
function Set-PSMDBuildStep {
        Create or update a step from a build project.
        Create or update a step from a build project.
        The name of the step.
        All step names must be unique within a single build project.
    .PARAMETER Weight
        The weight of the step.
        Weight determines processing order, the lower the number the earlier it is executed.
    .PARAMETER Action
        The name of the action to execute.
        Use Get-PSMDBuildAction to get a list of available actions.
    .PARAMETER Parameters
        The parameters this action should take.
        See the action object to see a description of parameters, including which must be provided and which can be skipped.
    .PARAMETER Condition
        A PSFramework filter condition that must apply for this action to be executed successfully.
        Example Conditions:
          PS7Plus -and OSWindows
        More Details:
    .PARAMETER ConditionSet
        The name of the condition set to use.
        This is part of the PSFramework filter system:
        Specify as "<module> <conditionsetname>" format.
        Default Value: PSFramework Environment
    .PARAMETER Dependency
        Any other steps that must successfully finished in order for this step to execute.
        ALL of the listed steps must have succeeded, skipped steps do not count.
    .PARAMETER BuildProject
        The build project file to work against.
        Specify the full path to the build project file.
        This parameter can be skipped if a default project file has been defined.
        PS C:\> Set-PSMDBuildStep -Name 'Create Session' -Action new-pssession -Parameters @{ VMName = 'labdc1'; CredentialPath = "%ProjectRoot%\creds\labdc1.cred"; }
        Defines a new step named 'Create Session' using the 'new-pssession'-action.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    begin {
        $projectPath = $BuildProject
        if (-not $projectPath) { $projectPath = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'PSModuleDevelopment.Build.Project.Selected' }
        if (-not $projectPath) { throw "No Project path specified and none selected!" }
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $projectPath)) {
            throw "Project file not found: $projectPath"
    process {
        $projectObject = Get-PSMDBuildProject -Path $projectPath | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable
        $stepObject = $projectObject.Steps | Where-Object Name -EQ $Name | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable
        if (-not $stepObject) {
            $stepObject = [pscustomobject]@{
                PSTypeName = 'PSModuleDevelopment.Build.Step'
                Name       = $Name
                Weight       = 50
                Action       = ''
                Parameters = @{ }
                Condition  = ''
                ConditionSet = 'PSFramework Environment'
                Dependency = @()
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName Weight) { $stepObject.Weight = $Weight }
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName Action) { $stepObject.Action = $Action }
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName Parameters) { $stepObject.Parameters = $Parameters }
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName Condition) { $stepObject.Condition = $Condition }
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName ConditionSet) { $stepObject.ConditionSet = $ConditionSet }
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName Dependency) { $stepObject.Dependency = $Dependency }
        if (-not $stepObject.Action) {
            throw "Failed to save Build Step $Name : No Action defined!"
        $projectObject.Steps = @($projectObject.Steps | Where-Object Name -ne $Name) + @($stepObject)
        $projectObject | Export-PsmdBuildProjectFile -OutPath $projectPath -ErrorAction Stop