
function Resolve-TemplateParameter {
        Resolves the parameters to invoke a template with.
        Resolves the parameters to invoke a template with.
        This processes parameters with the following, ascending priority:
        - From Configuration (if specified)
        - From PSMD Configuration files (if specified)
        - From being explicitly specified on invocation
        Explicitly bound parameters will thus always win.
        Path in which the template is being invoked.
        If this parameter is specified, it will search the path and all parent paths for PSMDConfig.psd1 files.
        Then read the settings from them, starting at the root path.
        The deeper the path, the later the settings are loaded, overwriting settings from parent folders in case of conflict.
    .PARAMETER Configuration
        The Configuration settings specified by the user.
        These take precedence over anything else.
    .PARAMETER FromConfiguration
        Whether to load configuration settings from configuration.
        PS C:\> Resolve-TemplateParameter -Path $resolvedPath -Configuration $Configuration -FromConfiguration
        Resolves all parameters for the current template.

    param (

        $Configuration = @{ },

    process {
        $newConfiguration = @{ }

        if ($Path) {
            $currentPath = $Path
            $paths = while ($currentPath) {
                $currentPath = Split-Path $currentPath
            foreach ($rootPath in $paths | Sort-Object Length) {
                $configPath = Join-Path $rootPath 'PSMDConfig.psd1'
                if (-not (Test-Path -Path $configPath)) { continue }

                $cfg = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $configPath
                if ($cfg -and $cfg -is [hashtable]) {
                    foreach ($pair in $cfg.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $newConfiguration[$pair.Key] = $pair.Value

        foreach ($pair in $Configuration.GetEnumerator()) {
            $newConfiguration[$pair.Key] = $pair.Value

        if ($FromConfiguration) {
            foreach ($config in Get-PSFConfig -Module 'PSModuleDevelopment' -Name 'Template.ParameterDefault.*') {
                $cfgName = $config.Name -replace '^.+\.([^\.]+)$', '$1'
                if (-not $newConfiguration.ContainsKey($cfgName)) {
                    $newConfiguration[$cfgName] = $config.Value
