@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' GUID = 'f8b59e05-1c78-4a64-9c3d-d1f83d205072' Author = 'Pimzino' CompanyName = 'Pimzino' Copyright = '(c) 2025 PSPatchManager By Pimzino. All rights reserved.' Description = 'PowerShell module for managing Windows Updates with advanced features including Microsoft Update Service support' PowerShellVersion = '5.1' RootModule = 'PSPatchManager.psm1' # Private data to pass to the module specified in RootModule/ModuleToProcess PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ # Tags applied to this module. These help with module discovery in online galleries. Tags = @('Windows', 'Updates', 'WindowsUpdate', 'MicrosoftUpdate', 'Patching', 'PSEdition_Desktop', 'PSEdition_Core', 'Windows') # A URL to the license for this module. LicenseUri = '' # A URL to the main website for this project. ProjectUri = '' # ReleaseNotes of this module ReleaseNotes = 'Initial release of PSPatchManager with Microsoft Update Service support' } } FunctionsToExport = @( 'Get-PMWinUpdate', 'Install-PMWinUpdate', 'Set-PMWinUpdate', 'Invoke-PMWinUpdate', 'Download-PMWinUpdate', 'Register-PMMicrosoftUpdate' ) CmdletsToExport = @() VariablesToExport = '*' AliasesToExport = @() } |