
function Get-PSMDBuildArtifact {
        Retrieve an artifact during a build project's execution.
        Retrieve an artifact during a build project's execution.
        These artifacts are usually created during such an execution and discarded once completed.
        The name by which to search for artifacts.
        Defaults to '*'
        Search for artifacts by tag.
        Artifacts can receive tag for better categorization.
        When specifying multiple tags, any artifact containing at least one of them will be returned.
        PS C:\> Get-PSMDBuildArtifact
        List all available artifacts.
        PS C:\> Get-PSMDBuildArtifact -Name ReleasePath
        Returns the artifact named "ReleasePath"
        PS C:\> Get-PSMDBuildArtifact -Tag pssession
        Returns all artifacts with the tag "pssession"

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')]
    param (
        $Name = '*',
    process {
        $artifacts = $script:buildArtifacts.Values | Where-Object Name -Like $Name | Where-Object {
            if (-not $Tag) { return $true }
            foreach ($tagName in $Tag) {
                if ($_.Tags -contains $Tag) { return $true }
            return $false