
function Get-PSMDTemplate
        Search for templates to create from.
        Search for templates to create from.
    .PARAMETER TemplateName
        The name of the template to search for.
        Templates are filtered by this using wildcard comparison.
        Defaults to "*" (everything).
    .PARAMETER Store
        The template store to retrieve tempaltes from.
        By default, all stores are queried.
        Instead of a registered store, look in this path for templates.
        Only return templates with the following tags.
    .PARAMETER Author
        Only return templates by this author.
    .PARAMETER MinimumVersion
        Only return templates with at least this version.
    .PARAMETER RequiredVersion
        Only return templates with exactly this version.
        Return all versions found.
        By default, only the latest matching version of a template will be returned.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        Replaces user friendly yellow warnings with bloody red exceptions of doom!
        Use this if you want the function to throw terminating errors you want to catch.
        PS C:\> Get-PSMDTemplate
        Returns all templates
        PS C:\> Get-PSMDTemplate -TemplateName module
        Returns the latest version of the template named module.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Store')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        $TemplateName = "*",
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Store')]
        $Store = "*",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Path')]
        $prospects = @()
        #region Scan folders
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName "Path")
            $templateInfos = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter "$($TemplateName)-*-Info.xml" | Where-Object { ($_.Name -replace "-\d+(\.\d+){0,3}-Info.xml$") -like $TemplateName }
            foreach ($info in $templateInfos)
                $data = Import-PSFClixml $info.FullName
                $data.Path = $info.FullName -replace '-Info\.xml$','.xml'
                $prospects += $data
        #endregion Scan folders
        #region Search Stores
            $stores = Get-PsmdTemplateStore -Filter $Store
            foreach ($item in $stores)
                if ($item.Ensure())
                    $templateInfos = Get-ChildItem -Path $item.Path -Filter "$($TemplateName)-*-Info.xml" | Where-Object { ($_.Name -replace "-\d+(\.\d+){0,3}-Info.xml$") -like $TemplateName }
                    foreach ($info in $templateInfos)
                        $data = Import-PSFClixml $info.FullName
                        $data.Path = $info.FullName -replace '-Info\.xml$', '.xml'
                        $data.Store = $item.Name
                        $prospects += $data
                # If the user asked for a specific store, it should error out on him
                elseif ($item.Name -eq $Store)
                    Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Could not find store $Store" -EnableException $EnableException -Category OpenError -Tag 'fail','template','store','open'
        #endregion Search Stores
        $filteredProspects = @()
        #region Apply filters
        foreach ($prospect in $prospects)
            if ($Author)
                if ($prospect.Author -notlike $Author) { continue }
            if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName MinimumVersion)
                if ($prospect.Version -lt $MinimumVersion) { continue }
            if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName RequiredVersion)
                if ($prospect.Version -ne $RequiredVersion) { continue }
            if ($Tags)
                $test = $false
                foreach ($tag in $Tags)
                    if ($prospect.Tags -contains $tag)
                        $test = $true
                if (-not $test) { continue }
            $filteredProspects += $prospect
        #endregion Apply filters
        #region Return valid templates
        if ($All) { return $filteredProspects | Sort-Object Type, Name, Version }
        $prospectHash = @{ }
        foreach ($prospect in $filteredProspects)
            if ($prospectHash.Keys -notcontains $prospect.Name)
                $prospectHash[$prospect.Name] = $prospect
            elseif ($prospectHash[$prospect.Name].Version -lt $prospect.Version)
                $prospectHash[$prospect.Name] = $prospect
        $prospectHash.Values | Sort-Object Type, Name
        #endregion Return valid templates