function Start-VectorStoreFileBatch { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'VectorStoreId')] [OutputType([pscustomobject])] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'VectorStore', Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('InputObject')] # for backword compatibility [PSTypeName('PSOpenAI.VectorStore')]$VectorStore, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'VectorStoreId', Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('vector_store_id')] [string][UrlEncodeTransformation()]$VectorStoreId, [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('file_ids')] [ValidateCount(0, 500)] [object[]]$FileId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('auto', 'static')] [Alias('chunking_strategy')] [string]$ChunkingStrategy, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(100, 4096)] [Alias('max_chunk_size_tokens')] [int]$MaxChunkSizeTokens = 800, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 4096)] [Alias('chunk_overlap_tokens')] [int]$ChunkOverlapTokens = 400, [Parameter()] [int]$TimeoutSec = 0, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 100)] [int]$MaxRetryCount = 0, [Parameter()] [OpenAIApiType]$ApiType = [OpenAIApiType]::OpenAI, [Parameter()] [System.Uri]$ApiBase, [Parameter(DontShow)] [string]$ApiVersion, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('openai', 'azure', 'azure_ad')] [string]$AuthType = 'openai', [Parameter()] [securestring][SecureStringTransformation()]$ApiKey, [Parameter()] [Alias('OrgId')] [string]$Organization, [Parameter()] [System.Collections.IDictionary]$AdditionalQuery, [Parameter()] [System.Collections.IDictionary]$AdditionalHeaders, [Parameter()] [object]$AdditionalBody ) begin { # Get API context $OpenAIParameter = Get-OpenAIAPIParameter -EndpointName 'VectorStore.FileBatches' -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -ErrorAction Stop $BatchBag = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new() } process { foreach ($item in $FileId) { # Add an object to queue if ($null -eq $item) { continue } elseif ($item.psobject.TypeNames -contains 'PSOpenAI.File') { $BatchBag.Add($ } else { $BatchBag.Add($item) } } } end { # Get vector store id if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ceq 'VectorStore') { $VectorStoreId = $ } if (-not $VectorStoreId) { Write-Error -Exception ([System.ArgumentException]::new('Could not retrieve vector store id.')) return } #region Construct parameters for API request $QueryUri = ($OpenAIParameter.Uri.ToString() -f $VectorStoreId) #endregion if ($BatchBag.Count -eq 0) { return } #region Construct parameters for API request $PostBody = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new() $PostBody.file_ids = $BatchBag.ToArray() if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ChunkingStrategy')) { $PostBody.chunking_strategy = @{type = $ChunkingStrategy } if ($ChunkingStrategy -eq 'static') { # validation (the overlap must not exceed half of max) if (2 * $ChunkOverlapTokens -gt $MaxChunkSizeTokens) { Write-Error -Exception ([System.ArgumentException]::new('ChunkOverlapTokens must not exceed half of MaxChunkSizeTokens.')) return } $PostBody.chunking_strategy.static = @{ max_chunk_size_tokens = $MaxChunkSizeTokens chunk_overlap_tokens = $ChunkOverlapTokens } } } #endregion #region Send API Request $splat = @{ Method = $OpenAIParameter.Method Uri = $QueryUri ContentType = $OpenAIParameter.ContentType TimeoutSec = $OpenAIParameter.TimeoutSec MaxRetryCount = $OpenAIParameter.MaxRetryCount ApiKey = $OpenAIParameter.ApiKey AuthType = $OpenAIParameter.AuthType Organization = $OpenAIParameter.Organization Headers = @{'OpenAI-Beta' = 'assistants=v2' } Body = $PostBody AdditionalQuery = $AdditionalQuery AdditionalHeaders = $AdditionalHeaders AdditionalBody = $AdditionalBody } $Response = Invoke-OpenAIAPIRequest @splat # error check if ($null -eq $Response) { return } #endregion #region Parse response object try { $Response = $Response | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception } #endregion #region Output Write-Verbose ('Start batch with id "{0}". The current status is "{1}"' -f $, $Response.status) ParseVectorStoreFileBatchObject $Response #endregion } } |