
function Send-Mailnotification {

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Name                                # The email channel to use
        ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Target                                # The email target to use
        ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Subject                                # The telegram channel to use
        ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Text                                # The telegram channel to use

    begin {


    process {

        # Get the right target for this channel
        $channel = Get-Channel -Name $Name
        $channelTarget = $channel.Targets | where-object { $_.TargetName -eq $Target }
        #$Script:debug = $target

        # Load mailkit lib
        If ( ( Confirm-MailKitLoaded ) -eq $true ) {
            Write-Verbose "MailKit loaded successfully"
        } else {
            throw "You need to install MailKit first. Please execute Install-Mailkit!" # TODO maybe the throw is not needed here

        # Try connect to server
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Connecting to mailserver"
            $smtpClient = [MailKit.Net.Smtp.SmtpClient]::new()
            $smtpClient.Connect($, $channel.Definition.port, $channel.Definition.ssl) # $SMTP.Connect('', 587, $False)
        } catch {
            throw "Connection to host '$( $Host )' failed!"

        # Try to authenticate
        try {
            Write-Verbose "Authentication to mailserver"
            $smtpClient.Authenticate($channel.Definition.username, ( Convert-SecureToPlaintext -String $channel.Definition.password)) # $SMTP.Authenticate('', 'appspecificpassword' )
        } catch {
            throw "Authentication to host '$( $Host )' failed!"

        # Create the mail
        $message = [MimeKit.MimeMessage]::new()
        $channelTarget.Definition.Receivers | ForEach-Object {
            $message.To.Add($_) # TODO not checking if the email is valid
        $message.Subject = $Subject
        $textPart = [MimeKit.TextPart]::new("plain")
        $textPart.Text = $Text
        $message.Body = $TextPart

        # Send the message
        $msg = $smtpClient.Send($message)
        Write-Verbose $msg

        # Kill that connection


    end {
