
function Generate-ModuleManifest {

    try {
        # Get the module manifest's definition object
        $moduleManifestArgs = . $DefinitionFile

        # Set the module manifest path
        $moduleManifestArgs['Path'] = $Path

        # Set the module version based on the value of the following environment variable which will be set in a CI release environment. Else assume the run to be occurring within a development environment or as a regular CI build, assigning it the dummy value of '0.0.0'
        $moduleManifestArgs['ModuleVersion'] = if ($env:MODULE_VERSION) {
                                                "Using specified module version '$env:MODULE_VERSION'" | Write-Host
                                            }else {
                                                "`$env:MODULE_VERSION is null or undefined. Using the dummy value '0.0.0'" | Write-Warning

        # Create the new manifest (overrides existing)
        "Generating the module manifest" | Write-Host
        $newModuleManifestArgs = $moduleManifestArgs.Clone()
        New-ModuleManifest @newModuleManifestArgs

        # Run Update-ModuleManifest for standardizing the manifest and correctly populate the manifest's PrivateData properties
        "Updating the module manifest" | Write-Host
        $updateModuleManifestArgs = @{
            Path = $moduleManifestArgs['Path']
            PrivateData = $moduleManifestArgs['PrivateData']
        Update-ModuleManifest @updateModuleManifestArgs

        # Display the generated manifest's content
        "Displaying the generated manifest's content" | Write-Host
        Get-Content -Path $moduleManifestArgs['Path'] | Write-Verbose

        # Return the manifest item object
        Get-Item -Path $moduleManifestArgs['Path']
    }catch {