
function Set-RadarrConfiguration
            Sets the configuration for connecting to a Radarr server instance.

            Saves Radarr server connection settings including server address, port, API key, and API version to a JSON configuration file.
            The configuration is stored in the user's home directory under .PSRadarr/PSRadarrConfig.json.

        .PARAMETER Server
            The URL or hostname of the Radarr server (e.g. '')

        .PARAMETER Port
            The port number that Radarr is listening on. Defaults to 7878.

        .PARAMETER Protocol
            The protocol to use for connecting to the Radarr server. Defaults to 'http'.

            The API key from your Radarr instance. Can be found in Radarr under Settings > General.

        .PARAMETER APIVersion
            The version of the Radarr API to use. Defaults to 3.

        .PARAMETER RootFolderPath
            The root folder path where movies are stored.

        .PARAMETER Default
            If set to true, marks this server configuration as the default instance for PSRadarr commands. Defaults to true.

            Set-RadarrConfiguration -Server '' -APIKey 'myapikey' -RootFolderPath 'D:\Movies'

            File: Set-RadarrConfiguration.ps1
            The configuration file will be created at $HOME/.PSRadarr/PSRadarrConfig.json

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [int]$Port = 7878,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Protocol = "http",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Int]$APIVersion = "3",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$Default = $true

    #Region Ensure required paths exist and load existing configuration
    $ConfigDir = Join-Path $HOME ".PSRadarr"
    if(-not (Test-Path -Path $ConfigDir -PathType Container))
            New-Item -Path $ConfigDir -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
            throw $_

    # Path to the configuration file
    $ConfigPath = Join-Path $ConfigDir "PSRadarrConfig.json"

    # If the file exists, load existing data
    if(Test-Path -Path $ConfigPath -PathType Leaf)
        [Array]$ConfigData = Get-Content -Path $ConfigPath | ConvertFrom-Json
        $ConfigData = @()

    # Construct an object with the data we want to save
    $ServerObject = [Ordered]@{
        "Server"         = $Server
        "Port"           = $Port
        "Protocol"       = $Protocol
        "APIKey"         = $APIKey
        "APIVersion"     = $APIVersion
        "RootFolderPath" = $RootFolderPath
        "Default"        = $Default

    # Check if a server with the same Server and Port exists
    $ExistingServer = $ConfigData | Where-Object { $_.Server -eq $Server -and $_.Port -eq $Port }

    # If the server exists, update its configuration
        Write-Verbose -Message "Updating existing server configuration"
        foreach($Entry in $ConfigData)
            if($Entry.Server -eq $Server -and $Entry.Port -eq $Port)
                $Entry.Server = $Server
                $Entry.Port = $Port
                $Entry.Protocol = $Protocol
                $Entry.APIKey = $APIKey
                $Entry.APIVersion = $APIVersion
                $Entry.RootFolderPath = $RootFolderPath
                $Entry.Default = $Default
                $Entry.Default = $false
        # Add the new server configuration
        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding new server configuration"
        $ConfigData += $ServerObject

    #Region Convert to JSON and save to file
    Write-Verbose -Message "Saving configuration to: $ConfigPath"
        $ConfigData | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop | Set-Content -Path $ConfigPath -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        throw $_
    Write-Verbose -Message "Configuration saved successfully to: $ConfigPath"