
    An overview of the Power Tools functions in PSProfile.
    The Power Tools functions in PSProfile are helper functions focused
    on boosting productivity by taking advantage of PSProfile's mapped
    project paths for quick tab completion and project management.
    * `Confirm-ScriptIsValid`
        Uses the PSParser to check for any errors in a script file.
    * `Enter-CleanEnvironment`
        Enters a clean environment with -NoProfile and sets a couple of
        convenience settings i.e. a prompt to advise you are in a
        clean environment and some PSReadline helper settings.
    * `Format-Syntax`
        Formats a command's syntax in an easy-to-read view.
    * `Get-Definition`
        Convenience function to easily get the defition of a function
    * `Get-Gist`
        Gets a GitHub Gist's contents using the public API
    * `Get-LongPath`
        Expands a short-alias from the GitPathMap to the full path
    * `Install-LatestModule`
        Uninstalls any existing versions of the target module before
        installing the latest one. Defaults to CurrentUser scope when
        installing the latest module version from the desired repository.
    * `Open-Code`
        A drop-in replacement for the Visual Studio Code CLI `code`. Allows
        tab-completion of GitPath aliases if ProjectPaths are filled out
        with PSProfile that expand to the full path when invoked.
        Recommendation: Add a Command Alias to override the existing `code`
        CLI command to point at `Open-Code` instead:
        Add-PSProfileCommandAlias -Alias code -Command Open-Code -Save
    * `Open-Item`
        Opens the item specified using Invoke-Item. Allows tab-completion of
        GitPath aliases if ProjectPaths are filled out with PSProfile that
        expand to the full path when invoked.
    * `Pop-Path`
        Pops your location back the path you Push-Path'd from.
    * `Push-Path`
        Pushes your current location to the path specified. Allows
        tab-completion of GitPath aliases if ProjectPaths are filled out with
        PSProfile that expand to the full path when invoked. Use Pop-Path to
        return to the location pushed from, as locations pushed from this
        function are within the module scope.
    * `Start-BuildScript`
        For those using the typical build.ps1 build scripts for PowerShell
        projects, this will allow invoking the build script quickly from
        wherever folder you are currently in using a child process. Any
        projects in the ProjectPaths list that were discovered during
        PSProfile load and have a build.ps1 file will be able to be
        tab-completed for convenience. Temporarily sets the path to the build
        folder, invokes the build.ps1 file, then returns to the original
        path that it was invoked from.
    * `Test-RegEx`
        Tests a RegEx pattern against a string and returns the results.