
#private functions for this module

Function Invoke-QuizQuestion {
        [Parameter(mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Parameter(mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Parameter(mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [String]$Title = 'PowerShell Quiz'

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

    Process {
        Write-Verbose $Question

        #Modified 8/15/2023 to allow for a masked answer. Issue #3
        if ($answer -match "^[\s\d+]+$") {
            Write-Verbose 'Unmasking Answer'
            $answer = _showAnswer -ProtectedAnswer $answer

        Write-Verbose "Detected $($distractors.count) distractors"
        #17 Oct 2024 unmask distractors if protected
        $Distractors = foreach ($distractor in $Distractors) {
            if ($distractor -match "^[\s\d+]+$") {
                Write-Verbose "Unmasking distractor: $distractor"
                _showAnswer -ProtectedAnswer $distractor
            else {
        $possible = @($Answer, $Distractors) | Get-Random -Count ($Distractors.count + 1)

        $cue = @"

        for ($i = 1; $i -lt $possible.count + 1; $i++) {
            $cue += "[$i] $($possible[$i-1])`n"

        $cue += "[$i] Quit`n"
        $cue += $('-' * 75)
        Write-Host $Title -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ('Question {0}/{1}' -f $QuestionCount, $AllCount) -ForegroundColor green
        Write-Host $cue

        $count = $Distractors.count + 1
        Write-Verbose "$count answers"
        Do {
            try {
                [ValidateScript( { $_ -ge 1 -AND $_ -le $count + 1 })][int32]$r = Read-Host -Prompt 'Select a menu choice [1-5]' -ErrorAction stop
                Write-Verbose "You entered $r"
            Catch {
                #ignore the error
                #Write-Warning $_.exception.message
                Write-Warning "Please select a value between 1 and $($count+1)"
                $r = 0
        } Until ($r -gt 0)

        if ($possible[$r - 1] -eq $answer) {
            Write-Host 'Correct!' -ForegroundColor green
        elseif ($r -eq $count + 1) {
            Write-Verbose 'You selected Quit'
            return -1
        else {
            Write-Host "The correct answer is: $answer" -ForegroundColor magenta

        if ($Note) {
            Write-Host "`nAdditional Notes" -ForegroundColor yellow
            Write-Host '----------------' -ForegroundColor yellow
            Write-Host $Note -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "`n"
    } #process
    End {
        Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"

} #close function

Function Get-GPA {
    Param([int32]$Correct, [int32]$Possible)

    $grades = [ordered]@{
        'A'  = 4
        'A-' = 3.7
        'B+' = 3.3
        'B'  = 3
        'B-' = 2.7
        'C+' = 2.3
        'C'  = 2.0
        'C-' = 1.7
        'D+' = 1.3
        'D'  = 1
        'D-' = .7
        'F'  = 0

    $pct = ($Correct / $Possible) * 100
    $gpa = [math]::round(($pct / 20), 1)
    $grade = $grades.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.value -le $gpa } | Select-Object -First 1

        Grade   = $
        Minimum = $grade.Value
        GPA     = $GPA
} #end function

#functions to obfuscate the answer

[regex]$word = "\b\S+\b"
$message = "I am foo"
$test = foreach ($part in $message) {
    $_.toCharArray().Foreach({ "{0:d3}" -f ($_ -as [int])}) -join ''
 }) -join ' '
[regex]$number = "\d{3}"
$out = foreach ($part in $test.split()) {
#write-host $part -fore cyan
   ([int]$_ -as [string][char])
  }) -join ''
$out -join ' '

Function _hideAnswer {
    [regex]$word = '\S+'
    foreach ($part in $Answer) {
                $_.toCharArray().Foreach({ '{0:d3}' -f ($_ -as [int]) }) -join ''
            }) -join ' '

Function _showAnswer {
    [regex]$number = '\d{3}'
    $out = foreach ($part in $ProtectedAnswer.split()) {
        ([int]$_ -as [string][char])
        }) -join ''
    $out -join ' '

Function _GetSelected {
    $Context = $psEditor.GetEditorContext()
    $selected = [Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Extensions.FileRange, Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices]::new($Context.SelectedRange.Start, $Context.SelectedRange.end)
    [string]$text = $Context.CurrentFile.GetText($selected)
        File = $Context.CurrentFile.Path
        SelectedText = $text
        Start = $Selected.Start
        End = $selected.end
        Context = $Context