Help file for PSProfileManager module
------------------------------------- Function: New-PSProfile Syntax: New-PSProfile [-Force] Description: Creates a new PowerShell profile if one does not exist. -Force: Forces the creation of a new profile script without confirmation. Function: Test-PSProfile Syntax: Test-PSProfile Description: Checks if a PowerShell profile exists. Function: Set-PSProfileSource Syntax: Set-PSProfileSource [-Url <string>] [-LocalPath <string>] Description: Sets the source of the PowerShell profile, either from a URL or local path. -Url: The URL to load the profile from. -LocalPath: The local file path to the profile. Function: Import-PSProfile Syntax: Import-PSProfile [-FromUrl <string>] [-FromLocal <string>] [-Overwrite] [-Append] [-Reload] [-Backup] Description: Loads the profile from the specified source and applies it to the current session. -FromUrl: The |