
# Helper function for Windows Update error handling
function Get-WindowsUpdateErrorMessage {
    $hexError = "0x{0:X8}" -f $ErrorCode
    switch ($hexError) {
        "0x80240032" { return "No updates were found to install. ($hexError)" }
        "0x80240022" { return "The update is not applicable to this computer. ($hexError)" }
        "0x80240006" { return "The search may have been interrupted. ($hexError)" }
        "0x8024000B" { return "Service registration is missing or corrupt. ($hexError)" }
        "0x8024000C" { return "Windows Update Agent is missing or corrupt. ($hexError)" }
        "0x8024000D" { return "Windows Update Agent is missing or corrupt. ($hexError)" }
        "0x8024000E" { return "Windows Update Agent is missing or corrupt. ($hexError)" }
        "0x8024001E" { return "Service registration is missing or corrupt. ($hexError)" }
        "0x8024002E" { return "Windows Update Agent was unable to provide the service. ($hexError)" }
        default { return "Windows Update error: $hexError" }

# Helper function to translate update operation result codes
function Get-UpdateOperationResult {
    $status = switch ($ResultCode) {
        "0" { "Failed" }
        "1" { "In Progress" }
        "2" { "Succeeded" }
        "3" { "Succeeded with Errors" }
        "4" { "Cancelled" }
        "5" { "Aborted" }
        default { "Unknown ($ResultCode)" }
    return "$Operation $status"

# Common helper function for error handling and verbose output
function Write-PMLog {
        [ValidateSet('Info', 'Warning', 'Error')]
        [string]$Type = 'Info'
    switch ($Type) {
        'Info' { 
            if ($Message -match '^(Processing|Found|Status:|Download Summary|Total updates|Starting download)') {
                Write-Verbose "`n$Message" 
            elseif ($Message -match '^(Adding update|Downloading)') {
                Write-Verbose " $Message"
            else {
                Write-Verbose $Message
        'Warning' { Write-Warning "`n$Message" }
        'Error' { Write-Error "`n$Message" }

function Get-PMWinUpdate {
        Gets available Windows updates with advanced filtering options.
        Retrieves a list of available Windows updates with the ability to filter by various criteria
        including severity, type, reboot requirement, date range, size, and title search.
    .PARAMETER Title
        Filter updates by title. Supports wildcard patterns unless -ExactMatch is specified.
    .PARAMETER ExactMatch
        When used with -Title, requires an exact match instead of wildcard pattern matching.
    .PARAMETER Hidden
        If specified, returns hidden updates instead of visible ones.
    .PARAMETER NotInstalled
        If specified, returns only updates that are not installed.
    .PARAMETER Severity
        Filters updates by severity level. Valid values are:
        - Critical
        - Important
        - Moderate
        - Low
        - Unspecified
        Filters updates by type. Valid values are:
        - Software
        - Driver
        - Security
        - FeaturePack
    .PARAMETER RebootRequired
        If specified, returns only updates that require a reboot.
    .PARAMETER FromDate
        If specified, returns updates released on or after this date.
        If specified, returns updates released on or before this date.
    .PARAMETER MaxSize
        If specified, returns updates with size less than or equal to this value (in MB).
        Specifies the property to sort results by. Valid values are:
        - Size
        - ReleaseDate
        - Title
        - Severity
    .PARAMETER Descending
        If specified, sorts the results in descending order.
    .PARAMETER ExcludeBeta
        If specified, excludes beta updates from the results.
    .PARAMETER OnlyDownloaded
        If specified, returns only updates that have been downloaded.
    .PARAMETER CategoryFilter
        If specified, filters updates by category name (supports wildcards).
    .PARAMETER Repository
        Specifies the repository to use for updates. Valid values are:
        - WindowsUpdate
        - MicrosoftUpdate
        Get-PMWinUpdate -Title "Security Update for Windows"
        Returns all updates containing "Security Update for Windows" in their title.
        Get-PMWinUpdate -Title "KB5025221" -ExactMatch
        Returns the update with exact title match for KB5025221.
        Get-PMWinUpdate -Severity Critical, Important
        Returns all critical and important updates.

        [ValidateSet('Critical', 'Important', 'Moderate', 'Low', 'Unspecified')]
        [ValidateSet('Software', 'Driver', 'Security', 'FeaturePack')]
        [int]$MaxSize, # Size in MB
        [ValidateSet('Size', 'ReleaseDate', 'Title', 'Severity')]
        [string]$SortBy = 'ReleaseDate',
        [ValidateSet('WindowsUpdate', 'MicrosoftUpdate')]
        [string]$Repository = 'WindowsUpdate'
    begin {
        Write-PMLog -Message 'Initializing Windows Update session...' -Type Info
        try {
            $UpdateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
            $UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()

            # Configure repository
            if ($Repository -eq 'MicrosoftUpdate') {
                $ServiceManager = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager
                $ServiceID = "7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d"
                # Check if Microsoft Update is registered
                $Service = $ServiceManager.Services | Where-Object { $_.ServiceID -eq $ServiceID }
                if (-not $Service) {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Microsoft Update Service is not registered. Use Register-PMMicrosoftUpdate to enable it." -Type Warning
                Write-PMLog -Message "Using Microsoft Update Service..." -Type Info
                $UpdateSearcher.ServerSelection = 3 # ssOthers
                $UpdateSearcher.ServiceID = $ServiceID
            } else {
                Write-PMLog -Message "Using Windows Update Service..." -Type Info
                $UpdateSearcher.ServerSelection = 2 # ssWindowsUpdate
        catch {
            $errorMessage = 'Failed to initialize Windows Update session: ' + $_.Exception.Message
            Write-PMLog -Message $errorMessage -Type Error
    end {
        try {
            Write-PMLog -Message 'Searching for Windows Updates...' -Type Info
            $searchCriteria = 'IsInstalled=0'
            if ($Hidden) {
                $searchCriteria = $searchCriteria + ' AND IsHidden=1'
            elseif ($NotInstalled) {
                $searchCriteria = $searchCriteria + ' AND IsHidden=0'
            $SearchResult = $UpdateSearcher.Search($searchCriteria)
            $updates = $SearchResult.Updates | ForEach-Object {
                # Convert size to readable format
                $sizeString = if ($_.MaxDownloadSize -ge 1GB) {
                    '{0:N2} GB' -f ($_.MaxDownloadSize / 1GB)
                } elseif ($_.MaxDownloadSize -ge 1MB) {
                    '{0:N2} MB' -f ($_.MaxDownloadSize / 1MB)
                } elseif ($_.MaxDownloadSize -ge 1KB) {
                    '{0:N2} KB' -f ($_.MaxDownloadSize / 1KB)
                } else {
                    '{0} B' -f $_.MaxDownloadSize

                    PSTypeName = 'PSPatchManager.WindowsUpdate'
                    Title = $_.Title
                    KB = $_.KBArticleIDs -join ','
                    Size = $sizeString
                    SizeBytes = $_.MaxDownloadSize
                    IsHidden = $_.IsHidden
                    Categories = ($_.Categories | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -join '; '
                    Severity = $_.MsrcSeverity
                    Type = if ($_.Type -eq 1) { 'Software' } 
                          elseif ($_.Type -eq 2) { 'Driver' }
                          elseif ($_.Categories.Name -contains 'Security Updates') { 'Security' }
                          elseif ($_.Categories.Name -contains 'Feature Packs') { 'FeaturePack' }
                          else { 'Other' }
                    RebootRequired = $_.RebootRequired
                    ReleaseDate = $_.LastDeploymentChangeTime
                    Description = $_.Description
                    SupportUrl = $_.SupportUrl
                    IsBeta = $_.IsBeta
                    IsDownloaded = $_.IsDownloaded
                    Impact = $_.MsrcImpact

            # Apply additional filters
            if ($Severity) {
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.Severity -in $Severity }
            if ($Type) {
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.Type -in $Type }
            if ($RebootRequired) {
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.RebootRequired -eq $true }
            if ($FromDate) {
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.ReleaseDate -ge $FromDate }
            if ($ToDate) {
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.ReleaseDate -le $ToDate }
            if ($MaxSize) {
                $maxBytes = $MaxSize * 1MB
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.SizeBytes -le $maxBytes }

            # Apply new filters
            if ($ExcludeBeta) {
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { -not $_.IsBeta }
            if ($OnlyDownloaded) {
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.IsDownloaded }
            if ($CategoryFilter) {
                $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.Categories -like "*$CategoryFilter*" }

            # Add title filtering
            if ($Title) {
                # Check if title contains wildcard characters
                if ($Title -match '[*?]') {
                    $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.Title -like $Title }
                } else {
                    $updates = $updates | Where-Object { $_.Title -eq $Title }

            # Sort the results
            $updates = switch ($SortBy) {
                'Size' { $updates | Sort-Object { $_.SizeBytes } }
                'ReleaseDate' { $updates | Sort-Object ReleaseDate }
                'Title' { $updates | Sort-Object Title }
                'Severity' { $updates | Sort-Object { 
                    switch ($_.Severity) {
                        'Critical' { 1 }
                        'Important' { 2 }
                        'Moderate' { 3 }
                        'Low' { 4 }
                        default { 5 }
                } }

            if ($Descending) {
                $updates = [array]($updates | Sort-Object -Descending)

            # Add summary information
            if ($updates) {
                $totalSize = ($updates | Measure-Object -Property SizeBytes -Sum).Sum
                $totalSizeString = if ($totalSize -ge 1GB) {
                    '{0:N2} GB' -f ($totalSize / 1GB)
                } elseif ($totalSize -ge 1MB) {
                    '{0:N2} MB' -f ($totalSize / 1MB)
                } elseif ($totalSize -ge 1KB) {
                    '{0:N2} KB' -f ($totalSize / 1KB)
                } else {
                    '{0} B' -f $totalSize
                Write-PMLog -Message ('Found {0} update(s). Total size: {1}' -f $updates.Count, $totalSizeString) -Type Info
            else {
                Write-PMLog -Message 'No updates found matching the specified criteria.' -Type Info
            return $updates
        catch {
            $errorMessage = 'Error searching for updates: ' + $_.Exception.Message
            Write-PMLog -Message $errorMessage -Type Error

function Install-PMWinUpdate {
        Installs specified Windows updates with advanced reboot control.
        Downloads and installs Windows updates with granular control over reboot behavior.
        Updates can be specified by KB number, title search, or installed automatically.
        Supports recursive update cycles and custom reboot actions.
        One or more KB article IDs to install specific updates.
    .PARAMETER Title
        Filter and install updates by title. Supports wildcard patterns unless -ExactMatch is specified.
    .PARAMETER ExactMatch
        When used with -Title, requires an exact match instead of wildcard pattern matching.
    .PARAMETER AcceptAll
        If specified, automatically accepts and installs all available updates.
    .PARAMETER RebootBehavior
        Controls how reboots are handled:
        - Never: Never reboot automatically (default)
        - IfRequired: Reboot only if required by updates
        - Always: Always reboot after installing updates
    .PARAMETER Repository
        Specifies the repository to use for updates. Valid values are:
        - WindowsUpdate
        - MicrosoftUpdate
        Install-PMWinUpdate -Title "Security Update for Windows"
        Installs all updates containing "Security Update for Windows" in their title.
        Install-PMWinUpdate -Title "KB5025221" -ExactMatch
        Installs the specific update matching KB5025221.
        Get-PMWinUpdate -Severity Critical | Install-PMWinUpdate -RebootBehavior IfRequired
        Installs all critical updates, rebooting if required.

        [switch]$AcceptAll = $true,
        [ValidateSet('Never', 'IfRequired', 'Always')]
        [string]$RebootBehavior = 'Never',
        [int]$MaxCycles = 3,
        [int]$RebootTimeout = 300,
        [ValidateSet('WindowsUpdate', 'MicrosoftUpdate')]
        [string]$Repository = 'WindowsUpdate'

    begin {
        $script:cycleCount = 0
        $script:pendingReboot = $false
        Write-PMLog -Message 'Initializing Windows Update installation session...' -Type Info

        try {
            $script:updateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
            $script:updateSearcher = $updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()

            # Configure repository
            if ($Repository -eq 'MicrosoftUpdate') {
                $ServiceManager = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager
                $ServiceID = "7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d"
                # Check if Microsoft Update is registered
                $Service = $ServiceManager.Services | Where-Object { $_.ServiceID -eq $ServiceID }
                if (-not $Service) {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Microsoft Update Service is not registered. Use Register-PMMicrosoftUpdate to enable it." -Type Warning
                Write-PMLog -Message "Using Microsoft Update Service..." -Type Info
                $script:updateSearcher.ServerSelection = 3 # ssOthers
                $script:updateSearcher.ServiceID = $ServiceID
            } else {
                Write-PMLog -Message "Using Windows Update Service..." -Type Info
                $script:updateSearcher.ServerSelection = 2 # ssWindowsUpdate

            $script:updateDownloader = $updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
            $script:updateInstaller = $updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
        catch {
            Write-PMLog -Message "Failed to initialize Windows Update session: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error

        function Test-PendingReboot {
            $regKeys = @(
                @{Path='HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\'; Value='RebootPending'},
                @{Path='HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\'; Value='RebootRequired'}
            foreach ($key in $regKeys) {
                if (Test-Path $key.Path) {
                    if (Get-ItemProperty -Path $key.Path -Name $key.Value -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                        return $true
            return $false

        function Invoke-SystemReboot {
            if ($PreRebootAction) {
                Write-PMLog -Message 'Executing pre-reboot action...' -Type Info
                & $PreRebootAction

            if ($ScheduledReboot) {
                $waitSeconds = [math]::Max(0, [int]($ScheduledReboot - (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds)
                if ($waitSeconds -gt 0) {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "System will reboot at $($ScheduledReboot.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))" -Type Warning
                    $rebootJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds $timeout
                        Restart-Computer -Force
                    } -ArgumentList $waitSeconds
                } else {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Scheduled reboot time has already passed, rebooting now..." -Type Warning
                    $rebootJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds $timeout
                        Restart-Computer -Force
                    } -ArgumentList $RebootTimeout
            } else {
                Write-PMLog -Message "System will reboot in $RebootTimeout seconds..." -Type Warning
                $rebootJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $timeout
                    Restart-Computer -Force
                } -ArgumentList $RebootTimeout

            if ($ContinueAfterReboot) {
                $taskName = 'PSPatchManager_ContinueUpdates'
                $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'powershell.exe' -Argument "-Command `"Import-Module PSPatchManager; Install-PMWinUpdate -AcceptAll -RebootBehavior $RebootBehavior -ContinueAfterReboot -MaxCycles $MaxCycles -RebootTimeout $RebootTimeout`""
                $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup
                Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $taskName -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -Force | Out-Null

            $rebootJob | Wait-Job
            if ($PostRebootAction) {
                Write-PMLog -Message 'Executing post-reboot action...' -Type Info
                & $PostRebootAction

    end {
        try {
            if ($script:cycleCount -gt $MaxCycles) {
                Write-PMLog -Message 'Maximum update cycles reached.' -Type Warning

            Write-PMLog -Message "Retrieving available updates..." -Type Info
            try {
                $SearchResult = $script:updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 AND IsHidden=0")
                Write-PMLog -Message "Found $($SearchResult.Updates.Count) total available updates." -Type Info
                if ($Title) {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Filtering updates with title pattern: $Title" -Type Info
                } elseif ($KB) {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Filtering updates for KB(s): $($KB -join ', ')" -Type Info
            catch {
                $errorMsg = Get-WindowsUpdateErrorMessage $_.Exception.HResult
                Write-PMLog -Message "Error searching for updates: $errorMsg" -Type Error

            if ($SearchResult.Updates.Count -eq 0) {
                Write-PMLog -Message "No updates available." -Type Info

            $UpdatesToInstall = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
            $UpdatesToDownload = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
            $totalUpdates = $SearchResult.Updates.Count
            $currentUpdate = 0

            foreach ($Update in $SearchResult.Updates) {
                Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing Windows Updates' -Status "Processing update $currentUpdate of $totalUpdates" -PercentComplete ($currentUpdate / $totalUpdates * 100)

                try {
                    $updateKB = $Update.KBArticleIDs | Select-Object -First 1
                    $shouldInstall = $false

                    if ($KB) {
                        $kbNumbers = $KB | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^KB', '' }
                        $shouldInstall = $updateKB -in $kbNumbers
                    elseif ($Title) {
                        # Check if title contains wildcard characters
                        if ($Title -match '[*?]') {
                            $shouldInstall = $Update.Title -like $Title
                        } else {
                            $shouldInstall = $Update.Title -eq $Title
                    else {
                        $shouldInstall = $true

                    if ($shouldInstall) {
                        if (-not $Update.EulaAccepted) {

                        if ($AcceptAll -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Update.Title, 'Install update')) {
                            Write-PMLog -Message "Processing update: $($Update.Title) (KB$updateKB)" -Type Info
                            $UpdatesToInstall.Add($Update) | Out-Null
                            if (-not $Update.IsDownloaded) {
                                $UpdatesToDownload.Add($Update) | Out-Null
                catch {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Error processing update $($Update.Title): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Warning

            Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing Windows Updates' -Completed
            Write-PMLog -Message "$($UpdatesToInstall.Count) update(s) matched the specified criteria." -Type Info

            if ($UpdatesToInstall.Count -gt 0) {
                # Download updates if needed
                if ($UpdatesToDownload.Count -gt 0) {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Downloading $($UpdatesToDownload.Count) updates..." -Type Info
                    $script:updateDownloader.Updates = $UpdatesToDownload

                    try {
                        $DownloadResult = $script:updateDownloader.Download()
                        switch ($DownloadResult.ResultCode) {
                            0 { Write-PMLog -Message "Download failed." -Type Error; throw "Download failed" }
                            1 { Write-PMLog -Message "Download in progress..." -Type Info }
                            2 { Write-PMLog -Message "Download completed successfully." -Type Info }
                            3 { Write-PMLog -Message "Download completed with errors." -Type Warning }
                            4 { Write-PMLog -Message "Download cancelled." -Type Warning; throw "Download cancelled" }
                            5 { Write-PMLog -Message "Download aborted." -Type Error; throw "Download aborted" }
                            default { Write-PMLog -Message "Unknown download status: $($DownloadResult.ResultCode)" -Type Warning }

                        if ($DownloadResult.ResultCode -ne 2) {
                            throw "Download failed with status: $($DownloadResult.ResultCode)"
                    catch {
                        Write-PMLog -Message "Error during download: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error
                } else {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "All updates are already downloaded." -Type Info

                Write-PMLog -Message 'Installing updates...' -Type Info
                try {
                    $script:updateInstaller.Updates = $UpdatesToInstall
                    $InstallResult = $script:updateInstaller.Install()

                    if ($InstallResult.ResultCode -ne 2) {
                        Write-PMLog -Message "Installation failed with status: $($InstallResult.ResultCode)" -Type Error
                        throw "Installation operation failed with status: $($InstallResult.ResultCode)"

                    # Get the results immediately to avoid COM object issues
                    $resultCode = $InstallResult.ResultCode.ToString()
                    $rebootRequired = $InstallResult.RebootRequired
                    $updateResults = @()

                    # Process each update result immediately
                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $UpdatesToInstall.Count; $i++) {
                        $update = $UpdatesToInstall.Item($i)
                        $updateResult = $InstallResult.GetUpdateResult($i)
                        $updateResults += [PSCustomObject]@{
                            Title = $update.Title
                            KB = $update.KBArticleIDs -join ','
                            Result = $updateResult.ResultCode.ToString()
                            Status = switch ($updateResult.ResultCode.ToString()) {
                                "0" { "Failed" }
                                "1" { "In Progress" }
                                "2" { "Success" }
                                "3" { "Partial Success" }
                                "4" { "Cancelled" }
                                "5" { "Aborted" }
                                default { "Unknown" }
                            HResult = if ($updateResult.HResult -ne 0) { "0x{0:X8}" -f $updateResult.HResult } else { "Success" }

                    Write-PMLog -Message "Installation Summary:" -Type Info
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Status: $(Get-UpdateOperationResult -ResultCode $resultCode -Operation 'Installation')" -Type Info
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Updates Processed: $($UpdatesToInstall.Count)" -Type Info
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Reboot Required: $rebootRequired" -Type Info

                    $script:pendingReboot = $rebootRequired -or (Test-PendingReboot)

                    if ($script:pendingReboot) {
                        Write-PMLog -Message 'System requires a reboot.' -Type Warning
                        switch ($RebootBehavior) {
                            'Always' { Invoke-SystemReboot }
                            'IfRequired' { 
                                if ($script:pendingReboot) { Invoke-SystemReboot }

                    return $updateResults
                catch {
                    throw "Installation failed: $($_.Exception.Message)"
            else {
                Write-PMLog -Message "No updates matched the specified criteria." -Type Info
        catch {
            $errorCode = if ($_.Exception.HResult) { 
                "0x{0:X8}" -f $_.Exception.HResult 
            } else { 
            Write-PMLog -Message "Error during update installation (Error code: $errorCode): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error
        finally {
            Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing Windows Updates' -Completed
            Write-Progress -Activity 'Downloading Updates' -Completed

function Set-PMWinUpdate {
        Modifies Windows update properties such as hidden status.
        Allows modification of Windows update properties including:
        - Hiding/Unhiding updates
        - Additional properties can be added as needed
        Updates can be specified by KB number or title search.
        One or more KB article IDs of the updates to modify.
    .PARAMETER Title
        Filter updates by title. Supports wildcard patterns.
    .PARAMETER Hidden
        If specified, sets the hidden status of the matching updates.
        Use $true to hide updates, $false to unhide them.
        Set-PMWinUpdate -KB 'KB5025221' -Hidden $true
        Hides the specified update.
        Set-PMWinUpdate -KB 'KB5025221', 'KB5025222' -Hidden $false
        Unhides multiple updates.
        Set-PMWinUpdate -Title "Security Update for Windows*" -Hidden $true
        Hides all updates matching the title pattern.

    begin {
        Write-PMLog -Message 'Initializing Windows Update session...' -Type Info
        try {
            $updateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
            $updateSearcher = $updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
        catch {
            Write-PMLog -Message "Failed to initialize Windows Update session: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error
    process {
        try {
            $searchCriteria = ""
            if ($KB) {
                $kbNumbers = $KB | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^KB', '' }
                $kbFilter = $kbNumbers | ForEach-Object { "KBArticleID='$_'" }
                $searchCriteria = "($($kbFilter -join ' OR '))"
            elseif ($Title) {
                if ($Title -match '[*?]') {
                    # Need to search all and filter later for wildcard
                    $searchCriteria = "IsInstalled=0"
                } else {
                    $searchCriteria = "Title='$Title'"
            Write-PMLog -Message 'Searching for updates to modify...' -Type Info
            $searchResult = $updateSearcher.Search($searchCriteria)
            # Apply title filter for wildcards
            $updates = if ($Title -and $Title -match '[*?]') {
                $searchResult.Updates | Where-Object { $_.Title -like $Title }
            } else {
            if ($updates.Count -eq 0) {
                $criteria = if ($KB) { "KB(s): $($KB -join ', ')" } else { "Title: $Title" }
                Write-PMLog -Message "No updates found matching $criteria" -Type Warning

            Write-PMLog -Message "Found $($updates.Count) update(s) to process." -Type Info
            $action = if ($Hidden) { "hide" } else { "unhide" }
            $results = @()
            foreach ($update in $updates) {
                $updateKB = $update.KBArticleIDs -join ','
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($update.Title, "$action update")) {
                    if ($update.IsHidden -eq $Hidden) {
                        $status = if ($Hidden) { "already hidden" } else { "already visible" }
                        Write-PMLog -Message "Update $($update.Title) (KB$updateKB) is $status" -Type Info
                    } else {
                        Write-PMLog -Message "$(if ($Hidden) { 'Hiding' } else { 'Unhiding' }) update: $($update.Title) (KB$updateKB)" -Type Info
                        $update.IsHidden = $Hidden
                    $results += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Title = $update.Title
                        KB = $updateKB
                        Result = "2" # Success code for consistency
                        Status = if ($Hidden) { "Hidden" } else { "Unhidden" }
                        HResult = "Success"
            Write-PMLog -Message "Successfully processed $action requests." -Type Info
            return $results
        catch {
            if ($_.Exception.HResult -eq 0x80240032) {
                $criteria = if ($KB) { "KB(s): $($KB -join ', ')" } else { "Title: $Title" }
                Write-PMLog -Message "No updates found matching $criteria" -Type Warning
            Write-PMLog -Message "Error modifying updates: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error

function Invoke-PMWinUpdate {
        Manages Windows updates on remote computers without requiring module installation on remote systems.
        Installs Windows updates on one or more remote computers with detailed progress tracking and reporting.
        Does not require PSPatchManager to be installed on remote systems as all necessary code is included
        in the remote execution context.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        One or more computer names to manage updates on.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Optional credentials to use for remote connections.
        Invoke-PMWinUpdate -ComputerName 'Server1'
        Installs updates on a single remote computer.
        Invoke-PMWinUpdate -ComputerName 'Server1', 'Server2' -Credential (Get-Credential)
        Installs updates on multiple servers using specified credentials.
        - Does not require PSPatchManager to be installed on remote computers
        - Provides detailed progress and error reporting
        - Returns detailed update installation results
        - Requires WinRM to be enabled on remote systems

    end {
        foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            try {
                Write-PMLog -Message "Connecting to $Computer..." -Type Info
                # Define the remote scriptblock with embedded functions
                $remoteScript = {
                    function Write-RemoteLog {
                        param([string]$Message, [string]$Type = 'Info')
                        switch ($Type) {
                            'Info' { Write-Verbose $Message -Verbose }
                            'Warning' { Write-Warning $Message }
                            'Error' { Write-Error $Message }

                    try {
                        Write-RemoteLog "Initializing Windows Update session..."
                        $UpdateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
                        $UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
                        Write-RemoteLog "Searching for updates..."
                        $SearchResult = $UpdateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0")
                        if ($SearchResult.Updates.Count -gt 0) {
                            $UpdateDownloader = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
                            $UpdateInstaller = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
                            $UpdatesToInstall = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
                            Write-RemoteLog "Processing $($SearchResult.Updates.Count) updates..."
                            foreach ($Update in $SearchResult.Updates) {
                                if (-not $Update.EulaAccepted) {
                                Write-RemoteLog "Adding update: $($Update.Title)"
                                $UpdatesToInstall.Add($Update) | Out-Null
                            if ($UpdatesToInstall.Count -gt 0) {
                                Write-RemoteLog "Downloading updates..."
                                $UpdateDownloader.Updates = $UpdatesToInstall
                                $DownloadResult = $UpdateDownloader.Download()

                                if ($DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 2) { # Success
                                    Write-RemoteLog "Installing updates..."
                                    $UpdateInstaller.Updates = $UpdatesToInstall
                                    $InstallResult = $UpdateInstaller.Install()

                                    # Get the results immediately to avoid COM object issues
                                    $resultCode = $InstallResult.ResultCode.ToString()
                                    $rebootRequired = $InstallResult.RebootRequired
                                    $updateResults = @()

                                    # Process each update result immediately
                                    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $UpdatesToInstall.Count; $i++) {
                                        $update = $UpdatesToInstall.Item($i)
                                        $updateResult = $InstallResult.GetUpdateResult($i)
                                        $updateResults += @{
                                            Title = $update.Title
                                            KB = $update.KBArticleIDs -join ','
                                            Result = Get-UpdateOperationResult -ResultCode $updateResult.ResultCode.ToString() -Operation "Update"
                                            HResult = if ($updateResult.HResult -ne 0) { 
                                                "0x{0:X8}" -f $updateResult.HResult 
                                            } else { 

                                    $result = @{
                                        ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
                                        UpdateCount = $SearchResult.Updates.Count
                                        Result = Get-UpdateOperationResult -ResultCode $resultCode -Operation "Installation"
                                        RebootRequired = $rebootRequired
                                        Updates = $updateResults

                                else {
                                    Write-RemoteLog "Download failed with status: $($DownloadResult.ResultCode)" -Type Error
                                    throw "Download operation failed with status: $($DownloadResult.ResultCode)"
                        else {
                            $result = @{
                                ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
                                UpdateCount = 0
                                Result = "No updates found"
                                RebootRequired = $false
                                Updates = @()
                        return $result
                    catch {
                        Write-RemoteLog "Error: $_" -Type Error
                        throw $_

                $params = @{
                    ComputerName = $Computer
                    ScriptBlock = $remoteScript
                if ($Credential) {
                    $params['Credential'] = $Credential
                $result = Invoke-Command @params
                Write-PMLog -Message "Completed update process on $Computer" -Type Info
                # Format and output the result
                    ComputerName = $result.ComputerName
                    UpdateCount = $result.UpdateCount
                    Result = $result.Result
                    RebootRequired = $result.RebootRequired
                    Updates = $result.Updates
            catch {
                Write-PMLog -Message "Error processing updates on $Computer`: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error

function Download-PMWinUpdate {
        Downloads Windows updates without installing them.
        Downloads Windows updates to prestage them on the system without installation.
        Updates can be specified by KB number, title search, or downloaded automatically.
        One or more KB article IDs to download specific updates.
    .PARAMETER Title
        Filter and download updates by title. Supports wildcard patterns unless -ExactMatch is specified.
    .PARAMETER ExactMatch
        When used with -Title, requires an exact match instead of wildcard pattern matching.
        Filter updates by type (Software, Driver, Security, FeaturePack).
    .PARAMETER Severity
        Filter updates by severity (Critical, Important, Moderate, Low).
    .PARAMETER RebootRequired
        Filter updates by reboot requirement.
    .PARAMETER ReleaseDate
        Filter updates by release date.
    .PARAMETER AcceptAll
        If specified, automatically accepts and downloads all available updates.
        Download-PMWinUpdate -Title "Security Update for Windows"
        Downloads all updates containing "Security Update for Windows" in their title.
        Download-PMWinUpdate -Title "KB5025221" -ExactMatch
        Downloads the specific update matching KB5025221.

        [ValidateSet('Software', 'Driver', 'Security', 'FeaturePack')]
        [string]$Type = '',
        [ValidateSet('Critical', 'Important', 'Moderate', 'Low', 'Unspecified')]
        [string]$Severity = '',
        [switch]$AcceptAll = $true

    begin {
        $script:updatesToDownload = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
        Write-PMLog -Message 'Initializing Windows Update download session...' -Type Info
        try {
            $script:updateSession = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
            $script:updateSearcher = $updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
            $script:updateDownloader = $updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
        catch {
            Write-PMLog -Message "Failed to initialize Windows Update session: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error

    end {
        try {
            Write-PMLog -Message "Retrieving available updates..." -Type Info
            $SearchResult = $script:updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 AND IsHidden=0")
            Write-PMLog -Message "Found $($SearchResult.Updates.Count) total available updates." -Type Info

            # Display filter criteria if any are set
            $activeFilters = @()
            if ($Title) { 
                $activeFilters += "Title: '$Title'" + $(if ($Title -match '[*?]') { " (Wildcard)" } else { " (Exact Match)" }) 
            if ($KB) { $activeFilters += "KB: $($KB -join ', ')" }
            if ($Type) { $activeFilters += "Type: $Type" }
            if ($Severity) { $activeFilters += "Severity: $Severity" }
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RebootRequired')) { $activeFilters += "RebootRequired: $RebootRequired" }
            if ($ReleaseDate) { $activeFilters += "ReleaseDate: >= $($ReleaseDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))" }

            if ($activeFilters.Count -gt 0) {
                Write-PMLog -Message "Active filters:`n $($activeFilters -join "`n ")" -Type Info

            foreach ($Update in $SearchResult.Updates) {
                $updateKB = $Update.KBArticleIDs | Select-Object -First 1
                $shouldDownload = $false

                # Apply filters
                $matchesFilters = (!$Type -or $Update.Type -eq $Type) -and
                                (!$Severity -or $Update.MsrcSeverity -eq $Severity) -and
                                (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RebootRequired') -or $Update.RebootRequired -eq $RebootRequired) -and
                                (!$ReleaseDate -or $Update.LastDeploymentChangeTime -ge $ReleaseDate)

                if ($KB) {
                    $kbNumbers = $KB | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^KB', '' }
                    $shouldDownload = $updateKB -in $kbNumbers -and $matchesFilters
                elseif ($Title) {
                    # Check if title contains wildcard characters
                    if ($Title -match '[*?]') {
                        $shouldDownload = $Update.Title -like $Title -and $matchesFilters
                    } else {
                        $shouldDownload = $Update.Title -eq $Title -and $matchesFilters
                else {
                    $shouldDownload = $matchesFilters

                if ($shouldDownload) {
                    if ($Update.IsDownloaded) {
                        Write-PMLog -Message "Update already downloaded: $($Update.Title)" -Type Info
                    if (-not $Update.EulaAccepted) {
                    if ($AcceptAll -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Update.Title, 'Download update')) {
                        Write-PMLog -Message "Adding update for download: $($Update.Title)" -Type Info
                        $script:updatesToDownload.Add($Update) | Out-Null

            $alreadyDownloaded = $SearchResult.Updates | Where-Object { 
                $_.IsDownloaded -and (
                    ($KB -and ($_.KBArticleIDs | Where-Object { $KB -contains "KB$_" })) -or
                    ($Title -and $(if ($Title -match '[*?]') { $_.Title -like $Title } else { $_.Title -eq $Title }))

            if ($alreadyDownloaded) {
                Write-PMLog -Message "`nAlready downloaded updates:" -Type Info
                foreach ($update in $alreadyDownloaded) {
                    Write-PMLog -Message " $($update.Title) (KB$($update.KBArticleIDs -join ','))" -Type Info

            Write-PMLog -Message "`n$($script:updatesToDownload.Count) update(s) require download." -Type Info

            if ($script:updatesToDownload.Count -gt 0) {
                Write-PMLog -Message "`nDownload Summary:" -Type Info
                Write-PMLog -Message "Total updates to download: $($script:updatesToDownload.Count)" -Type Info
                Write-PMLog -Message "Starting download process...`n" -Type Info
                try {
                    $script:updateDownloader.Updates = $script:updatesToDownload
                    $DownloadResult = $script:updateDownloader.Download()

                    $resultCode = $DownloadResult.ResultCode.ToString()
                    switch ($resultCode) {
                        "0" { Write-PMLog -Message "Download failed." -Type Error; throw "Download failed" }
                        "1" { Write-PMLog -Message "Download in progress..." -Type Info }
                        "2" { Write-PMLog -Message "Download completed successfully." -Type Info }
                        "3" { Write-PMLog -Message "Download completed with errors." -Type Warning }
                        "4" { Write-PMLog -Message "Download cancelled." -Type Warning; throw "Download cancelled" }
                        "5" { Write-PMLog -Message "Download aborted." -Type Error; throw "Download aborted" }
                        default { Write-PMLog -Message "Unknown download result: $resultCode" -Type Warning }

                    # Return download results
                    $script:updatesToDownload | ForEach-Object {
                            Title = $_.Title
                            KB = $_.KBArticleIDs -join ','
                            Result = $resultCode
                            Status = switch ($resultCode) {
                                "0" { "Failed" }
                                "1" { "In Progress" }
                                "2" { "Success" }
                                "3" { "Partial Success" }
                                "4" { "Cancelled" }
                                "5" { "Aborted" }
                                default { "Unknown" }
                catch {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "Error during update download: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error
            else {
                Write-PMLog -Message "No updates matched the specified criteria." -Type Info
        catch {
            Write-PMLog -Message "Download failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error
        finally {
            Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing Windows Updates' -Completed
            Write-Progress -Activity 'Downloading Updates' -Completed

function Register-PMMicrosoftUpdate {
        Registers the system with Microsoft Update Service.
        Enables Microsoft Update Service on the system, allowing access to both Windows Updates
        and updates for other Microsoft products.
        Registers the system with Microsoft Update Service.

    begin {
        Write-PMLog -Message 'Initializing Microsoft Update registration...' -Type Info
    process {
        try {
            $ServiceManager = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager
            $ServiceID = "7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d"
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Microsoft Update Service", "Register")) {
                # Check if already registered
                $Service = $ServiceManager.Services | Where-Object { $_.ServiceID -eq $ServiceID }
                if ($Service) {
                    Write-PMLog -Message "System is already registered with Microsoft Update Service." -Type Info
                    return $true
                Write-PMLog -Message "Registering system with Microsoft Update Service..." -Type Info
                $AddServiceResult = $ServiceManager.AddService2($ServiceID, 7, "")
                Write-PMLog -Message "Successfully registered with Microsoft Update Service." -Type Info
                return $true
        catch {
            Write-PMLog -Message "Failed to register Microsoft Update Service: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Type Error
            return $false

# Export functions
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-PMWinUpdate, Install-PMWinUpdate, Set-PMWinUpdate, Invoke-PMWinUpdate, Download-PMWinUpdate, Register-PMMicrosoftUpdate