
Builds a PowerShell module formatted like the ones located at
Builds a PowerShell module formatted like the ones located at
- Moves all public functions to a single .psm1 file and all private functions to a private folder.
- Removes any init blocks outside of the function.
- Formats the private function dot sources for the expected folder structure.
- Creates a module manifest.
The name of the module.
The version of the module.
.PARAMETER Description
The description of the module.
The GUID of the module. If not provided it will look for the GUID in the PSGallery, or generate it.
The tags for the module.
The URL for the repo's license.
.PARAMETER SourceDirectory
The source directory of the module. Should be a nested directory that doesn't contain and build scripts.
.PARAMETER OutputDirectory
The directory to output the .psm1 module and .psd1 manifest.
.PARAMETER FixScriptAnalyzer
Whether to fix the ScriptAnalyzer issues.
$BuildPSModule = @{
    Name = 'MyModule'
    Version = '1.0.0'
    Description = 'A PowerShell module.'
    Tags = ('PSEdition_Desktop', 'PSEdition_Core')
Build-PSModule @BuildPSModule

function Build-PSModule {
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression', '')]
    param (
        [String]$Name = 'PSModule',
        [String]$Version = '0.0.1',
        [String]$Description = 'A PowerShell module.',
        [String[]]$Tags = @('PSEdition_Desktop', 'PSEdition_Core', 'Windows'),
        [String]$LicenseUri = '',
        [String]$SourceDirectory = "$PWD/src",
        [String]$OutputDirectory = "$PWD/out",

    Write-Host -Object 'Building with the following parameters:'
    Write-Host -Object (
            Name              = $Name
            Version           = $Version
            Description       = $Description
            Tags              = $Tags
            LicenseUri        = $LicenseUri
            SourceDirectory   = $SourceDirectory
            OutputDirectory   = $OutputDirectory
            FixScriptAnalyzer = $FixScriptAnalyzer
        } | Format-List | Out-String

    Remove-Item -Path $OutputDirectory -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $ModuleOutputDirectory = "$OutputDirectory/$Name/$Version"

    $null = New-Item -Path "$ModuleOutputDirectory/$name.psm1" -ItemType File -Force
    $functionNames = @()
    $moduleContent = @()
    Get-ChildItem -Path "$SourceDirectory/public" -Filter '*.ps1' -Exclude '*.Tests.ps1' -File -Recurse |
        ForEach-Object -Process {
            $functionName = $_.BaseName
            Write-Host -Object "Building function $functionName..."

            $functionNames += $functionName
            $functionContent = Get-Content -Path $_.FullName
            $originalFunctionContent = $functionContent

            # Remove any init blocks outside of the function
            $startIndex = (
                $functionContent.IndexOf($functionContent -match "function $functionName")[0]
            ) | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -ge 0 } | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1
            $functionContent = $functionContent[$startIndex..($functionContent.Length - 1)]

            # Format the private function dot sources for the expected folder structure
            $functionContent = $functionContent -replace '\$PSScriptRoot/\.\./(\.\./)?private', '$PSScriptRoot/private'

            Write-Host -Object (
                Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $functionContent -DifferenceObject $originalFunctionContent |
                    Format-Table |
            $moduleContent += ''
            $moduleContent += $functionContent

    $srcModuleContent = Get-Content -Path "$SourceDirectory\$Name.psm1" -Raw
    $startIndex = $srcModuleContent.IndexOf('Get-ChildItem')
    $subString = $srcModuleContent.Substring($startIndex)
    $braceIndex = $subString.IndexOf('}')
    $moduleScriptContent = $subString.Substring($braceIndex + 1)
    if ($moduleScriptContent) {
        $moduleContent += $moduleScriptContent

    $moduleContent | Set-Content -Path "$ModuleOutputDirectory/$name.psm1" -Force
    $null = New-Item -Path "$ModuleOutputDirectory/private" -ItemType Directory -Force
    Get-ChildItem -Path "$SourceDirectory/private" -Exclude '*.Tests.ps1' |
        Copy-Item -Destination "$ModuleOutputDirectory/private" -Recurse -Force

    $manifestPath = "$ModuleOutputDirectory/$Name.psd1"
    $repoUrl = ( & git config --get remote.origin.url ).Replace('.git', '/').Replace(' ', '%20')
    $companyName = if ($repoUrl -match 'github') {
    elseif ($repoUrl -match 'dev\.azure') {
    else {

    if (-not $Guid) {
        $publishedModuleGuid = Find-Module -Name $Name -Repository PSGallery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty AdditionalMetadata |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty GUID
        $Guid = if ($publishedModuleGuid) {
        else {
            ( New-Guid ).Guid

    $requiredModulesStatement = $srcModuleContent.Split("`n") |
        Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -match '#Requires' }
    $requiredModules = (($requiredModulesStatement -split '-Modules ')[1] -split ',').Trim() |
        ForEach-Object {
            if ($_ -match '@{') {
                Invoke-Expression -Command $_
            else {
    $moduleVersion, $modulePrerelease = $Version -split '-', 2
    $newModuleManifest = @{
        Path                 = $manifestPath
        Author               = (( & git log --format='%aN' -- . | Sort-Object -Unique ) -join ', ')
        CompanyName          = $companyName
        Copyright            = "(c) $( Get-Date -Format yyyy ) $companyName. All rights reserved."
        RootModule           = "$Name.psm1"
        ModuleVersion        = $moduleVersion
        Guid                 = $guid
        Description          = $Description
        PowerShellVersion    = 5.1
        FunctionsToExport    = $functionNames
        CompatiblePSEditions = ('Desktop', 'Core')
        Tags                 = $Tags
        ProjectUri           = $repoUrl
        LicenseUri           = $LicenseUri
        ReleaseNotes         = ( git log -1 --pretty=%B )[0]
    if ($requiredModules) {
        $newModuleManifest['RequiredModules'] = $requiredModules
    if ($modulePrerelease) {
        $newModuleManifest['Prerelease'] = $modulePrerelease
    Write-Host -Object 'Creating module manifest...'
    Write-Host -Object ( $newModuleManifest | Format-List | Out-String )
    New-ModuleManifest @newModuleManifest
    Get-Item -Path $manifestPath

    Get-Module -Name $Name -All | Remove-Module -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Import-Module -Name $manifestPath -Force -PassThru

Invokes PSScriptAnalyzer on a directory using a more strict set of rules than default.
Invokes PSScriptAnalyzer on a directory using a more strict set of rules than default.
.PARAMETER SourceDirectory
The directory to analyze.
The settings file to use. Defaults to internal custom file.
Whether to fix the issues found.
Invoke-PSModuleAnalyzer -SourceDirectory $PWD/src -Fix

function Invoke-PSModuleAnalyzer {
    param (
        [String]$SourceDirectory = "$PWD/src",
        [String]$Settings = "$PSScriptRoot/private/PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1",

    Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer `
        -Path $SourceDirectory `
        -Settings $Settings `
        -Recurse `
        -Severity Information `
        -Fix:$Fix `
        -EnableExit:(!$Fix) `

Publishes a PowerShell module to a repository.
Publishes a PowerShell module to a repository. Defaults to PSGallery.
The name of the module.
.PARAMETER OutputDirectory
The build output directory used in Build-PSModule.
.PARAMETER Repository
The repository to publish to. Defaults to PSGallery.
The API key to use for publishing. Defaults to $env:PSGALLERYAPIKEY.
Publish-PSModule -Name 'MyModule' -OutputDirectory "$PWD/out" -Repository 'PSGallery'

function Publish-PSModule {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [String]$Name = 'PSModule',
        [String]$OutputDirectory = "$PWD/out",
        [String]$Repository = 'PSGallery',
        [String]$ApiKey = $env:PSGALLERYAPIKEY

    Get-Module -Name $Name -All | Remove-Module -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $versionedFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OutputDirectory/$Name" | Select-Object -Last 1
    if ($versionedFolder) {
        Import-Module -Name "$($versionedFolder.FullName)/$Name.psd1" -Force -PassThru
        Publish-PSResource `
            -Path $versionedFolder.FullName `
            -ApiKey $ApiKey `
            -Repository $Repository

        $maxRetries = 5
        $attempt = 0
        $delayIntervals = 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
        do {
            try {
                $publishedModule = Find-PSResource `
                    -Name $Name `
                    -Version $versionedFolder.BaseName `
                    -Prerelease `
                    -Repository $Repository
            catch {
                Write-Warning -Message (
                    "Couldn't find published module. Retrying after $($delayInterval[$attempt]) seconds."
                Start-Sleep -Seconds $delayIntervals[$attempt]
                if ($attempt -ge $maxRetries) {
                    throw $_
        while (-not $publishedModule -and $attempt -lt $maxRetries)
    else {
        Write-Warning -Message "No module named $Name found to publish."

Tests a PowerShell module using Pester.
Tests a PowerShell module using Pester. The function installs Pester, removes any existing module with the same name,
and runs Pester with a configuration optimized for running in a CI pipeline.
The name of the module.
.PARAMETER SourceDirectory
The source directory of the module. Should be a nested directory that doesn't contain and build scripts.
The directories to exclude from testing and code coverage.
The tag to filter tests by.
Test-PSModule -Name 'MyModule' -SourceDirectory "$PWD/src" -Tag 'Unit'

function Test-PSModule {
    param (
        [String]$Name = 'PSModule',
        [String]$SourceDirectory = "$PWD/src",

    $testFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectory -Filter '*.Tests.ps1' -Recurse
    if (-not $testFiles) {
        Write-Warning -Message "No test files found in $SourceDirectory"
    Get-Module -Name $Name -All | Remove-Module -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $config = New-PesterConfiguration @{
        Run          = @{
            Path        = $SourceDirectory
            ExcludePath = $Exclude
        CodeCoverage = @{
            Enabled    = $true
            OutputPath = 'tests/coverage.xml'
        TestResult   = @{
            Enabled    = $true
            OutputPath = 'tests/testResults.xml'
        Output       = @{
            Verbosity = 'Detailed'
    if ($Tag) {
        $config.Filter.Tag = 'Unit'

    # TODO: Remove after implementing test result publishing
    $config.Run.Exit = $true
    $config.Run.Throw = $true

    Write-Verbose -Message 'Running Pester tests with the following configuration:'
    Write-Verbose -Message ( $config | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 )
    Invoke-Pester -Configuration $config