class RelativityObjectModelV1ChoiceModelsRequest { <# TODO .SYNOPSIS Represents a DTO used as a request for creating or updating a user. .PARAMETER Color the highlight color for the choice. .PARAMETER Field identifiers for the field to associated with the new choice. .PARAMETER Keywords No Description .PARAMETER Name a string representing the user-friendly name of the choice. .PARAMETER Notes No Description .PARAMETER Order an integer used to determine order in which multiple choices are listed in UI. Lower values are listed first. .PARAMETER Parent No Description .PARAMETER RelativityApplications No Description. NOT IMPLEMENTED .PARAMETER Shortcut No Description. NOT IMPLEMENTED #> [Int32] $Color [RelativitySharedV1ModelsObjectIdentifier] $Field [String] $Keywords [String] $Name [String] $Notes [Int32] $Order [RelativitySharedV1ModelsObjectIdentifier] $Parent [Collections.Generic.List[RelativitySharedV1ModelsObjectIdentifier]] $RelativityApplications [RelativityObjectModelV1SharedModelsShortcut] $Shortcut RelativityObjectModelV1ChoiceModelsRequest() { } RelativityObjectModelV1ChoiceModelsRequest( [Int32] $Color, [Nullable[Int32]] $FieldID, [Collections.Generic.List[GUID]] $FieldGUIDs, [String] $Keywords, [String] $Name, [String] $Notes, [Int32] $Order, [Nullable[Int32]] $ParentID, [Collections.Generic.List[Int32]] $RelativityApplications, [PSCustomObject] $Shortcut ) { $this.Color = $Color if ($FieldID -ne $null) { $this.Field = [RelativitySharedV1ModelsObjectIdentifier]::New($FieldID, $FieldGUIDs) } else { $this.Field = $null } $this.Keywords = $Keywords $this.Name = $Name $this.Notes = $Notes $this.Order = $Order if ($ParentID -ne $null) { $this.Parent = [RelativitySharedV1ModelsObjectIdentifier]::New($ParentID, "") } else { $this.Parent = $null } if ($RelativityApplications -ne $null) { $this.RelativityApplications = @() $RelativityApplications | ForEach-Object { $this.RelativityApplications.Add([RelativitySharedV1ModelsObjectIdentifier]::New($_, "")) } } else { $this.RelativityApplications = $null } $this.Shortcut = $null # feature not implemented/documented } [Hashtable] ToHashTable() { $hashtable = @{} $hashtable["choiceRequest"] = @{} $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Color"] = $this.Color if ($this.Field -ne $null) { $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Field"] = @{} $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Field"]["ArtifactID"] = $this.Field.ArtifactID $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Field"]["Guids"] = @() # Not implemented/documented } if ($this.Keywords -ne "") { $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Keywords"] = $this.Keywords } $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Name"] = $this.Name if ($this.Notes -ne "") { $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Notes"] = $this.Notes } $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Order"] = $this.Order if ($this.Parent -ne $null) { $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Parent"] = @{} $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["Parent"]["ArtifactID"] = $this.Parent.ArtifactID } if ($this.RelativityApplications -ne $null) { $hashtable["choiceRequest"]["RelativityApplications"] = @() # Not implemented/documented } Write-Verbose "Returning [Hashtable]" return $hashtable } } |