@{ # # Generated template build.psd1 file # ### # REQUIRED - Name of module ### ModuleName = '%%MODULENAME%%' ### # OPTIONAL - Directory to put the built powershell module # DEFAULT IS .\dist ### # OutputDirectory = '.\dist' ### # OPTIONAL - Module output directory # DEFAULT IS $OutputDirectory\$BuildTarget\$ModuleName #ModuleOutputDirectory = '' ### # OPTIONAL - Default Build Target # DEFAULT IS Release #DefaultBuildTarget = 'Release' ### # OPTIONAL - Default dependency restoration path # DEFAULT IS .dependencies #RestoredDependenciesPath = '.dependencies' ### # OPTIONAL - Restore dependency credential # DEFAULT IS $null # Can be a PSCredential type, path, or factory scriptblock that returns a PSCredential #Credential = $null ### # OPTIONAL - Specifies PowerShell module required for Development # Default is $null # List of strings or hashtables specifying modules # string - module with that name, any version # hashtable - @{ # ModuleName = name of the module # RequiredVersion = specific version # ModuleVersion = specific version or higher #} DevRequiredModules = @( @{ ModuleName = "Pester" ModuleVersion = "5.5.0" } ) ## # REQUIRED - Script to build the module ## Build = { CopyFiles { # List of files to copy to the ModuleOutputPath "%%MODULENAME%%.psd1" } Debug { # Debug Build Target # Only executed when using 'PSMake build debug' CopyDirectory { 'functions' } CopyFiles { '%%MODULENAME%%.psm1' } } Release { # Release Build Target (Default) # Only executed when targeting release (which is default) Collate { Get-ChildItem .\functions -Recurse -File } Prerelease { SetPrereleaseTag { '%%MODULENAME%%.psd1' } } CodeSign { '%%MODULENAME%%.psd1' '%%MODULENAME%%.psm1' } } -AndPrerelease } ## # REQUIRED - Script to clean (remove) all the build files and folders ## Clean = { if ((Test-Path $settings.OutputDirectory)) { Remove-Item $settings.OutputDirectory -Recurse } } ## # REQUIRED - Script to publish the built script ## Publish = { param( [string]$NuGetAPIKey ) $args1 = @{ Path = $settings.OutputModulePath Repository = if ($env:POWERSHELL_REPO_NAME) { $env:POWERSHELL_REPO_NAME } else { '38Nexus' } } if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NuGetApiKey')) { $args1.Add('NuGetApiKey', $NuGetAPIKey) } if ($settings.Credential -is [pscredential]) { Write-Verbose "Adding provided credential - user: $($settings.Credential.UserName)" $args1.Add("Credential", $settings.Credential) } Publish-Module @args1 } ## # REQUIRED - Script to run the unit tests for the module ## Test = { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Target', Justification = 'Will be used later')] param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$Target ) if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ReportType") -and ($ReportType -eq "cicd" -or $ReportType -eq 'reports')) { Write-Verbose 'Running Pester tests for CI/CD pipeline' Invoke-Pester -Configuration (Import-PowerShellDataFile .\Pester5Configuration-cicd.psd1) } else { Write-Verbose 'Rnning Pester tests for local system' Invoke-Pester -Configuration (Import-PowerShellDataFile .\Pester5Configuration-local.psd1) } } } |