation | ForEach-Object { # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'PATCH' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "SystemCollectionsHashtable" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Edit entitlements for a potential role to exclude some entitlements .DESCRIPTION This endpoint adds or removes entitlements from an exclusion list for a potential role. .PARAMETER SessionId The role mining session id .PARAMETER PotentialRoleId A potential role id in a role mining session .PARAMETER RoleMiningPotentialRoleEditEntitlements Role mining session parameters .PARAMETER WithHttpInfo A switch when turned on will return a hash table of Response, StatusCode and Headers instead of just the Response .OUTPUTS RoleMiningPotentialRole #> function Update-BetaEntitlementsPotentialRole { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${SessionId}, [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [String] ${PotentialRoleId}, [Parameter(Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] ${RoleMiningPotentialRoleEditEntitlements}, [Switch] $WithHttpInfo ) Process { 'Calling method: Update-BetaEntitlementsPotentialRole' | Write-Debug $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $LocalVarAccepts = @() $LocalVarContentTypes = @() $LocalVarQueryParameters = @{} $LocalVarHeaderParameters = @{} $LocalVarFormParameters = @{} $LocalVarPathParameters = @{} $LocalVarCookieParameters = @{} $LocalVarBodyParameter = $null # HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed) $LocalVarAccepts = @('application/json') # HTTP header 'Content-Type' $LocalVarContentTypes = @('application/json') $LocalVarUri = '/role-mining-sessions/{sessionId}/potential-roles/{potentialRoleId}/edit-entitlements' if (!$SessionId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `SessionId` missing when calling updateEntitlementsPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{sessionId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($SessionId)) if (!$PotentialRoleId) { throw "Error! The required parameter `PotentialRoleId` missing when calling updateEntitlementsPotentialRole." } $LocalVarUri = $LocalVarUri.replace('{potentialRoleId}', [System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlEncode($PotentialRoleId)) if (!$RoleMiningPotentialRoleEditEntitlements) { throw "Error! The required parameter `RoleMiningPotentialRoleEditEntitlements` missing when calling updateEntitlementsPotentialRole." } if ($LocalVarContentTypes.Contains('application/json-patch+json') -or ($RoleMiningPotentialRoleEditEntitlements -is [array])) { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RoleMiningPotentialRoleEditEntitlements | ConvertTo-Json -AsArray -Depth 100 } else { $LocalVarBodyParameter = $RoleMiningPotentialRoleEditEntitlements | ForEach-Object { # Get array of names of object properties that can be cast to boolean TRUE # PSObject.Properties - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.automation.psobject.properties.aspx $NonEmptyProperties = $_.psobject.Properties | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.Value} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name # Convert object to JSON with only non-empty properties $_ | Select-Object -Property $NonEmptyProperties | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 } } $LocalVarResult = Invoke-BetaApiClient -Method 'POST' ` -Uri $LocalVarUri ` -Accepts $LocalVarAccepts ` -ContentTypes $LocalVarContentTypes ` -Body $LocalVarBodyParameter ` -HeaderParameters $LocalVarHeaderParameters ` -QueryParameters $LocalVarQueryParameters ` -FormParameters $LocalVarFormParameters ` -CookieParameters $LocalVarCookieParameters ` -ReturnType "RoleMiningPotentialRole" ` -IsBodyNullable $false if ($WithHttpInfo.IsPresent) { return $LocalVarResult } else { return $LocalVarResult["Response"] } } } |