function New-PlexSmartCollection { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new smart collection. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new smart collection. .PARAMETER Name Name of the smart collection. .PARAMETER LibraryId ID of the library to create the smart collection in. .PARAMETER Filter Specifies the query string that retrieves the items in the smart collection. The syntax matches the Plex Web GUI as closely as possible. Clauses are separated by a semi-colon ( ; ). Syntax: - <Atttribute> <Operator> <Value> - <Atttribute> <Operator> <Value>;<Atttribute> <Operator> <Value> - Attributes: - String - Title - Studio - Edition - Numeric - Rating - Year - Decade - Plays - Exact - ContentRating - Genre - Collection - Actor - Country - SubtitleLanguage - AudioLanguage - Label - Boolean - Unmatched - Duplicate - Unplayed - HDR - InProgress - Trash - Semi-Boolean - Resolution - Date - ReleaseDate - DateAdded - LastPlayed - Operators: - String - Contains - DoesNotContain - Is - IsNot - BeginsWith - EndsWith - Numeric - Is - IsNot - IsGreaterThan - IsLessThan - Exact - Is - IsNot - Boolean - IsTrue - IsFalse - Semi-Boolean - Is - Date - IsBefore (Value format: yyyy-mm-dd) - IsAfter (Value format: yyyy-mm-dd) - IsInTheLast - IsNotInTheLast - Examples: - "DateAdded IsNotInTheLast 2y; Unplayed IsTrue" - "Title BeginsWith Star Trek; Unplayed IsTrue" - "Actor Is Jim Carrey; Genre Is Comedy" .PARAMETER MatchType Specifies how filter clauses are matched. - MatchAll: Matches all clauses. - MatchAny: Matches any cluase. .EXAMPLE New-PlexSmartCollection -Name "Star Trek" -LibraryId 1 -Filter "Title Contains Star Trek" .EXAMPLE New-PlexSmartCollection -Name "80's" -LibraryId 1 -Filter "Decade Is 1980" .EXAMPLE New-PlexSmartCollection -Name "Old Favorites" -LibraryId 1 -Filter "Plays IsGreaterThan 2; LastPlayed IsNotInTheLast 1y" .EXAMPLE New-PlexSmartCollection -Name "Trek Wars" -LibraryId 1 -MatchType MatchAny -Filter "title contains star trek; title contains star wars" #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $LibraryId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Filter, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet("MatchAll", "MatchAny")] [string] $MatchType = "MatchAll" ) ############################################################################# #Region Import Plex Configuration if(!$script:PlexConfigData) { try { Import-PlexConfiguration -WhatIf:$False } catch { throw $_ } } #EndRegion ############################################################################# #Region Check if collection already exists try { $Collections = Get-PlexCollection -LibraryId $LibraryId if ($Collections.title -contains $Name) { throw "Collection '$Name' already exits" } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } #EndRegion ############################################################################# #Region Construct Uri try { $Items = Resolve-PlexFilter -MatchType $MatchType -LibraryId $LibraryId -Filter $Filter $Params = [ordered]@{ type = '1' title = [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString($Name) smart = '1' sectionId = $LibraryId uri = [System.Uri]::EscapeDataString("server://$($DefaultPlexServer.ClientIdentifier)/com.plexapp.plugins.library/library/sections/$LibraryId/all?type=1&sort=titleSort&$Items") } $DataUri = (Get-PlexAPIUri -RestEndpoint "library/collections" -Params $Params) } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } #EndRegion ############################################################################# #Region Make request if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Library $LibraryId", "Create Smart Collection '$Name'")) { Write-Verbose -Message "Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand): Creating Smart Collection $Name in Libary '$LibraryId'" try { $Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $DataUri -Method POST return $Data.mediacontainer.metadata } catch { throw $_ } } #EndRegion } |