
Function New-NexosisView {
      This operation creates or updates a view definition.
      This operation creates or updates a view definition.
     .Parameter ViewName
      Name of the view definition to create or update
     .Parameter DataSetName
     Name of the dataset to add data.

     .Parameter Joins
     A data structure containing the Join Definition for how to join another DataSet or a calendar with the dataset specified in Joins.

                dataset = @{
                columnOptions= @{


                calendar = @{

     .Parameter columnMetadata
     An optional data structure containing metadata describing the columns for a view. By default, a view will inherit
     the metadata from the source DataSets that construct it. If the Columns Metadata is set on a view directly, it
     will overriding the source datasets columns metadata on the view alone.


     # The Following is an example join definition that joins dataset 'SalesData' with dataset 'promoData' on the
     # 'timestamp' column. All columns from both datasets will be joined together. ColumnOptions are optional and
     # are only used to renamed (alias) a column or to specify what time interval to join on for a timestamp data
     # type.

    $joins = @(
                    dataset = @{
                    columnOptions = @{

    New-NexosisView -viewName 'SalesWithPromosView' -dataSetName "salesData" -joins $joins
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        process {
            if ($viewName.Trim().Length -eq 0) { 
                throw "Argument '-viewName' cannot be null or empty."
            if ($joins -isnot [System.Array]) {
                throw "Parameter '-joins' must be an array of hashes."
            if ($joins.Length -lt 1) {
                throw "Parameter '-joins' must contain at least one join."
            if ($null -ne $columnMetaData -and $columnMetaData -isnot [Hashtable])
                throw "Parameter '-columnMetaData' must be a hashtable of column metadata for the data."    
            if ($null -eq $columnMetaData) {
                $viewDefinition = @{
                    dataSetName = $dataSetName
                    joins = $joins
            } else {
                $viewDefinition = @{
                    dataSetName = $dataSetName
                    columns = $columnMetaData
                    joins = $joins

            if ($dataSetName.Trim().Length -eq 0) { 
                throw "Argument '-DataSetName' cannot be null or empty."
            if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($viewName)) {
                Invoke-Http -method Put -path "views/$viewName" -Body ($viewDefinition | ConvertTo-Json -depth 6)