class RelativityInfrastructureV1SharedRelativityObjectSlim { <# .SYNOPSIS Represents a streamlined RelativityObject with values that map to fields on a QueryResultSlim object. .PARAMETER ArtifactID Gets or sets the Artifact ID of the object. .PARAMETER Values Gets or sets a list of values for the object. The order of the values corresponds to the order of the fields in the result set. #> [Int32] $ArtifactID [Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]] $Values RelativityInfrastructureV1SharedRelativityObjectSlim() { } RelativityInfrastructureV1SharedRelativityObjectSlim( [Int32] $ArtifactID, [Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]] $Values ) { $this.ArtifactID = $ArtifactID $this.Values = $Values } RelativityInfrastructureV1SharedRelativityObjectSlim([PSCustomObject] $Object) { $this.ArtifactID = $Object.ArtifactID $this.Values = @() $Object.Values | ForEach-Object ( $this.Values.Add($_) ) } } |