.SYNOPSIS Sets the credentials for authenticating with Relativity. .DESCRIPTION The function sets the authentication credentials required for all subsequent interactions with the Relativity system. These credentials are used to authenticate API calls or other HTTP requests to Relativity. If no credentials are provided, the function will prompt the user to enter them. .PARAMETER RelativityCredential A PSCredential object containing the username and password for Relativity authentication. If not provided, the user will be prompted to input the credentials. .EXAMPLE $creds = Get-Credential Set-RelativityCredential -RelativityCredential $creds This example prompts the user for their Relativity credentials using `Get-Credential` and then sets them using `Set-RelativityCredential`. .EXAMPLE Set-RelativityCredential In this example, the function will prompt the user to enter their Relativity credentials directly. .NOTES Ensure the provided credentials are valid and have the necessary permissions in Relativity to avoid authentication issues during subsequent operations. Always handle credentials securely and avoid hardcoding them in scripts. #> function Set-RelativityCredential { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateScript({ if (-not $_.UserName) { throw "The PSCredential object must have a UserName." } $password = $_.GetNetworkCredential().Password if (-not $password) { throw "The PSCredential object must have a Password." } return $true })] [PSCredential] $RelativityCredential ) Begin { Write-Verbose "Starting Set-RelativityCredential" } Process { if ($null -eq $RelativityCredential) { $RelativityCredential = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your Relativity credentials." } $script:RelativityCredential = $RelativityCredential } End { Write-Verbose "Completed Set-RelativityCredential" } } |