[System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $ModuleRoot = (Get-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot).Parent.Parent [String] $ManifestPath = "$($ModuleRoot.FullName)\$($ModuleRoot.Name).psd1" [Hashtable] $Manifest = Invoke-Expression -Command (Get-Content -Path $ManifestPath -Raw) [String[]] $FoldersToScan = @("Classes", "Private", "Public") [String[]] $ScannedFiles = @() foreach ($Folder in $FoldersToScan) { Get-ChildItem -Path "$(Join-Path -Path $ModuleRoot.FullName -ChildPath $Folder)" -Recurse -File | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | ForEach-Object { $ScannedFiles += $_.Replace($ModuleRoot.FullName, "") } } [String[]] $ManifestFiles = $Manifest.NestedModules # Identify files referenced in the manifest that are not found in the scanned folders. [String[]] $MissingReferencedFiles = $ManifestFiles | Where-Object { $_ -notin $ScannedFiles } if ($MissingReferencedFiles) { $WarningMessage = "The following files exist in the module manifest but are not found in the scanned " + "folders: '$($FoldersToScan -join "', '")'." Write-Warning $WarningMessage $MissingReferencedFiles | ForEach-Object { Write-Warning $_ } } # Identify files in the scanned folders that are not found in the manifest. [String[]] $MissingScannedFiles = $ScannedFiles | Where-Object { $_ -notin $ManifestFiles } if ($MissingScannedFiles) { $WarningMessage = "The following files exist in the scanned directories but are not referenced in the " + "module manifest." Write-Warning $WarningMessage $MissingScannedFiles | ForEach-Object { Write-Warning $_ } } if ($MissingReferencedFiles -or $MissingScannedFiles) { exit 1 } |