
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

InModuleScope Pester {
    Describe "PesterContain" {
        Context "when testing file contents" {
            Setup -File "test.txt" "this is line 1`nrush is awesome`nAnd this is Unicode: ☺"

            It "returns true if the file contains the specified content" {
                Test-PositiveAssertion (PesterContain "$TestDrive\test.txt" "rush")

            It "returns true if the file contains the specified content with different case" {
                Test-PositiveAssertion (PesterContain "$TestDrive\test.txt" "RUSH")

            It "returns false if the file does not contain the specified content" {
                Test-NegativeAssertion (PesterContain "$TestDrive\test.txt" "slime")

            It "returns true if the file contains the specified UTF8 content" {
                Test-PositiveAssertion (PesterContain "$TestDrive\test.txt" "☺")