
Gets the IP configuration for network interfaces on the local system.
The Get-IpConfig function retrieves detailed IP configuration information for network interfaces on the local system. It provides essential network details including IP addresses, gateways, MAC addresses, and DNS servers. By default, it shows only active physical interfaces, but can display all interfaces when needed.
[Optional] Switch parameter that displays all network interfaces including virtual ones when specified. Default behavior shows only active physical interfaces.
# Returns IP configuration for active physical network interfaces only
Get-IpConfig -ShowAll
# Returns IP configuration for all network interfaces, including virtual ones
System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject with properties:
- Interface: Network interface name
- IPAddress: IPv4 address with prefix length
- Gateway: IPv4 default gateway
- MacAddress: MAC address (lowercase, colon-separated)
- DNSServers: DNS server IP addresses
Requires PowerShell 5.1 or higher
Administrator rights may be required for some network operations

function Get-IpConfig
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    $ipConfig = Get-NetIPConfiguration
    if (-not $ShowAll)
        $ipConfig = $ipConfig | Where-Object { ($_.NetAdapter.Status -eq "Up") -and ($_.InterfaceDescription -notlike "*Virtual*") }
        foreach ($ip in $ipConfig)
                Interface = $ip.InterfaceAlias
                IPAddress = $ip.IPv4Address.IPAddress + "/" + $ip.IPv4Address.PrefixLength
                Gateway = $ip.IPv4DefaultGateway.NextHop
                MacAddress = ($ip.NetAdapter.macAddress -replace "-", ":").ToLower()
                DNSServers = $ip.DNSServer.ServerAddresses
    }else {
        foreach ($ip in $ipConfig)
                Interface = $ip.InterfaceAlias
                IPAddress = $ip.IPv4Address.IPAddress + "/" + $ip.IPv4Address.PrefixLength
                Gateway = $ip.IPv4DefaultGateway.NextHop
                MacAddress = ($ip.NetAdapter.macAddress -replace "-", ":").ToLower()
                DNSServers = $ip.DNSServer.ServerAddresses