"$schema": "", "$id": "", "title": "PSProject Status Schema", "description": "Schema for the PSProjectStatus configuration file. Version 1.2.0 last updated 17 April 2024.", "type": "object", "properties": { "Name": { "description": "Specify the project name. In PowerShell, this will typically be the module name.", "type": "string" }, "Path": { "description": "Specify the full project path. It should be the directory containing this file.", "type": "string" }, "LastUpdate": { "description": "Specify the last update time of the project. This value will be formatted by ConvertTo-JSON.", "type": "string" }, "ProjectVersion": { "description": "Specify the project version. You might use the PowerShell module version.", "type": "string" }, "Computername": { "description": "Specify the computer name where this project was last updated.", "type": "string" }, "Author": { "description": "Specify the project author. It could be the module author.", "type": "string" }, "UpdateUser": { "description": "Specify the user who last updated the project.", "type": "string" }, "GitBranch": { "description": "Specify the current git branch of the project.", "type": "string" }, "Comment": { "description": "Add additional comments about the project.", "type": "string", "default": "none" }, "Tasks": { "description": "Specify a list of pending tasks for the project.", "type": "array", "default": "none" }, "Tags" : { "description" : "Specify a set of user-defined tags for this project.", "type" : "array", "default" : "none" }, "Status": { "description": "Specify the project status.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "Development", "Updating", "Stable", "AlphaTesting", "BetaTesting", "ReleaseCandidate", "Patching", "UnitTesting", "AcceptanceTesting", "Archive", "Other" ] }, "RemoteRepository": { "description": "Enter information about remote git repositories.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Name": { "description": "Specify the name of the remote repository.", "default": "origin", "type": "string" }, "Url": { "description": "Specify the url of the remote repository.", "type": "string" }, "Mode": { "description": "Specify the git mode for the remote branch.", "type": "integer", "oneOf": [ { "const": 0, "description": "fetch" }, { "const": 1, "description": "push" } ] } }, "required": [ "Name", "Url", "Mode" ] } } }, "required": [ "Name", "Path", "LastUpdate" ] } |