function Get-PagerDutyData { <# .SYNOPSIS Get PagerDuty data from the v2 REST API .DESCRIPTION Get PagerDuty data from the v2 REST API .PARAMETER Type Type of object, or, what to append to the PagerDuty Uri For example: incidents services incidents/some_incident_id/log_entries .PARAMETER QueryHash Hashtable of filters for the PagerDuty API. For example this input: @{ sortby = 'status' 'include[]'= 'services',''services','first_trigger_log_entries'' } Will append this to the Uri: sortby=status&include[]=services&include[]=first_trigger_log_entries .PARAMETER Limit Limit each query to this many results. .PARAMETER Offset Include this offset in the Uri. Used for pagination. .PARAMETER Raw Return raw Invoke-RestMethod output .PARAMETER MaxQueries Limit pagination to this many API queries .PARAMETER Token PagerDuty API token .EXAMPLE Get-PagerDutyData -Type incidents -Limit 100 -Token $token # Get all PagerDuty incidents for token $token, 100 at a time #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$Type, [hashtable]$QueryHash = @{}, [int]$Limit, [int]$Offset, [switch]$Raw, [int]$MaxQueries, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Token = $Script:PSPagerDutyConfig.Token ) $Headers = @{ "Accept" = "application/vnd.pagerduty+json;version=2" "Authorization" = "Token token=$Token" } $Append = $null $Type = $Type.ToLower() $BaseUri = "$Type" if($Limit -and -not $QueryHash.ContainsKey('limit')){ $QueryHash.add('limit', $Limit) } if($Offset -and -not $QueryHash.ContainsKey('Offset')){ $QueryHash.add('offset', $Offset) } $CallCount = 0 do { [string[]]$UriParts = foreach($Key in $QueryHash.Keys){ $Value = $QueryHash[$Key] if($Value -is [string[]]){ foreach($item in $value){ "$Key=$Item" } } else { "$Key=$Value" } } if($UriParts.count -gt 0){ $Append = Join-Parts -Separator '&' -Parts $UriParts $ThisUri = "$BaseUri`?$Append" } else{ $ThisUri = $BaseUri } $Response = $null $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ThisUri -Method Get -Headers $Headers $CallCount++ if($Raw){ $Response } else { ConvertFrom-PagerDutyData -InputObject $Response.$Type } if(-not $Response.more){ break } if(-not $Limit){ $Limit = $Response.limit } $CurrentOffset = $Response.offset + $Response.limit $QueryHash.offset = $CurrentOffset $QueryHash.limit = $Limit } while ($Response.more -and (-not $MaxQueries -or $CallCount -lt $MaxQueries)) } |