Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $tempPath = (Get-Item $env:temp).FullName Describe "Setup" { It "returns a location that is in a temp area" { $testDrivePath = (Get-Item $TestDrive).FullName $testDrivePath -like "$tempPath*" | Should Be $true } It "creates a drive location called TestDrive:" { "TestDrive:\" | Should Exist } } Describe "TestDrive" { It "handles creation of a drive with . characters in the path" { #TODO: currently untested but requirement needs to be here "preventing this from failing" } } Describe "Create filesystem with directories" { Setup -Dir "dir1" Setup -Dir "dir2" It "creates directory when called with no file content" { "TestDrive:\dir1" | Should Exist } It "creates another directory when called with no file content and doesnt remove first directory" { $result = Test-Path "TestDrive:\dir2" $result = $result -and (Test-Path "TestDrive:\dir1") $result | Should Be $true } } Describe "Create nested directory structure" { Setup -Dir "parent/child" It "creates parent directory" { "TestDrive:\parent" | Should Exist } It "creates child directory underneath parent" { "TestDrive:\parent\child" | Should Exist } } Describe "Create a file with no content" { Setup -File "file" It "creates file" { "TestDrive:\file" | Should Exist } It "also has no content" { Get-Content "TestDrive:\file" | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe "Create a file with content" { Setup -File "file" "file contents" It "creates file" { "TestDrive:\file" | Should Exist } It "adds content to the file" { Get-Content "TestDrive:\file" | Should Be "file contents" } } Describe "Create file with passthru" { $thefile = Setup -File "thefile" -PassThru It "returns the file from the temp location" { $thefile.FullName -like "$tempPath*" | Should Be $true $thefile.Exists | Should Be $true } } Describe "Create directory with passthru" { $thedir = Setup -Dir "thedir" -PassThru It "returns the directory from the temp location" { $thedir.FullName -like "$tempPath*" | Should Be $true $thedir.Exists | Should Be $true } } Describe "TestDrive scoping" { $describe = Setup -File 'Describe' -PassThru Context "Describe file is available in context" { It "Finds the file" { $describe | Should Exist } #create file for the next test Setup -File 'Context' It "Creates It-scoped contents" { Setup -File 'It' 'TestDrive:\It' | Should Exist } It "Does not clear It-scoped contents on exit" { 'TestDrive:\It' | Should Exist } } It "Context file are removed when returning to Describe" { "TestDrive:\Context" | Should Not Exist } It "Describe file is still available in Describe" { $describe | Should Exist } } Describe "Cleanup" { Setup -Dir "foo" } Describe "Cleanup" { It "should have removed the temp folder from the previous fixture" { Test-Path "$TestDrive\foo" | Should Not Exist } It "should also remove the TestDrive:" { Test-Path "TestDrive:\foo" | Should Not Exist } } Describe "Cleanup when Remove-Item is mocked" { Mock Remove-Item {} Context "add a temp directory" { Setup -Dir "foo" } Context "next context" { It "should have removed the temp folder" { "$TestDrive\foo" | Should Not Exist } } } InModuleScope Pester { Describe "New-RandomTempDirectory" { It "creates randomly named directory" { $first = New-RandomTempDirectory $second = New-RandomTempDirectory $first | Remove-Item -Force $second | Remove-Item -Force $ | Should Not Be $ } } } |