PowerShell Reddit API Wrapper. See the project site at and the documentation at
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) 2017. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Mark Kraus
Reddit API OAuth REST SocialMedia Forum Messaging Module PSRAW Class
Invoke-RedditRequest Export-RedditApplication Import-RedditApplication New-RedditApplication Connect-Reddit Export-RedditOAuthToken Get-RedditDefaultOAuthToken Get-RedditOAuthScope Import-RedditOAuthToken Request-RedditOAuthToken Set-RedditDefaultOAuthToken Update-RedditOAuthToken
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
# Version (2017-08-13)
## Module Manifest
* All `RequiredAssemblies` have been removed
## Root Module
* Added `$PSDefaultParameterValues` for `Invoke-WebRequest` to set `-SkipHeaderValidation` if available (for backwards compatibility with 5.1)
* Added `$PsrawSettings` module scope hashtable variable to house settings such as the session default OAuth token.
## Public Functions
### Connect-Reddit
* Added to Streamline and simplify the initial OAUth process.
### Export-RedditOAuthToken
* All parameters are no longer mandatory to accommodate exporting the default token to its default path
### Get-RedditDefaultOAuthToken
* Added to retrieve the Default token for the session
### Import-RedditOAuthToken
* Now returns nothing by default. Use `-PassThru` to return the imported token
* Sets the imported token as the session default Token.
### Invoke-RedditRequest
* Now has `irr` alias to mimic `iwr` and `irm` aliases.
* `Invoke-WebRequest` error handling logic reworked to support 5.1 and 6.0
* Access token is no longer mandatory and uses the session default AccessToken if one is not supplied
### New-RedditApplication
* Default Parameter Set changed to `Script`
* `Name` parameter is no longer Mandatory to simplify connecting
* `Scope` parameter has been deprecated and is no longer Mandatory
* `UserAgent` no longer mandatory. default is now `PowerShell:PSRAW:2.0 (by /u/markekraus)`
### Request-RedditOAuthToken
* Now returns nothing by default. Use `-PassThru` to return the token
* Sets the retrieved token as the session default token.
* `Code` and `Implicit` parameter sets have been removed.
* `Code` and `Implicit` parameters have been removed
* `Code` and `Implicit` grants flows have been removed
* `State` parameter has been removed (was only required for Implicit grants)
### Set-RedditDefaultOAuthToken
* Added to set the session default token
### Update-RedditOAuthToken
* `-AccessToken` is no longer mandatory and the default is the session default token
* `Code` and `Implicit` grants flows have been removed
* `-SetDefault` switch added to set the updated token as the session default token.
## Private Functions
### Get-HttpResponseContentType
* Added `Get-HttpResponseContentType` to get API response `Content-Type` as 6.0 and 5.1 currently house this in different locations.
### Request-RedditOAuthCode
* Removed `Request-RedditOAuthCode` as it is no needed without Code grant flow
### Request-RedditOAuthTokenClient
* Now returns a `RedditOAuthResponse`
### Request-RedditOAuthTokenCode
* Removed `Request-RedditOAuthTokenCode` as it is not needed without Code grant flow
### Request-RedditOAuthTokenImplicit
* Removed `Request-RedditOAuthTokenImplicit` as it is not needed without Implicit grant flow
### Request-RedditOAuthTokenInstalled
* Now returns a `RedditOAuthResponse`
### Request-RedditOAuthTokenPassword
* Now returns a `RedditOAuthResponse`
### Request-RedditOAuthTokenRefresh
* Removed `Request-RedditOAuthTokenRefresh` as it is no longer needed without Code grant flow
### Show-RedditOAuthWindow
* Removed `Show-RedditOAuthWindow` as it is not compatible with Core (this is why Code and Implicit grant flows are no longer available)
## Classes
### RedditApplication
* `Scope` is now hidden as it serves no purpose without Code grant flows.
* Removed `GetAuthorizationUrl()` and `_GetAuthorizationUrl()` as they depended on `System.Web` (not available in Core) and are not needed without the Code or Implicit grant flows.
### ReditOAuthCode
* This class has been deleted as it is not needed without the Code grant flow.
### RedditOAuthResponse
* Created `RedditOAuthResponse` class to abstract the OAuth response from Reddit.
### RedditOAuthToken
* Removed RefreshCredential (not needed without Code grant flow)
* Constructors now take a `RedditOAuthResponse` instead of a `PSobject` and the code adjusted to use its properties
* `GetRefreshToken()` Removed (not needed without Code grant flow)
* `Refresh()` now takes a `RedditOAuthResponse`
* `UpdateRateLimit()` adjusted to support both 5.1 and 6.0 style headers dictionaries.
* Default constructor now sets the GUID to `[GUID]:Empty`
### RedditApiResponse
* `Response` and `ContentObject` are now appropriately typed
* Added `ContentType`property to hold the `Content-Type` information
### RedditDate
* Added `RedditDate` class to handle unix-to-date and date-to-unix translations for dates returned from the API.
### RedditThing
* Added `RedditThing` class to work with "Reddit Things" returned from the Reddit API
### RedditModReport
* Added `RedditModReport` to house moderator reports
### RedditUserReport
* Added `RedditUserReport` to house user reports
### RedditComment
* Added `RedditComment` to house comments.
## Enums
### RedditOAuthGrantType
* Removed `Authorization_Code`, `Refresh_Token`, and `Implicit` which are not needed without Code and Implicit grant flows
### RedditThingKind
* Added `RedditThingKind` to Define "Reddit Thing" "Kind" (their terms, not mine)
### RedditThingPrefix
* Added `RedditThingPrefix` to define valid prefixes for "Reddit Things"
- PSRAW.nuspec
- PSRAW.psd1
- PSRAW.psm1
- Classes\001-RedditOAuthScope.ps1
- Classes\002-RedditApplication.ps1
- Classes\003-RedditOAuthResponse.ps1
- Classes\004-RedditOAuthToken.ps1
- Classes\005-RedditApiResponse.ps1
- Classes\006-RedditDate.ps1
- Classes\007-RedditThing.ps1
- Classes\008-RedditModReport.ps1
- Classes\008-RedditUserReport.ps1
- Classes\009-RedditComment.ps1
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\
- en-US\PSRAW-help.xml
- Enums\RedditApplicationType.ps1
- Enums\RedditOAuthDuration.ps1
- Enums\RedditOAuthGrantType.ps1
- Enums\RedditOAuthResponseType.ps1
- Enums\RedditThingKind.ps1
- Enums\RedditThingPrefix.ps1
- Private\API\Wait-RedditApiRateLimit.ps1
- Private\HTTP\Get-HttpResponseContentType.ps1
- Private\OAuth\Get-AuthorizationHeader.ps1
- Private\OAuth\Request-RedditOAuthTokenClient.ps1
- Private\OAuth\Request-RedditOAuthTokenInstalled.ps1
- Private\OAuth\Request-RedditOAuthTokenPassword.ps1
- Public\API\Invoke-RedditRequest.ps1
- Public\Application\Export-RedditApplication.ps1
- Public\Application\Import-RedditApplication.ps1
- Public\Application\New-RedditApplication.ps1
- Public\OAuth\Connect-Reddit.ps1
- Public\OAuth\Export-RedditOAuthToken.ps1
- Public\OAuth\Get-RedditDefaultOAuthToken.ps1
- Public\OAuth\Get-RedditOAuthScope.ps1
- Public\OAuth\Import-RedditOAuthToken.ps1
- Public\OAuth\Request-RedditOAuthToken.ps1
- Public\OAuth\Set-RedditDefaultOAuthToken.ps1
- Public\OAuth\Update-RedditOAuthToken.ps1
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
---|---|---| (current version) | 4,492 | 8/13/2017 | | 78 | 5/27/2017 | | 30 | 5/26/2017 | | 30 | 5/26/2017 |