
function Get-PagerDutyData {
        Get PagerDuty data from the v2 REST API
        Get PagerDuty data from the v2 REST API
        Type of object, or, what to append to the PagerDuty Uri
        For example:
    .PARAMETER QueryHash
        Hashtable of filters for the PagerDuty API.
        For example this input:
                sortby = 'status'
                'include[]'= 'services',''services','first_trigger_log_entries''
        Will append this to the Uri:
    .PARAMETER Limit
        Limit each query to this many results.
    .PARAMETER Offset
        Include this offset in the Uri. Used for pagination.
        Return raw Invoke-RestMethod output
    .PARAMETER MaxQueries
        Limit pagination to this many API queries
    .PARAMETER Token
        PagerDuty API token
        Get-PagerDutyData -Type incidents -Limit 100 -Token $token
        # Get all PagerDuty incidents for token $token, 100 at a time

    param (
        [hashtable]$QueryHash = @{},

        [string]$Token = $Script:PSPagerDutyConfig.Token
    $Headers = @{
        "Accept" = "application/vnd.pagerduty+json;version=2"
        "Authorization" = "Token token=$Token"
    $Append = $null
    $Type = $Type.ToLower()
    $BaseUri = "$Type"
    if($Limit -and -not $QueryHash.ContainsKey('limit')){
        $QueryHash.add('limit', $Limit)
    if($Offset -and -not $QueryHash.ContainsKey('Offset')){
        $QueryHash.add('offset', $Offset)

    $CallCount = 0
    do {
        [string[]]$UriParts = foreach($Key in $QueryHash.Keys){
            $Value = $QueryHash[$Key]
            if($Value -is [string[]]){
                foreach($item in $value){
            else {
        if($UriParts.count -gt 0){
            $Append = Join-Parts -Separator '&' -Parts $UriParts
            $ThisUri = "$BaseUri`?$Append"
            $ThisUri = $BaseUri
        $Response = $null
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ThisUri -Method Get -Headers $Headers
        else {
            ConvertFrom-PagerDutyData -InputObject $Response.$Type
        if(-not $Response.more){
        if(-not $Limit){
            $Limit = $Response.limit
        $CurrentOffset = $Response.offset + $Response.limit
        $QueryHash.offset = $CurrentOffset
        $QueryHash.limit = $Limit
    } while ($Response.more -and (-not $MaxQueries -or $CallCount -lt $MaxQueries))