
Function UpdateRemotelyNodeMap {


    $nodeName = $NodeName.Replace('[','')
    $nodeName = $nodeName.Replace(']','')
    $nodeExists = $PSRemotely.NodeMap | Where-Object -Property NodeName -eq $NodeName
    if ($nodeExists) {
        $nodeExists.PathStatus = $PathStatus
        $nodeExists.ModuleStatus = $ModuleStatus    
    else {
        $PSRemotely.NodeMap += @{
            NodeName = $NodeName;
            PathStatus = $PathStatus;
            ModuleStatus = $ModuleStatus;

Function TestRemotelyNodeBootStrapped {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='SessionInfo')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName='ComputerName')]

    if ($PSRemotely.NodeMap.Count -gt 0) {
        Switch -Exact ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'SessionInfo' {
                $node = $PSRemotely.NodeMap | Where -Property NodeName -eq $($SessionInfo.Session.ComputerName)
            'ComputerName' {
                $node = $PSRemotely.NodeMap | Where -Property NodeName -eq $ComputerName
        if($node) {
            if($node.pathStatus -and $($node.moduleStatus.Values -notcontains $False)) {
            else {
                $false  # node is either missing the path or module bootstrapping
        else {
    else {

Function BootstrapRemotelyNode {

    # at the beginning read the status of the node
    $ModuleStatus, $pathStatus = TestRemotelyNode @PSBoundParameters
    # Add the above information to the PSRemotely var
    UpdateRemotelyNodeMap -ModuleStatus $ModuleStatus -PathStatus $PathStatus -NodeName $session.ComputerName

    if ($pathStatus -and $($moduleStatus.Values -notcontains $False)) {
        # Node is already bootstrapped, no need to take action
        # archive the existing tests files on the PSRemotely node
        Write-VerboseLog -Message "Cleaning up $PSRemotelyNodePath on Node -> $($Session.ComputerName)"
        CleanupPSRemotelyNodePath -Session $session -PSRemotelyNodePath $PSRemotelyNodePath
    else {
        # Node is missing some of the configs, bootstrap it
        foreach ($hash in $moduleStatus.GetEnumerator()) {

        if ($hash.Value) {
                # module present on the remote node
            else {
                # module not present on the remote node
                CopyRemotelyNodeModule -Session $session -FullyQualifiedName $($FullyQualifiedName | Where -Property Name -EQ $hash.Name)
        if ($pathStatus) {
            # PSRemotely node path created
            # archive the existing tests files on the PSRemotely node
            Write-VerboseLog -Message "Cleaning up $PSRemotelyNodePath on Node -> $($Session.ComputerName)"
            CleanupPSRemotelyNodePath -Session $session -PSRemotelyNodePath $PSRemotelyNodePath
        else {
            CreatePSRemotelyNodePath    -session $session -Path $PSRemotelyNodePath

        # at the end update the status of the node
        $ModuleStatus, $pathStatus = TestRemotelyNode @PSBoundParameters
        # Add the above information to the PSRemotely var
        UpdateRemotelyNodeMap -ModuleStatus $ModuleStatus -PathStatus $PathStatus -NodeName $session.ComputerName

Function TestRemotelyNode {

    Invoke-Command -Session $session -ArgumentList $FullyQualifiedName,$PSRemotelyNodePath -ScriptBlock {
        $outputHash = @{} 
        $FullyQualifiedName | Foreach-Object -Process {$outputHash.Add($PSItem.Name, $false)    }

        if (Test-Path -path "$PSRemotelyNodePath\Lib\Artifacts" -PathType Container) {
            foreach($module in $FullyQualifiedName) {
                if(Test-Path -Path "$PSRemotelyNodePath\lib\$moduleName\$moduleVersion") {
                    # module present
                    $outputHash[$($module.Name)] = $true
                else {
                   $outputHash[$($module.Name)] =  $false    
        else {
            $outputHash, $false

Function CreatePSRemotelyNodePath {

    Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
        $null = New-Item -Path "$using:Path\lib\Artifacts" -ItemType Directory -Force

Function TestModulePresentInLib {
    $LibPath  = Resolve-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\lib | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
    $ModulePath = '{0}\{1}' -f  $FullyQualifiedName.Name, $FullyQualifiedName.Version
    Test-Path -Path "$libPath\$modulePath" -ErrorAction Stop 

Function CopyRemotelyNodeModule {

    # copy the modules from the lib directory
    $moduleName = $FullyQualifiedName.Name
    $moduleVersion = $FullyQualifiedName.Version
    # now copy the module to the remote node
    TRY {
        if (testModulePresentInLib -FullyQualifiedName $FullyQualifiedName) {
            $LibPath  = Resolve-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\lib | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
            CopyModuleFolderToRemotelyNode -path "$LibPath\$moduleName\$moduleVersion" -Destination "$($PSRemotely.PSRemotelyNodePath)\lib\$moduleName" -session $session -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
            throw "Lib folder does not have a folder named $($moduleName)\$($moduleVersion), so it can't be copied to the PSRemotely node."
    CATCH {

Function CopyModuleFolderToRemotelyNode {

        # Source folder to copy.

        # Destination where the copy is created.
   Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {$null = New-Item -Path $Using:Destination -ItemType Directory} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
   #$folderName = Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf
   Copy-Item -Path "$Path" -Destination $Destination -Recurse -ToSession $session  -Force

Function CopyTestsFileToRemotelyNode {



    $copyTestsFileParams = @{
        'Session' = $session;
        'ArgumentList' = @($PSRemotely, $testName, $testBlock)
        'Scriptblock' = {
            # generate the test file name..naming convention -> NodeName.TestName.Tests.ps1
            $testFileName = "{0}.{1}.Tests.ps1" -f $Env:COMPUTERNAME, $testName.replace(' ','_')
            $testFile = "$($PSRemotely.PSRemotelyNodePath)\$testFileName"
            if ($Node) { 
                # Check if the $Node var was populated in the remote session, then add param node to the test block
                $testBlock = $testBlock.Insert(0,"param(`$node)`n")
            Set-Content -Path $testFile -Value $testBlock -Force
    Invoke-Command @copyTestsFileParams 

Function CleanupPSRemotelyNodePath {

    $cleanupParams = @{
        'Session' = $session;
        'ArgumentList' = $PSRemotelyNodePath
        'ScriptBlock' = {

            if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $Path\archive -PathType Container)) {
                $null = New-Item -Path "$Path\archive" -ItemType Directory
            Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -File |
                Move-Item -Destination "$path\archive" -Force
    Invoke-Command @cleanupParams
