PowerShell Reddit API Wrapper. See the project site at and the documentation at

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PSRAW

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PSRAW

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2017. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Mark Kraus


Reddit API OAuth REST SocialMedia Forum Messaging Module PSRAW Class


Invoke-RedditRequest Export-RedditApplication Import-RedditApplication New-RedditApplication Connect-Reddit Export-RedditOAuthToken Get-RedditDefaultOAuthToken Get-RedditOAuthScope Import-RedditOAuthToken Request-RedditOAuthToken Set-RedditDefaultOAuthToken Update-RedditOAuthToken


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

# Version (2017-08-13)
## Module Manifest

* All `RequiredAssemblies` have been removed

## Root Module

* Added `$PSDefaultParameterValues` for `Invoke-WebRequest` to set `-SkipHeaderValidation` if available (for backwards compatibility with 5.1)
* Added `$PsrawSettings` module scope hashtable variable to house settings such as the session default OAuth token.

## Public Functions

### Connect-Reddit

* Added to Streamline and simplify the initial OAUth process.

### Export-RedditOAuthToken

* All parameters are no longer mandatory to accommodate exporting the default token to its default path

### Get-RedditDefaultOAuthToken

* Added to retrieve the Default token for the session

### Import-RedditOAuthToken

* Now returns nothing by default. Use `-PassThru` to return the imported token
* Sets the imported token as the session default Token.

### Invoke-RedditRequest

* Now has `irr` alias to mimic `iwr` and `irm` aliases.
* `Invoke-WebRequest` error handling logic reworked to support 5.1 and 6.0
* Access token is no longer mandatory and uses the session default AccessToken if one is not supplied

### New-RedditApplication

* Default Parameter Set changed to `Script`
* `Name` parameter is no longer Mandatory to simplify connecting
* `Scope` parameter  has been deprecated and is no longer Mandatory
* `UserAgent` no longer mandatory. default is now `PowerShell:PSRAW:2.0 (by /u/markekraus)`

### Request-RedditOAuthToken

* Now returns nothing by default. Use `-PassThru` to return the token
* Sets the retrieved token as the session default token.
* `Code` and `Implicit` parameter sets have been removed.
* `Code` and `Implicit` parameters have been removed
* `Code` and `Implicit` grants flows have been removed
* `State` parameter has been removed (was only required for Implicit grants)

### Set-RedditDefaultOAuthToken

* Added to set the session default token

### Update-RedditOAuthToken

* `-AccessToken` is no longer mandatory and the default is the session default token
* `Code` and `Implicit` grants flows have been removed
* `-SetDefault` switch added to set the updated token as the session default token.

## Private Functions

### Get-HttpResponseContentType

* Added `Get-HttpResponseContentType` to get API response `Content-Type` as 6.0 and 5.1 currently house this in different locations.

### Request-RedditOAuthCode

* Removed `Request-RedditOAuthCode` as it is no needed without Code grant flow

### Request-RedditOAuthTokenClient

* Now returns a `RedditOAuthResponse`

### Request-RedditOAuthTokenCode

* Removed `Request-RedditOAuthTokenCode` as it is not needed without Code grant flow

### Request-RedditOAuthTokenImplicit

* Removed `Request-RedditOAuthTokenImplicit` as it is not needed without Implicit grant flow

### Request-RedditOAuthTokenInstalled

* Now returns a `RedditOAuthResponse`

### Request-RedditOAuthTokenPassword

* Now returns a `RedditOAuthResponse`

### Request-RedditOAuthTokenRefresh

* Removed `Request-RedditOAuthTokenRefresh` as it is no longer needed without Code grant flow

### Show-RedditOAuthWindow

* Removed `Show-RedditOAuthWindow` as it is not compatible with Core (this is why Code and Implicit grant flows are no longer available)

## Classes

### RedditApplication

* `Scope` is now hidden as it serves no purpose without Code grant flows.
* Removed `GetAuthorizationUrl()` and `_GetAuthorizationUrl()` as they depended on `System.Web` (not available in Core) and are not needed without the Code or Implicit grant flows.

### ReditOAuthCode

* This class has been deleted as it is not needed without the Code grant flow.

### RedditOAuthResponse

* Created `RedditOAuthResponse` class to abstract the OAuth response from Reddit.

### RedditOAuthToken

* Removed RefreshCredential (not needed without Code grant flow)
* Constructors now take a `RedditOAuthResponse` instead of a `PSobject` and the code adjusted to use its properties
* `GetRefreshToken()` Removed (not needed without Code grant flow)
* `Refresh()` now takes a `RedditOAuthResponse`
* `UpdateRateLimit()` adjusted to support both 5.1 and 6.0 style headers dictionaries.
* Default constructor now sets the GUID to `[GUID]:Empty`

### RedditApiResponse

* `Response` and `ContentObject` are now appropriately typed
* Added `ContentType`property to hold the `Content-Type` information

### RedditDate

* Added `RedditDate` class to handle unix-to-date and date-to-unix translations for dates returned from the API.

### RedditThing

* Added `RedditThing` class to work with "Reddit Things" returned from the Reddit API

### RedditModReport

* Added `RedditModReport` to house moderator reports

### RedditUserReport

* Added `RedditUserReport` to house user reports

### RedditComment

* Added `RedditComment` to house comments.

## Enums

### RedditOAuthGrantType

* Removed `Authorization_Code`, `Refresh_Token`, and `Implicit` which are not needed without Code and Implicit grant flows

### RedditThingKind

* Added `RedditThingKind` to Define "Reddit Thing" "Kind" (their terms, not mine)

### RedditThingPrefix

* Added `RedditThingPrefix` to define valid prefixes for "Reddit Things"


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated (current version) 4,492 8/13/2017 78 5/27/2017 30 5/26/2017 30 5/26/2017