
function Test-PSOnePort
      Tests a network port on a remote computer
      Tests whether a port on a remote computer is responding.
      Test-PSOnePort -ComputerName -Port 4000 -Timeout 1000
      Tests whether port 4000 on the local computer is responding,
      and waits a maximum of 1000 milliseconds
      Test-PSOnePort -ComputerName -Port 4000 -Timeout 1000 -Count 30 -Delay 2000
      Tests 30 times whether port 4000 on the local computer is responding,
      and waits a maximum of 1000 milliseconds inbetween each test
      Test-PSOnePort -ComputerName -Port 4000 -Timeout 1000 -Count 0 -Delay 2000 -ExitOnSuccess
      Continuously tests whether port 4000 on the local computer is responding,
      waits a maximum of 1000 milliseconds inbetween each test,
      and exits as soon as the port is responding

    # port number to test

    # timeout in milliseconds
    $Timeout = 500,

    # number of tries. A value of 0 indicates countinuous testing
    $Count = 1,
    # delay (in milliseconds) inbetween continuous tests
    $Delay = 2000,
    # when enabled, function returns as soon as port is available
  $ok = $false
  $c = 0
  $isOnline = $false
  $continuous = $Count -eq 0 -or $Count -gt 1
      if ($c -gt $Count -and !$continuous) { 
        # count exceeded
      $start = Get-Date
      $tcpobject = [system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient]::new()
      $connect = $tcpobject.BeginConnect($computername,$port,$null,$null) 
      $wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false) 
      if(!$wait) { 
        # no response from port
        Write-Verbose "Port $Port is not responding..."
        if ($continuous) { Write-Host '.' -NoNewline }
      } else { 
        try { 
          # port is reachable
          if ($continuous) { Write-Host '!' -NoNewline }
          $isOnline = $true
          if ($ExitOnSuccess)
            $ok = $true
            $delay = 0
        catch { 
          # access to port restricted
          throw "You do not have permission to contact port $Port."
      $stop = Get-Date
      $timeUsed = ($stop - $start).TotalMilliseconds
      $currentDelay = $Delay - $timeUsed
      if ($currentDelay -gt 100)
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $currentDelay
    } until ($ok)
    # dispose objects to free memory
    if ($tcpobject)
  if ($continuous) { Write-Host }
  return $isOnline