function Measure-TokenCount { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the total token count by calculating the average token length and dividing it by four. .DESCRIPTION The Measure-TokenCount function calculates the total token count of a string by dividing the length of the string by 4 and then rounding it. .PARAMETER Code The Code that is used to calculate the total token count of the given string. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Measure-TokenCount -Code "Write-Host 'Hello, world!'" This command calculates the total token count of the string "Write-Host 'Hello, world!'" (7). #> [OutputType([int])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Code ) $Code -split "(?<=\s)" | ForEach-Object { $div = $_.Length / 4 $rounded = [math]::Round(($_.Length / 4), [System.MidpointRounding]::ToNegativeInfinity) if ($div -gt $rounded) { $rounded + 1 } else { $rounded } } | Measure-Object -Sum | ForEach-Object Sum } |