#region load string data # used for culture debugging #Write-Host "Importing with culture $(Get-Culture)" -ForeGroundColor yellow if ((Get-Culture).Name -match '\w+') { #Write-Host "Using culture $(Get-Culture)" -ForegroundColor yellow Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable strings } else { #force using En-US if no culture found, which might happen on non-Windows systems. #Write-Host "Loading $PSScriptRoot/en-us/PSWorkItem.psd1" -ForegroundColor yellow Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable strings -FileName psprojectstatus.psd1 -BaseDirectory $PSScriptRoot/en-us } #endregion #region dot source functions Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot\functions\*.ps1 -Recurse | ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName } #endregion #region class definitions Enum PSProjectStatus { Development Updating Stable AlphaTesting BetaTesting ReleaseCandidate Patching UnitTesting AcceptanceTesting Other Archive } Enum gitMode { fetch push } #the default task priority will be medium Enum PSProjectTaskPriority { Medium Low High } Class PSProjectRemote { [string]$Name [string]$Url [gitMode]$Mode PSProjectRemote ($Name, $url, $mode) { $this.Name = $Name $this.url = $url $this.mode = $mode } #allow an empty remote setting PSProjectRemote() { $this.Name = '' $this.url = '' } } Class PSProjectTask { <# this class is designed with future enhancements in mind. Not all properties are utilized in the current version of the module. #> [int32]$TaskID [string]$TaskName [string]$TaskDescription [PSProjectTaskPriority]$Priority [string[]]$TaskTags [DateTime]$Created = (Get-Date) [DateTime]$DueDate [DateTime]$CompletedDate [ValidateRange(0, 100)] [Int32]$Progress = 0 [string]$AssignedTo = [System.Environment]::Username [System.Boolean]$Completed = $false [string]$ProjectName [string]$Path PSProjectTask ([string]$TaskName) { # $this.TaskID = _getNextTaskID $this.TaskName = $TaskName #$this.TaskDescription = $Description } PSProjectTask () { } } Class PSProject { [string]$Name = (Split-Path (Get-Location).path -Leaf) [string]$Path = (Convert-Path (Get-Location).path) [DateTime]$LastUpdate = (Get-Date) [PSProjectTask[]]$Tasks = @() [PSProjectStatus]$Status = 'Development' [Version]$ProjectVersion = (Test-ModuleManifest -Path ".\$(Split-Path $pwd -Leaf).psd1" -Verbose:$False -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).version [string]$GitBranch = '' #using .NET classes to ensure compatibility with non-Windows platforms [string]$UpdateUser = "$([System.Environment]::UserDomainName)\$([System.Environment]::Username)" [string]$Computername = [System.Environment]::MachineName [PSProjectRemote[]]$RemoteRepository = @() [string]$Comment = '' [string[]]$Tags = @() [void]Save() { $json = Join-Path -Path $this.Path -ChildPath psproject.json #convert the ProjectVersion to a string in the JSON file #convert the LastUpdate to a formatted date string $this | Select-Object -Property @{Name = '$schema'; Expression = { '' } }, Name, Path, @{Name = 'LastUpdate'; Expression = { '{0:o}' -f $_.LastUpdate } }, @{Name = 'Status'; Expression = { $_.status.toString() } }, @{Name = 'ProjectVersion'; Expression = { $_.ProjectVersion.toString() } }, UpdateUser, Computername, RemoteRepository, Tasks, GitBranch, Tags, Comment | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $json -Encoding utf8 } [void]RefreshProjectVersion() { $this.ProjectVersion = (Test-ModuleManifest ".\$(Split-Path $pwd -Leaf).psd1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).version } [void]RefreshUser() { $this.UpdateUser = "$([System.Environment]::UserDomainName)\$([System.Environment]::Username)" } [void]RefreshComputer() { $this.Computername = [System.Environment]::MachineName } [void]RefreshRemoteRepository() { if (Test-Path .git) { $remotes = git remote -v if ($remotes) { $repos = @() foreach ($remote in $remotes) { $split = $remote.split() $RemoteName = $split[0] $Url = $split[1] $Mode = $split[2].replace('(', '').Replace(')', '') $repos += [PSProjectRemote]::new($RemoteName, $url, $mode) } #foreach $this.RemoteRepository = $repos } #if remotes found } } [void]RefreshAll() { $this.RefreshProjectVersion() $this.RefreshUser() $this.RefreshComputer() $this.RefreshRemoteRepository() $this.Save() } } <# Consider expanding the schema to add a structured task object, with commands to add, set, complete, and remove. This would be a major breaking change [DateTime]$Created [DateTime]$DueDate [String]$AssignedTo [Int32]$Progress [Boolean]$Completed #> <# Class PSProjectTask { [string]$ProjectName [string]$Path [string]$TaskDescription [version]$ProjectVersion [int]$TaskID PSProjectTask ($TaskDescription, $Path, $ProjectName, $ProjectVersion) { $this.ProjectName = $ProjectName $this.Path = $Path $this.TaskDescription = $TaskDescription $this.ProjectVersion = $ProjectVersion } } #> #endregion #region add a VSCode/PowerShell ISE extension to the project if ($ -eq 'visual studio code host') { Function Update-PSProjectStatus { [cmdletbinding()] Param ($context) $title = "$([char]27)[4;3;38;5;228mStatus Options$([char]27)[0m" $menu = @" $title [1] Development [6] ReleaseCandidate [2] Updating [7] Patching [3] Stable [8] UnitTesting [4] AlphaTesting [9] AcceptanceTesting [5] BetaTesting [10] Other [11] Archive "@ Do { Clear-Host Write-Host $menu [int]$r = Read-Host 'Select a project status. Enter no value to cancel' if ($r -eq 0) { #cancel return } if ($r -lt 1 -OR $r -gt 10) { $PSEditor.Window.ShowWarningMessage('You entered an invalid value. Enter nothing or a value between 1 and 10.') } } until ($r -ge 1 -AND $r -le 10) $PSEditor.Window.SetStatusBarMessage('Updating PSProject status', 3000) switch ($r) { 1 { $status = 'Development' } 2 { $status = 'Updating' } 3 { $status = 'Stable' } 4 { $status = 'AlphaTesting' } 5 { $status = 'BetaTesting' } 6 { $status = 'ReleaseCandidate' } 7 { $status = 'Patching' } 8 { $status = 'UnitTesting' } 9 { $status = 'AcceptanceTesting' } 10 { $status = 'Other' } 11 { $status = 'Archive' } } if ($status) { #update the project if a status is specified $splat = @{ LastUpdate = (Get-Date) Status = $status } if (Test-Path ".\$(Split-Path $pwd -Leaf).psd1" ) { $splat.Add('ProjectVersion', (Test-ModuleManifest ".\$(Split-Path $pwd -Leaf).psd1").version) } $s = Set-PSProjectStatus @splat | Select-Object VersionInfo | Out-String #parse out ANSI escape sequences $detail = $s -replace "$([char]27)\[[\d;]*m", '' #show a summary message $PSEditor.Window.ShowInformationMessage($detail) } }#end function Register-EditorCommand -Function 'Update-PSProjectStatus' -name 'UpdatePSProjectStatus' -DisplayName 'Update PSProject Status' } #VSCode if ($ -match 'ISE') { #The ISE specific version of the update function Function Update-PSProjectStatus { [cmdletbinding()] Param () $title = "Status Options`n --------------" $menu = @" $title [1] Development [6] ReleaseCandidate [2] Updating [7] Patching [3] Stable [8] UnitTesting [4] AlphaTesting [9] AcceptanceTesting [5] BetaTesting [10] Other [11] Archive "@ Write-Host $menu [int]$r = Read-Host 'Select a project status. Enter no value to cancel' if ($r -lt 1 -OR $r -gt 10) { return 'You entered an invalid value. ' } switch ($r) { 1 { $status = 'Development' } 2 { $status = 'Updating' } 3 { $status = 'Stable' } 4 { $status = 'AlphaTesting' } 5 { $status = 'BetaTesting' } 6 { $status = 'ReleaseCandidate' } 7 { $status = 'Patching' } 8 { $status = 'UnitTesting' } 9 { $status = 'AcceptanceTesting' } 10 { $status = 'Other' } 11 { $status = 'Archive' } } if ($status) { #update the project if a status is specified $splat = @{ LastUpdate = (Get-Date) Status = $status } if (Test-Path ".\$(Split-Path $pwd -Leaf).psd1" ) { $splat.Add('ProjectVersion', (Test-ModuleManifest ".\$(Split-Path $pwd -Leaf).psd1").version) } Set-PSProjectStatus @splat | Select-Object -Property VersionInfo } }#end function if ($psISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.DisplayName -notContains 'Update PSProjectStatus') { #add the action to the Add-Ons menu [void]($psISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.Add('Update PSProjectStatus', { Update-PSProjectStatus }, $Null)) } } #ISE #endregion #region definitions and exports #path to the JSON schema file $jsonSchema = '' # for testing # $jsonSchema = "file:///c:/scripts/psprojectstatus/psproject.schema.json" #a hash table to store ANSI escape sequences for different commands used in verbose output with the #private _verbose helper function $PSProjectANSI = @{ 'Get-PSProjectGitStatus' = '[1;38;5;140m' 'Get-PSProjectReport' = '[1;38;5;111m' 'Get-PSProjectStatus' = '[1;96m' 'Get-PSProjectTask' = '[1;38;5;10m' 'New-PSProjectStatus' = '[1;38;5;208m' 'New-PSProjectTask' = '[1;38;5;159m' 'Remove-PSProjectTask' = '[1;38;5;195m' 'Set-PSProjectStatus' = '[1;38;5;214m' Default = '[1;38;5;51m' } Set-Variable -Name PSProjectANSI -Description "a hash table to store ANSI escape sequences for different commands used in verbose output. You can modify settings using ANSI sequences or `$PSStyle" #Export the module version to a global variable that will be used in Verbose messages New-Variable -Name PSProjectStatusModule -Value '0.16.0' -Description 'The PSProjectStatus module version used in verbose messaging.' Export-ModuleMember -Variable PSProjectStatusModule, PSProjectANSI -Alias 'Update-PSProjectStatus', 'gitstat', 'gpstat', 'npstat', 'spstat' #endregion |