
Function ProcessRemotelyJob {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    foreach($childJob in $InputObject.ChildJobs)
            if($childJob.Output.Count -eq 0){
                [object] $outputStream = New-Object psobject
            else {
                [object] $outputStream = $childJob.Output | % { $_ }

            $errorStream =    CopyStreams $childJob.Error
            $verboseStream =  CopyStreams $childJob.Verbose
            $debugStream =    CopyStreams $childJob.Debug
            $warningStream =  CopyStreams $childJob.Warning
            $progressStream = CopyStreams $childJob.Progress    
            $allStreams = @{ 
                                Error = $errorStream
                                Verbose = $verboseStream
                                DebugOutput = $debugStream
                                Warning = $warningStream
                                ProgressOutput = $progressStream
            $outputStream = Add-Member -InputObject $outputStream -PassThru -MemberType NoteProperty -Name __Streams -Value $allStreams
            $outputStream = Add-Member -InputObject $outputStream -PassThru -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetError -Value { return $this.__Streams.Error }
            $outputStream = Add-Member -InputObject $outputStream -PassThru -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetVerbose -Value { return $this.__Streams.Verbose }
            $outputStream = Add-Member -InputObject $outputStream -PassThru -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetDebugOutput -Value { return $this.__Streams.DebugOutput }
            $outputStream = Add-Member -InputObject $outputStream -PassThru -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetProgressOutput -Value { return $this.__Streams.ProgressOutput }
            $outputStream = Add-Member -InputObject $outputStream -PassThru -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetWarning -Value { return $this.__Streams.Warning }
            $outputStream = Add-Member -InputObject $outputStream -PassThru -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RemotelyTarget -Value $childJob.Location

            if($childJob.State -eq 'Failed'){
                $childJob | Receive-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable jobError
                $outputStream.__Streams.Error = $jobError

            Write-Output -InputObject $outputStream

Function ProcessRemotelyOutputToJSON {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        # Specify this switch to get the raw pester output back for the nodes.
    $NodeName = $InputObject.PSComputerName | Select-Object -Unique
    $NodeName = $NodeName -replace '\[',''
    $NodeName = $NodeName -replace '\]',''
    $output = @{
        NodeName = $NodeName;
        Tests = @( if ($Raw.ISPresent) {
                    else {
                        GetFormattedTestResult -TestResult $InputObject.TestResult
        #Status = if ($result.FailedCount) {$False} else {$True};

    $output.Add('Status',$(@($output.Tests.GetEnumerator() | Foreach {$PSItem.Result}) -notcontains $false ))
    $output | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100


Function GetFormattedTestResult {
        $outputHashArray = @()
        $testsGroup = $testResult |Group-Object -Property Describe  
        foreach ($testGroup in $testsGroup) {
            $result = ($TestGroup.Group | select -ExpandProperty Passed ) -Notcontains $false
            $outputHashArray += @{
                Name = $testGroup.Name
                Result = $result
                TestResult =  @($testGroup.Group | 
                                Where -Property Result -eq 'Failed' |
                                Select -Property Describe, Context, Name, Result, ErrorRecord)
            Write-Output -InputObject $outputHashArray

Function Write-VerboseLog

        # Message to be written to the Verbose Stream
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName ='Message',

        # In case of calling this from Catch block pass the Invocation info
    switch -exact ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {       
        'Message' {    
            $parentcallstack = (Get-PSCallStack)[1] # store the parent Call Stack
            $Functionname = $parentcallstack.FunctionName
            $LineNo = $parentcallstack.ScriptLineNumber
            $scriptname = ($parentcallstack.Location -split ':')[0]
            Write-Verbose -Message "$scriptname - $Functionname - LineNo : $LineNo - $Message"    
        'Error' {
            # In case of error, Error Record is passed and we use that to write key info to verbose stream
            $Message = $ErrorInfo.Exception.Message
            $Functionname = $ErrorInfo.InvocationInfo.InvocationName
            $LineNo = $ErrorInfo.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
            $scriptname = $(Split-Path -Path $ErrorInfo.InvocationInfo.ScriptName -Leaf)
            Write-Verbose -Message "$scriptname - $Functionname - LineNo : $LineNo - $Message"           
            #Write-Error -ErrorRecord $ErrorInfo -ErrorAction Stop # throw back the Error record

Function Start-RemotelyJobProcessing {
    TRY {
        $allJobsCompletedHash = @{}

        $inputObject | Foreach-Object -Process {
            $allJobsCompletedHash.Add($PSItem, $false)

        $cloneJobHash = $allJobsCompletedHash.Clone()

        do {

            foreach ($enum in $cloneJobHash.GetEnumerator()) {

                if ($allJobsCompletedHash[$enum.key]) {
                    # means job was processed
                    Write-VerboseLog -Message "PSRemotely job already processed for Node -> $(($enum.key).Location )"
                else {
                    # see if the job finished
                    if ($enum.Key | Where -Property State -In @('Completed','Failed')) {
                        Write-VerboseLog -Message "PSRemotely job completed/failed for Node -> $(($enum.key).Location ) . Processing it now."
                        $enum.Key | ProcessRemotelyJob | ProcessRemotelyOutputToJSOn
                        $allJobsCompletedHash[$enum.key] = $true # set the job processed status to True
            # induce delay of 2 seconds
            Write-VerboseLog -Message 'PSRemotely jobs still running, sleep for 5 seconds'
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

        } until (@($allJobsCompletedHash.Values) -notcontains $False)
    CATCH {
        Write-VerboseLog -ErrorInfo $PSitem