
function Add-ThreadMessage {
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Thread', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        [Alias('InputObject')]  # for backword compatibility

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Id', Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]


        [ValidateSet('auto', 'low', 'high')]
        [string][LowerCaseTransformation()]$ImageDetail = 'auto',

        [Completions('user', 'assistant')]
        [string][LowerCaseTransformation()]$Role = 'user',

        [ValidateCount(0, 20)]

        [ValidateCount(0, 10000)]


        [int]$TimeoutSec = 0,

        [ValidateRange(0, 100)]
        [int]$MaxRetryCount = 0,

        [OpenAIApiType]$ApiType = [OpenAIApiType]::OpenAI,



        [ValidateSet('openai', 'azure', 'azure_ad')]
        [string]$AuthType = 'openai',








    begin {
        # Get API context
        $OpenAIParameter = Get-OpenAIAPIParameter -EndpointName 'Threads' -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -ErrorAction Stop

        # Parse Common params
        $CommonParams = ParseCommonParams $PSBoundParameters

    process {
        # Get thread_id
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ceq 'Thread') {
            $ThreadId = $
        if (-not $ThreadID) {
            Write-Error -Exception ([System.ArgumentException]::new('Could not retrieve Thread ID.'))

        #region Construct Query URI
        $UriBuilder = [System.UriBuilder]::new($OpenAIParameter.Uri)
        $UriBuilder.Path += "/$ThreadID/messages"
        $QueryUri = $UriBuilder.Uri

        #region Construct parameters for API request
        $Attachments = @()
        if ($FileIdsForCodeInterpreter.Count -gt 0) {
            foreach ($item in $FileIdsForCodeInterpreter) {
                if ($item -is [string]) {
                    $fileid = $item
                elseif ($item.psobject.TypeNames -contains 'PSOpenAI.File') {
                    $fileid = $
                $Attachments += @{
                    'file_id' = $fileid
                    'tools'   = @(@{'type' = 'code_interpreter' })
        if ($FileIdsForFileSearch.Count -gt 0) {
            foreach ($item in $FileIdsForFileSearch) {
                if ($item -is [string]) {
                    $fileid = $item
                elseif ($item.psobject.TypeNames -contains 'PSOpenAI.File') {
                    $fileid = $
                $Attachments += @{
                    'file_id' = $fileid
                    'tools'   = @(@{'type' = 'file_search' })

        $PostBody = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
        $PostBody.role = $Role
        if ($Images.Count -gt 0) {
            $ContentsList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]]::new($Images.Count + 1)
            # Text Message
                    type = 'text'
                    text = $Message
            # Images
            foreach ($image in $Images) {
                # File object
                if ($image.psobject.TypeNames -contains 'PSOpenAI.File') {
                            type       = 'image_file'
                            image_file = @{
                                file_id = $
                                detail  = $ImageDetail
                elseif ($image -is [string]) {
                    $imageUri = [uri]$image
                    if ($imageUri.Scheme -in ('https', 'http')) {
                        # Image URL
                                type      = 'image_url'
                                image_url = @{
                                    url    = $imageUri.AbsoluteUri
                                    detail = $ImageDetail
                    else {
                        # File-ID or something else
                                type       = 'image_file'
                                image_file = @{
                                    file_id = $image
                                    detail  = $ImageDetail
                else {
                    # Invalid
                    Write-Error -Message 'Invalid input. Please specify a valid URL or File ID.'
            $PostBody.content = $ContentsList
        else {
            # Only a text message
            $PostBody.content = $Message
        if ($Attachments.Count -gt 0) {
            $PostBody.attachments = $Attachments
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Metadata')) {
            $PostBody.metadata = $Metadata

        #region Wait for good time to send API request
        if ($WaitForRunComplete) {
            # It is not possible to add a message to a Thread while the state of the Run associated with the Thread is "active" (will fail with a 400 bad request).
            # Wait for the Run to finish before adding a message.
            # Although requires_action is in the "active" state, it will not complete unless the user actively operates on it.
            # Do not wait to avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop.
            $null = PSOpenAI\Get-ThreadRun -ThreadId $ThreadId -All @CommonParams | `
                    Where-Object { $_.status -notin ('completed', 'cancelled', 'expired', 'failed', 'requires_action') } | `
                    ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Waiting for the run to complete. Run ID: $($"; $_ } | `
                    PSOpenAI\Wait-ThreadRun -StatusForWait ('queued', 'in_progress', 'cancelling') @CommonParams

        #region Send API Request
        $params = @{
            Method            = $OpenAIParameter.Method
            Uri               = $QueryUri
            ContentType       = $OpenAIParameter.ContentType
            TimeoutSec        = $OpenAIParameter.TimeoutSec
            MaxRetryCount     = $OpenAIParameter.MaxRetryCount
            ApiKey            = $OpenAIParameter.ApiKey
            AuthType          = $OpenAIParameter.AuthType
            Organization      = $OpenAIParameter.Organization
            Headers           = @{'OpenAI-Beta' = 'assistants=v2' }
            Body              = $PostBody
            AdditionalQuery   = $AdditionalQuery
            AdditionalHeaders = $AdditionalHeaders
            AdditionalBody    = $AdditionalBody
        $Response = Invoke-OpenAIAPIRequest @params

        # error check
        if ($null -eq $Response) {

        #region Output
        # Output thread object only when the PassThru switch is specified.
        if ($PassThru) {
            PSOpenAI\Get-Thread -ThreadId $ThreadID @CommonParams

    end {
