
    This function will get messages that are under moderatoin review to be rejected or released.
    This function will get messages that are under moderatoin review to be rejected or released.
    This function is equivalent of going to Administration -> Message Center -> and selecting held reason category in the web UI.
.PARAMETER reasonCode
    This parameter should return only messages that match the reasonCode supplied, however I think their API does not support this.
.PARAMETER subject
    This parameter will return all held messages that have the subject field matching the string provided.
.PARAMETER sender1
    This parameter will return all held messages that have the sender field matching the string provided. The parameter uses sender1 since the variable sender is an automatic function and should not be used.
.PARAMETER recipient
    This parameter will return all held messages that have the recipient field matching the string provided.
    This parameter will return all held messages that contain the provided string in any of the message's properties (subject, sender, recipeint, reasonCode).
    This parameter determines the level of results to return. If false, only results for the currenlty authenticated user will be returned. If true, held messages for all recipients will be returned. The default value is false.
    The default value is True.
    This parameter will return all held messages that were receivied after the date and time provided. Use tab to launch the GUI to selecte a date and time.
    This parameter will return all held messages that were receivied before the date and time provided. Use tab to launch the GUI to selecte a date and time.
    This parameter specifies how many held messages are return by each query. The default value is 50 and max value is 500.
    PS C:\> Get-mcHeldMessage -recipient syrius.cleveland
    From To subject route Held Reason HasAttachments DateReceived
    ---- -- ------- ----- ----------- -------------- ------------
    Spiceworks Syrius Cleveland Need a new hobby for 2022? Check out ... INBOUND Agressive Spam Detection False 12/28/2021 7:57:50 PM
    This example gets all the held messages for receipient syrius.cleveland for the last 24 hours.
    I do not believe the reasonCode parameter works, but I included since it is the documenation provided by Mimecast.

function Get-MimecastHeldMessage {
        [bool]$admin = $true,
            param ($commandName,$parameterName,$wordToComplete,$commandAst,$fakeBoundParameters)
        [string]$start = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+0000"),
            param ($commandName,$parameterName,$wordToComplete,$commandAst,$fakeBoundParameters)
        [string]$end = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss+0000"),

        [int]$PageSize = 50

        $baseUrl = Get-mcBaseURL
        $apiCall = "/api/gateway/get-hold-message-list"
        $url = $baseUrl + $apiCall

        $searchBy = @{}
        $data = @{}
        $meta = @{
            pagination = @{
                pageSize = $PageSize

        $CommonParameters = [System.Management.Automation.Internal.CommonParameters].DeclaredProperties.Name
        $Parameters = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys | where {$_ -notin $CommonParameters}

        $SearchParam = @("all","subject","sender1","recipient","reason_code")
        $dataParam = @("admin","start","end")
        foreach ($param in $Parameters){
            $value = (Get-Variable -Name $param).Value
            if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)){
                if ($param -in $SearchParam){
                    $searchBy["fieldName"] = $param.TrimEnd('1')
                    $searchBy["value"] = $value.ToString()
                elseif ($param -in $dataParam){
                    $data[$param] = $value.ToString()
        if ($searchBy.Keys -ne $null){
            $data["searchBy"] = $searchBy
    } #Begin

        $headers = New-MimecastHeader -Uri $apiCall

        #Create post body
        $postBody = @{
            meta = $meta
            data = @($data)
        } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
        #Send Request
        $response = Invoke-MimecastAPI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $postBody -Uri $url
        #Print the response
        if (${
            Write-Error "$($"
            $message = $
            foreach ($message in ${
                $message | Add-Member -Name ReleaseMessage -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {New-HeldMessageReleaseAction -Id $this.Id}
                $message.dateReceived = [datetime]::Parse($message.dateReceived)
                $message | Add-Member -TypeName "PSMimecast.HeldMessage"
    } #Process