# On the first (and subsequent) call you can get the messages of the last 24 hours... PS C:\Users\Florian> Get-TelegramUpdates -name "MyNewChannel" -verbose update_id message --------- ------- 234603669 @{message_id=25; from=; chat=; date=1700812949; text=New2} 234603670 @{message_id=26; from=; chat=; date=1700813489; text=New3} 234603671 @{message_id=27; from=; chat=; date=1700813490; text=New4} 234603672 @{message_id=28; from=; chat=; date=1700813493; text=New 5} # ... until you use the offset parameter with the last update_id+1 like here: PS C:\Users\Florian> Get-TelegramUpdates -name "MyNewChannel" -verbose -Offset 234603673 # Telegram remembers this offset and will only give you more messages that followed that last id #> function Get-TelegramUpdates { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Name # The telegram channel to use ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][long]$Offset = 0 # The id of the last message + 1 to only receiver new messages ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$Limit = 100 # The number of messages you want to receive with one call ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$Timeout = 0 # Timeout for the call ) begin { } process { $body = [PSCustomObject]@{ "offset" = $Offset "limit" = $Limit "timeout" = $Timeout } $updates = Invoke-Telegram -Name $Name -Path "getUpdates" -Method "POST" -Body $body # return $updates } end { } } |