class RelativityInfrastructureResourcePoolResourceRequest { <# .SYNOPSIS Request body for Get-RelativityResourcePoolResource .DESCRIPTION This function constructs the required request and returns a valid body. .PARAMETER Length Array length for number of rows returned by query. .PARAMETER ResourceType Identifies 1 of 8 ResourceTypes that can be queried. "agent-worker-servers" "analytics-servers" "cache-location-servers" "dt-search-index-locations" "file-repositories" "processing-source-locations" "sql-servers" "worker-manager-servers" .PARAMETER Start Array Index for query return. #> [Collections.Generic.List[String]] $Fields [Int32] $Length [String] $ResourceType [Int32] $Start RelativityInfrastructureResourcePoolResourceRequest() { } RelativityInfrastructureResourcePoolResourceRequest([String] $ResourceType, [Int32] $Start, [Int32] $Length) { $this.ResourceType = $ResourceType.ToLower() switch ($this.ResourceType) { "file-repositories" { $this.Fields = @('Name', 'URL') } "cache-location-servers" { $this.Fields = @('Name', 'URL') } "agent-worker-servers" { $this.Fields = @('Name', 'Type', 'Status', 'Version') } "sql-servers" { $this.Fields = @('Name', 'Type', 'Status', 'Version') } "analytics-servers" { $this.Fields = @('Name', 'Type', 'Status', 'Analytics operation', 'URL', 'Version') } "dt-search-index-locations" { $this.Fields = @('Name') } "processing-source-locations" { $this.Fields = @('Name') } "worker-manager-servers" { $this.Fields = @('Name', 'URL', 'Version') } Default { $this.Fields = @('Name', 'Type', 'Status', 'Analytics operation', 'URL', 'Version') } } $this.Start = $Start $this.Length = $Length } [Hashtable] ToHashTable() { $hashtable = @{} $request = @{} $request["condition"] = "" $request["convertNumberFieldValuesToString"] = $true $request["fields"] = @() $this.Fields | ForEach-Object { $_field = @{} Write-Verbose "Creating Field: $_" $_field["Name"] = $_ $request["fields"] += $_field } $request["rowCondition"] = "" $request["sorts"] = @() $hashtable["request"] += $request $hashtable["start"] += $this.Start $hashtable["length"] += $this.Length return $hashtable } } |